No, the appeal is not going to help things…

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About the Author: NC Scout

NC Scout is the nom de guerre of a former Infantry Scout and Sergeant in one of the Army’s best Reconnaissance Units. He has combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He teaches a series of courses focusing on small unit skills rarely if ever taught anywhere else in the prepping and survival field, including his RTO Course which focuses on small unit communications. In his free time he is an avid hunter, bushcrafter, writer, long range shooter, prepper, amateur radio operator and Libertarian activist. He can be contacted at [email protected] or via his blog at .


  1. MikeJ May 31, 2024 at 11:25

    Horsepucky. An appeal to the SCOTUS is forthcoming. Trump’s rights under the Constitution including due process have been violated three ways from Sunday, and the Supreme’s know this. They also realize that the credibility of the American legal system is at stake, and that inaction on their part will nullify them as well. I am certain that they will vacate this ruling and make a broad ruling in the next 30 days which specifically states that the President has broad and full immunity from any actions which took place during his administration, which touches on this verdict. If they do not do this, then Biden, Obama, Clinton, Bush and any other POTUS still extant can be prosecuted by local DA’s for any crime which they can think up. Think Obama and his “droning” of a US citizen Anwar al-Awlaki and his son without arrest or trial. It will allow extortion of the Chief Executive through threats of lawsuits both during and after their term. I look at the 9-0 ruling by SCOTUS in regard to the NRA to be an indicator of how they will rule on this decision by the same court system in the Trump case.

  2. Truth in Tension May 31, 2024 at 12:15

    New York is devolving into chaos similar to what has happened in communist black controlled South Africa. New York is being destroyed by low IQ affirmative action hardcore communist and their jewish puppet masters. Soon all States will experience the same insanity. The jewish NGO’s are bring millions of low IQ 3rd world trash into America with the blessing of the federal government and both political parties. No money to stop the invasion but there is plenty of money to protect the Rothschild fiefdom of Israel. Who is $ John Galt?

  3. Ghostmann June 1, 2024 at 08:43

    It has been eventful to say the least. A few points.
    First, “vote harder”, “donate”, “don’t rock the boat”, etc… is just trust the plan, v 2024. The reason the power structure is acting the way it does is because it believes it is immune from physical consequences of their evil deeds. Legal or otherwise. That’s it. Occam’s razor and all.

    You won’t hear any solutions from any media platform of your choice because the second they even remotely suggest a solution, they will be arrested before their podcast is done for the day. Keep this in mind when, especially in the conservative media ecosystem, all you hear is “vote harder”, “do nothing”, etc.

    Do you realize now conservative America, there are no fucking rules? The “justice” system is just a pretty face to convince you this empire of lies is acting in a legal, lawful, and ethical manner. It’s none of the above.

    Now, not every election is rigged but the important ones, such as key Senate seats and the head of the executive branch, 100% are. Does that mean give into despair? No. It means that this opportunity needs to be exploited to get your friends to shut up about “Trump 2024” and “red waves” and get them to the gym, the range, and off their ass.

    The last four years have been a tremendous waste of time and energy by most of the tens of millions who voted for Trump in 2020. Fantasies of mass arrests, reinstatements, “we’re going to overwhelm the cheat”etc. Like a headache from a night of drinking, this is the wake up call. Take advantage of it.

    PS.. you can’t “overwhelm the cheat” when the people who steal the elections are the ones who count the votes. That would be the secretary of states of AZ, PA, MI, WI, and GA. Has anyone gone to jail for election fraud and ballot stuffing? After all, our political philosophy on average still insists on playing by rules by and large.

    Also.. Trump is an innocent man and the insane response is because they need to eliminate that which gives so many people hope. However, he won’t save you.

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