Pardon Every Single J6 Political Prisoner – Every Single One

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Hey, did you hear about that Trump-loving J6 couple who threw a bomb and permanently injured a cop? He got five years. His wife got no years. Yeah, those J6ers really got off easy. Oh, wait, my mistake. They were not J6 defendants. They were a couple of Antifa scumbags who were mad because conservative commentator Michael Knowles was going to speak about transgender baloney. Instead of being treated with the same scorn and harshness that the J6 defendants have been, this federal judge actually said they were something along the lines of very fine people. How many years do you think a J6 defendant would get if he permanently injured a cop with a bomb? About a million. But there’s a vital difference. The Biden Administration (sic) likes Antifa terrorists and hates patriots.

The fact is we have a dual-track justice system, which is intolerable. That means we must not tolerate it. That means we must not accept it. That means we must not pretend that any verdict rendered by it is fair or valid. That means we must not allow the people who imposed it upon us in order to silence us, intimidate us, and exact vengeance upon us for the crime of defying them to succeed.

All of the J6 prosecutions are illegitimate, not because the actions of the J6 defendants are all pristine – the vast majority are guilty only of thinking that as part of the People, they had a right to walk through the People’s House – but because they were not treated exactly the same way as those politically aligned with the people persecuting them. And there is no way to undo the taint of the two-tier justice system. There are reports that President Trump will commute sentences to get people out of prison, then follow up with a pardon “process” to evaluate each conviction. No, no, no. Every conviction – every single one, including those by people forced to plead guilty (and they were forced) – is tainted by the actions of the DOJ, the actions of biased judges, and the fact that the venue in DC was manifestly unjust. No J6 conviction can stand. Every conviction was unfair and unjust.

Donald Trump must undo this grave injustice. He must pardon every single J6 defendant/political prisoner – every single one of them (and no, I don’t mean the government flunkies). I don’t care if they walked through the rotunda taking selfies. I don’t care if they looted Nancy Pelosi’s vast booze stockpile. I don’t even care if they slugged a cop. Leftists beat up cops – and worse – all over the country during the riots after the death of that scumbag drug addict felon, and they were not treated exactly the same way as the J6ers. Their charges were dismissed or minimized. They got breaks and excused. They weren’t subject to Javert-like persecutions by deep state Democrats, which included being arrested by SWAT teams, held without bail for extended periods, tortured in the DC jails, charged with crimes that were not crimes, “defended” by leftist public defenders who wanted to see them convicted, tried by judges who had already demonstrated their bias, convicted by partisan 95%+ Democrat DC juries, and sentenced to ridiculously long prison terms.

The savage cruelty and maliciousness of the corrupt Department of Justice and FBI must be repudiated. President Donald Trump must pardon every single one of their victims. There is no other alternative. There is no compromise. Anything less than a total repudiation of this pogrom validates the unspeakable evil perpetrated upon these patriotic citizens. And that’s not all. President Trump should also apologize to them on behalf of the American people and government, as well as direct the Department of Justice to settle their multimillion-dollar civil rights claims with