Do You Have a Second Gen GPS?, by Scipio

Do you have a second-generation GPS, or are you depending on a third-generation satellite-based directional system that can go dead in an EMP event or a national crisis? A second- generation GPS is essential for your go bag or vehicle storage.

You may not be old enough to remember the first-generation GPS system.  The first one was an older experienced person in your vehicle giving you accurate driving directions based mostly on memory and landmarks (not a back seat driver!).

Then came the second-generation GPSs: printed road maps. AAA members could get them free, and they were (still are) available at state welcoming stations when you cross a state line. If you were traveling through multiple states that your first-generation GPS system was not familiar with, you could always pick up a map at the state line and study it.  This became cumbersome and time-consuming crossing multiple state lines. Rand McNalley started printing large ring bound versions of the whole US road system. (Sorry, there was no road map to Hawaii for those of generation Alpha who are wondering)

Not only was a second-generation GPS a comprehensive mapping system, it was easy to handle and store.  Each year these maps were updated and included newly completed highway expansions, current highway construction areas as well as toll information.  They had the extra benefit of being done before DEI-ESG-CRT, so you know the map cartographers knew Florida was a peninsula.

When the third-generation GPS systems became prevalent, people gave their old second-generation systems away to used book dealers.  What once cost $24.99 now could be had for a $1.00.  The expanded and more detailed Trucker Version could be had for $2.00.  I bought a butt load of them and gave one to all my children and I put one in all my vehicles.  I even put one in one of my larger backpacks.

I don’t know if you can still find one in used books stores today, but if you can, get one, or two.  It’s always good to have backup systems in all your preps.

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