By the Numbers: Why LA was never going to stop these Fires…

Good Evening Readers,

As we all know after watching the vivid and wild footage from the north LA fires, there is a serious deficient in our nation’s presumption about the reality of fighting wildfires and urban fire storms in a dry, windy area.

I have fortunately had the time and opportunity to travel and work various jobs.

One of those was working with the forestry service as a contractor for a few weeks watching how professionals fight a forest fire. My job was to take care of base camp. It was a good job for a young man. And it was very hard work. One of the hardest jobs I have ever had.

Let’s focus on numbers at the moment. Since we can all agree with numbers.

If you read this article you will learn that they only had 3 million gallons of water on demand to fight these fires.

There is a serious problem with a city, nation, population, or homeowner who thinks they can fight a firestorm in an urban area with 3 million gallons of water.


Because we also know that it can take 30,000-40,000 gallons of water to put out a burning Tesla electric vehicle.

3,000,000 Gallons of hydrant water in reserve…

Divided by 30,000 gallons per Tesla…

North LA City/County could successfully extinguish 100 burning Tesla’s…

I wonder why they ran out of water so fast when 10,000 structures and 90% of the flora and fauna caught fire…

Harden Up and Get Ready.

Thanks For Reading.

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