Is Wellness A Gateway To Right-Wing “Fascism”?

Authored by Robert Malone via The Brownstone Institute,

I know the Guardian is a left-wing socialist rag…

…but even for them – their article titled “Everything you’ve been told is a lie!’ Inside the wellness-to-fascism pipeline is so over the top obnoxious and bigoted that I can’t help but be amazed. Talk about lefties losing it!

Yep, according to the Guardian, there is a “WELLNESS TO FASCISM PIPELINE.”

From the article:

Thanks to wellness, QAnon is the conspiracy that can draw in the mum who shops at Holland & Barrett and her Andrew Tate-watching teenage son. The QAnon conspiracy is one of the most dangerous in the world, directly linked to attempted insurrections in the US and Germany, and mass shootings in multiple countries – and wellness is helping to fuel it.

The “wellness-to-woo pipeline” – or even “wellness-to-fascism pipeline” – has become a cause of concern to people who study conspiracy theories.

This apparent radicalisation of a nice, middle-class, hippy-ish group feels as if it should be a one-off, but the reality is very different. The “wellness-to-woo pipeline” – or even “wellness-to-fascism pipeline” – has become a cause of concern to people who study conspiracy theories.

The article’s psychobabble is incredibly intense and strange; to the point where it is hard to read the text without laughing out loud. The Guardian tries to link the modern-day “wellness” movement to the creation of QAnon, conspiracy theories, and even fascism. Frankly, the entire article reads like a prolonged narcissistic self-victimizing cry of envy and resentment. Reminds me of some of my detractors.

The premise of the Guardian’s hit piece is that somehow people who are in the fitness industry are more prone to conspiracy theories, which then – according to the article is a “wellness to fascism pipeline.”

Furthermore, “people who study conspiracy theories,” those anonymous “people,” those experts who study conspiracy theories see wellness as a pipeline to fascism.

Have those experts actually bothered to read a definition of fascism? Enquiring minds also want to know – are those experts employed or funded by the government? It sure seems like there is an agenda at work here.

But the Guardian didn’t back off on their obsession with fitness and fascism. Oh no, the progressive rag went even deeper into crazy land. This week, the Guardian published another hit piece on people who aren’t liberals and the wellness industry.

The article is titled:

Getting fit is great – but it could turn you into a rightwing jerk

Quotes from the article include:

“The more self-actualized you become, the higher you are on self-righteousness.”

“But there is a dark side to wellness, which I always, for shorthand, thought of as political: getting fit makes you more rightwing.”

“There you are, high on self-righteousness. You can tell this has happened to you when you start inhaling performatively, like the hero of an Ayn Rand novel.”

“Inescapably, you start to situate other people’s problems within their failure to be as fit as you. This is particularly true if you don’t know them and they’re just a bunch of numbers. All those statistics – depressed people, obese people, people with IBS – imagine how much better they would be if only they took responsibility for their health, the way that you have.”

“Fitness has a capitalist logic – I guess because there’s so much money in it? – so nothing is ever enough. As soon as you can run 5km, you want to run 10. Before you know it, you’re swapping Strava stats with people you used to think were tossers but now, miraculously, you find you have a lot in common with. Always competing, always striving for growth, even if by “grow” you mean “shrink”. You have internalised the market, unfortunately. Also, you’re getting on everyone’s nerves.”

“In the fullness of time, I realise it’s not really a question of an unwitting slide into fascism, hastened by a treadmill. It’s more that there is a fixed amount of excellence in any self, and the more you spend on your biceps, the less you have for your personality. Wellness could turn you into a bit of a jerk, is what I’m saying.”

These statements from the article are pure drivel and unsupported psychobabble, and even the submission of this manure should have had the author thrown out of the newsroom – as a bigot. Advocacy journalism at its finest.

So, just for kicks and giggles, let’s reread some of those quotes again.

“Getting fit makes you more rightwing.”

“There you are, high on self-righteousness. You can tell this has happened to you when you start inhaling performatively, like the hero of an Ayn Rand novel.

“Fitness has a capitalist logic.”

“Inescapably, you start to situate other people’s problems within their failure to be as fit as you.”

“Wellness could turn you into a bit of a jerk.”

“Also, you’re getting on everyone’s nerves.”

“The more you spend on your biceps, the less you have for your personality.”

Beyond the pure and obvious bias on the part of the author, the quotes above document that the Guardian is weaponizing words. Which of course, is that old trick that the progressive left does so well.

What actually is the definition of “self-actualization?”

Self-actualization, in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, is the highest level of psychological development, where personal potential is fully realized after basic bodily and ego needs have been fulfilled. The highest level of psychological development in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is self-transcendence.


According to the Guardian, being at the highest level of psychological development makes people more self-righteous. Yep, that makes total sense. Being self-actualized actually leads to one becoming a right-wing fascist. Who knew?

The truth is that the above articles are more victim-worship. How dare anyone think that people who are not living up to their potential aren’t doing so because they are reliant on a socialist system? That providing a universal living wage, free education, free healthcare, housing, and other benefits, might make people less likely to feel the need to take personal responsibility for themselves?

So, why does the Guardian promote such nonsense?

Personal responsibility is a muscle that must be exercised. It takes goal-setting, willpower, resiliency, self-control, and yes, a work ethic. It starts with teaching children responsibility for themselves and their families. What the Guardian misses is that people who take responsibility for themselves and their families may sometimes want to be fit, because they know that others rely on them. They may feel the need to be in the best shape that they can be, and to do their best at whatever endeavor they are involved in. This is a healthy mindset in my opinion. But what do I know? I am neither a psychiatrist nor a psychologist.

An article in the Federalist titled, “What Fitness Tells Us About Conservatism’s Appeal” sums up the link between conservative beliefs and fitness nicely. From the article:

Eliminate the politics and nearly everyone of any partisan stripe idealizes conservative principles without realizing it.

Consider the world of sport and fitness. It’s nearly always a fantastic encouragement of individual expression and ability while also promoting a positive community at large. Those hard working, disciplined, don’t-give-up mantras have become more prominent in the last few years as America’s athletic personality has swelled with amateurs.

Mentally tough and intuitively conservative-minded concepts of hard work and personal responsibility accompany these ventures.

Why not promote these ideas more prominently toward individuals in other parts of life? When government-centric solutions promise to deliver the goods with minimal effort on the part of the recipient, it takes away the opportunity for some that hard work, goal attainment and self-respect would offer. Government is necessary in many cases – a safety net for those in need – but when a net traps instead of saves, something has gone desperately wrong.

The human stories we love are usually those of character, humility and discipline. They are about people who have overcome despite the obstacles in their lives, who recognized they would miss 100% of the shots they never took.

Your “gold medal” may not be earned at the Olympics or on a race course at all. But if you apply the conservative principles found in the discipline of sport to other areas in life, your opportunities will have limitless potential.

This point of view is compelling and articulates much of what the young men and women in the conservative and freedom movements believe. This is why the Guardian is on the offensive. They recognize that the fitness movement in the Conservative Party is a threat to the very foundation of the socialist regime that they support. 

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Republished from the author’s Substack

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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page:


  1. The Old Freedom Fighter June 13, 2024 at 12:46

    At 71, I’ll continue to keep myself in good physical shape & healthy. I don’t care what these __________ say. And yes, I’ll continue to be polite……………….until the SHTF.

  2. RP June 13, 2024 at 17:03


  3. C71M June 14, 2024 at 07:36

    The author is obvious in her mind warp view of health, to be manifesting severe “self leftism “. Complain, avoid responsibility, and Hate…

    I prefer the Ayn Rand side and biceps expansion.

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