Cuba Field Reports, by Anonymous Reader

This narrative and OSINT was passed to me by a very good friend of mine and is not my original work – Patriotman

Cuba is in the process of a military readiness program called Bastion 2024. It has been going on since the middle of November. For some reason they feel that we are going to invade.

I have been following the Cuban President Canal on X. He is posting some of the soldiers and people preparing. I’ll send attachments.

Also, a group of dissidents is starting to rise up called the ADP (Auto Defensa del Pueblo). They have been causing mischief. They are burning cane fields, throwing paint on government billboards, spreading anti communist graffiti and threatening “regime snitches”. Looks like something may kick off.

Most of the stuff I found is OSINT. I’m trying to get some more HUMINT from contacts on the island.

Some of these photos show the optics on the AK’s and the age of the weapons themselves. The second photo is of a Avispa Negro (Black Wasp) SF fire team lead by a senior sergeant. SF ranks are red and gold, regular are gold and green

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