“What would happen if the U.S. military targeted cartels on Mexican soil?” Dr. John Sullivan of SWJ shares his insights with The Guardian

Dr. John Sullivan, Ph.D of SWJ’s El Centro lent his expertise in a recent article for The Guardian!

In this article from The Guardian, Ben Makuch, along with Dr. Sullivan and Lucas Webber of Tech Against Terrorism, dives into a critical question. “What would such combat south of the border actually cost the U.S.?”

“Mexican drug cartels, well-armed from the heavy flow of US weapons, unhesitatingly employ retaliatory violence, and regular Americans could be caught in the crossfire – namely, tourists in vacation hotspots like Cancún, where cartel networks are already well-defined, or the many communities on the border with Mexico.” says Makuch.

Dr. Sullivan has this, among other things to say:

“The persistent talk of unilateral US military intervention in Mexico is dangerous.”

From a legal standpoint, the special designation does not expressly direct military actions, but Dr. Sullivan notes that calling out “cartel actions and immigration as an invasion is likely a deliberate choice to allow direct military action”.

“While targeting cartel leadership in ‘kingpin’ operations is politically attractive, it is operationally precarious,” says Dr. Sullivan.

“Often, the displacement of capos creates a leadership vacuum, triggering infighting among cartel factions vying to replace the last leader, resulting in an elevated state of violence and insecurity in the resulting quest for power and competitive control.”

According to Dr. Sullivan, cartels have been hesitant to engage with American law enforcement in any direct way.

He continued: “While cartels and gangs usually avoid direct confrontation with US law enforcement, they have a history of attacking Mexican law enforcement and judicial officials, as well as mayors, members of Mexico’s legislature and journalists.”

Be sure to click here for the full article in The Guardian. Check out El Centro for even deeper dives into this pressing issue!

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