Radio Contra 274. Biden Admin Jailing Conservative Influencers & Arming Illegals

Episode 274. I break down the jailing of Peter Navarro and the charges taken out against conservative social media influencer Maria DeLuca and how this is an effort to shut down conservative voices ahead of the election season. I then dive into the Obama appointed Chicago Federal District Judge ruling that illegals can carry firearms lawfully and what that means for the future. They’re coming for you.

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About the Author: NC Scout

NC Scout is the nom de guerre of a former Infantry Scout and Sergeant in one of the Army’s best Reconnaissance Units. He has combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He teaches a series of courses focusing on small unit skills rarely if ever taught anywhere else in the prepping and survival field, including his RTO Course which focuses on small unit communications. In his free time he is an avid hunter, bushcrafter, writer, long range shooter, prepper, amateur radio operator and Libertarian activist. He can be contacted at [email protected] or via his blog at .

One Comment

  1. Ghostmann March 20, 2024 at 04:10

    A lot to digest with this episode.
    Ok, sure, you’re white propaganda, but the most important things you bring to the table are professional criticism and training. Whether that is the scout course, or lessons from the farm, or the books. They are all so unique and bring things to the table that no one else does. I’d rather have someone like that, than say the influencers to whom everything is rainbows and unicorns and pillows, just vote harder>!!!!

    The influencers btw… are fundamentally dishonest in a lot of respects. They do not deserve to be thrown in prison though. If anything, they are the most harmless of the bunch. You really think a Poso, or an Alex Jones, would ever lead an ambush against inbound BLM who are going to burn down their homes? LMAO….. yeah ok. The influencer crowd will be screaming at you (The reader of AP) and I to turn in our guns, and allow ourselves to be murdered. In fact, they kind of already do. See Jones as an example of that.

    Most of your gun tubers are entertainers, and they are just playing bullet golf. When the rubber meets the road, they’ll be making videos on how to properly spice up the crickets and synthetic food so it doesn’t taste like cardboard. They’ll also be the first to turn their guns in.

    As far as cops/illegals… the cops have already shown us their ass. They’re now protecting squatters. You see it all over the place. People go on a vacation, come back to a squatter, and the cops arrest the homeowner! They are already scum. They already have zero loyalty to America and to our people. Their loyalty is to their paycheck, pension fund and patrolman’s benevolent org. So, the organizations who protect drag queen story time and pedo school boards, shut down businesses, enforce COVID bullshit, march with BLM and kneel to them, and faithfully arrest MAGA and Conservatives who peacefully protest now side with the squatters. Par the course. ACAB.

    As far as training goes, it’s not enough to to go class then rest on your laurels after class. You have to continue to practice and refine what you’re doing.

    There are already points of exploitation btw… your school board being pedos is one. The cops refusing to evict squatters is another. Exploitation for what? Putting your foot down… and no, not in the court system… you have to have the support of the people, well guess what.. you’d have their support in those two instances right off the bat. Especially when fathers are being arrested after their daughter gets raped, or the cops arresting a homeowner while some junkie destroys all the property values in an area due to squatting!

    And for the conservative who is now sweating bullets at my last statement… do you call the cops to let them know you went the speed limit? This weird obsession with being in line with every law is pretty pathetic. You do realize that because you are a conservative and gun owner they already hate you right? You may back them, but they do not back you. At all.

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