There is a problem in Hungary, and a problem in greater Europe.

The Gates of Vienna blog has a piece detailing what went wrong in the local elections in Hungary. It appears that Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and his Fidesz Party have lost a lot of ground in the recent round of local elections. This is significant because the opposition there is largely built from Communist and Socialist entities who’ve been pushing hard to fling the doors open on the Hungarian borders to allow massive hordes of North African and Middle Eastern refugees inside.

Hungary, along with Poland and a few Eastern European countries have been feeling the pressure from the globalists. Those few states have been holding back the tide of third world migrants, attempting to hold true to their more stable and generally homogenous societies, feeling no absolute moral obligation to cripple their own economies and destroy their own cultures just in the name of helping people who are not coming for the purpose of being helped.

The majority of refugees coming into European countries (or across the US Southern border) should not be allowed to have any sort of refugee status. According to international law (Yeah…) in order to claim asylum, a refugee must apply for the status in the first “safe country” they arrive in. They can not simply continue traveling (through the Middle East or South America) looking for their ideal target destination. A very large percentage of the refugees coming into Europe, nearly half, are military aged males according to Pew Research. Also, the majority of “unaccompanied minors” are teenage boys, most of them from Afghanistan. There are a lot of reports of males over the age of 20 claiming to be teenage children, and most do not have identification. As a former intelligence collector I have some professional experience in dealing with Afghan “identification”, and I recall that the Afghan government would hand out identification documents based on whoever you told them you were. That’s it. So 23 year old “Saib” is suddenly 16 year old “Ali” now, and “Ali” is permitted refugee status and welcomed into a home in Sweden, Belgium or Germany as a 16 year old.

Much of Europe is already at the breaking point. Britain’s prisons are already majority Muslim. Sweden is experiencing near daily grenade attacks. Molenbeek, Belgium is virtually one large no-go zone for white people and police. These are the kinds of situations Hungary, Poland and others are trying to avoid by closing their doors to the masses of foreign asylum-seekers, but the forces of Communism are slowly making progress in these places, the last bastions of Christian Western civilization standing in Europe.

With the African birth rate skyrocketing and the European birthrate flat lining, it doesn’t take much thought to imagine what the future holds. While governments in Europe might not be able to “officially” scoop up new refugees by the thousands and bring them into their borders, there will always be some mysterious NGOs to pop up out of nowhere with just the right equipment and transportation means to bring them over themselves. One wonders how there is always a conveniently situated NGO right where they need to be with exactly the resources they need to get done what the governments want done, but can’t do themselves. One example from a few years ago is when there were fleets of large black rubber boats appearing on the shores of North Africa without much attention on how they got there or who paid for them. I recall our own Matt Bracken doing some research on the event and finding Soros money behind it, predictably.

What’s the difference between state governments and NGOs when the NGOs are just doing the dirty work of the state governments, and both are profiting?

I read a while back that Viktor Orbán might be the guy that American conservatives hoped Donald Trump would be. In my opinion, Trump is a pragmatist (or attempts to be) while Orbán appears to be the cultural idealist that Americans sought in voting for Trump.

Keep one eye on world events, the other on your family, one hand in the dirt and the other on your gun. And as always, stay out of Sarajevo.

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About the Author: admin


  1. Anonymous October 16, 2019 at 08:24


  2. Matt in Oklahoma October 16, 2019 at 10:02

    That side of the world is almost conquered. There will be a slight pause, a breathe and then the push for this side will begin and no measure other than minimal noise on deaf ears will be taken to stop it. The will to fight or even control is gone replaced by laziness and ease of comfort. Those of the age that are doing are not seeking control they only seek positions.
    This isn’t a traditional fight as those have failed in the past. It’s a different type with population, acquiring positions of power, law changes and administrative being controlled by them.
    We have our own “no go” zones right here in America in places like Michigan and Minnesota, ever increasing populations, acceptance is being forced in jobs, tv, social media, school and especially the federal work force and of course we have law changes to appease such as New Jersey. We are not far from their goal line but we can’t or won’t see it because we are facing the wrong way.

  3. enn ess October 16, 2019 at 13:17

    Sad to see that Orban is losing ground, Hungary is the only country in all of Europe with any semblance of a sane immigration policy. Much more immigration of low IQ non-working turd worlders and Europe will be so polluted with “refugees” their entire financial/economic system will simply implode leading to nothing more than chaos and anarchy everywhere. It’s barely hanging on now. Think a Northern version of Rhodesia.

  4. Georgiaboy61 October 17, 2019 at 00:44

    Excellent analysis, Greyman, but drop the other shoe. Which is to say – follow your observations back to their origin.

    Re: “A very large percentage of the refugees coming into Europe, nearly half, are military aged males according to Pew Research. Also, the majority of “unaccompanied minors” are teenage boys, most of them from Afghanistan.”

    So-called “refugees” who seem to be nothing of the kind, and instead look like de facto soldiers. Many are Muslims. This fact alone is significant, taken in light of the 1,400-year old history of Islamic aggression against Europe (then called Christendom).

    Over that time period, there have been more than 300 significant campaigns, battles between Christian and Muslim forces, all but a handful on European or neutral soil, as well as multiple large-scale attempts to invade and conquer Europe. The invaders were halted at places like the Battle of Tours in 732, the naval Battle of Lepanto in 1571, and the Siege and subsequent Battle of Vienna in 1683, to name some of the more-famous examples.

    Within Islam, there is a practice known as “Hegira,” an Arabic word (sometimes spelled “Hijira”)which means “conquest by migration.” The hegira has been a central part of Islamic military strategy since the prophet himself – Mohammed – used migration as a form of invasion when he and his followers migrated to and seized control of Medina, then called Yathrib, in 622. Ever since that time,Muslims have used the practice as a means of conquering territory in the name of their faith.

    All of these young, military age males streaming into Europe are not refugees – they are the soldiers of Allah, mujaheddin waging jihad against the hated infidels and kafirs – and their mass movement constitutes an invasion.

    Re: “While governments in Europe might not be able to “officially” scoop up new refugees by the thousands and bring them into their borders, there will always be some mysterious NGOs to pop up out of nowhere with just the right equipment and transportation means to bring them over themselves. One wonders how there is always a conveniently situated NGO right where they need to be with exactly the resources they need to get done what the governments want done, but can’t do themselves.”

    Who is responsible for what is happening in Europe and similar events elsewhere throughout the western world? The globalist elites, which is to say the ruling class who runs much of the West. George Soros, the billionaire troublemaker, is a globalist, as are many of his equally-wealthy colleagues. There are globalists scattered throughout the political and cultural landscape of Europe and the Anglophone world. Politicians and national leaders like German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Macron, and former British PM Teresa May – all are globalists and cultural Marxists. Pope Francis is a globalist and a Marxist. So is EU President Jean-Claude Juncker.

    What is the connection between Islam and globalism? The details are not yet completely clear, but it is plainly evident that Islam enjoys a special, protected status in the eyes of the oligarchs who rule the West. One theory holds that Islam is in fact the de facto religion of the globalist movement, particularly in Europe. It is known that many of the globalists are themselves Muslims – such as the most-wealthy and powerful Sunni Arabs from the gulf oil kingdoms. The ruling elites seem to be using Muslims as their shock troops, a sort of 21st-century version of the SA, the Brownshirts who beat up and terrorized Hitler’s opponents in 1930s Germany.

    Your observation vis-a-vis the seaworthy, ocean-going vessels which suddenly seem to just appear as if by magic whenever a group of “refugees” want to cross the Mediterranean Sea – is spot on. We are told via media accounts that these people are desperate and impoverished, but in photos and on film, they seem well-clothed, well-fed and someone paid for their vessel and its fuel. Who? And to what end? Can you spell “S-o-r-o-s”?

    Did you know that when such vessels, crowded with “refugees,” are at sea, out of sight of land, that the Muslims gang up on the non-Muslims, and throw them overboard?

    Matt Bracken has stated elsewhere, correctly it would appear, that the whole massive undertaking to transform Europe demographically – has been planned down to the smallest details, not unlike a major military campaign or an amphibious invasion. And funded and resourced as well as the June 6th 1944 invasion of Normandy, it turns out. All of this – the refugees crossing the ocean, the columns of people marching up to border-crossings, the ones who arrive by plane – none of this is taking place by accident or by chance, although that is certainly what the oligarchs would like us to believe.

    Skeptics might retort that most of the new arrivals aren’t armed,and therefore ought not to be considering threatening. That conclusion is dangerously flawed, for according to fourth-generation warfare theory, mass movements of people are just as lethal as invading armies. Perhaps even more lethal: uniformed invaders eventually leave in some cases, whereas the kinds of people now arriving in Europe stay there permanently. The Muslims certainly don’t intend to leave; they have told us so on many occasions….

    Another piece of the puzzle is the consistent push all across Europe and the rest of the Anglophone world for gun control. Armed, native peoples stand a chance of protecting themselves, their loved ones, neighbors and friends, and societies. Disarmed, they are at the mercy of their would-be overlords – which is just how guys like Soros want it.

    • Gray Man October 17, 2019 at 12:32

      1. I did indeed “drop the other shoe”, albeit subtly, by specifically linking to the “Gates of Vienna” blog.

      2. Oh yes, I can certainly spell Soros, as I did above.

      Your points are all right on. Thanks for the good words.

  5. A hungsrian October 17, 2019 at 01:09

    How funny to see non-Hungarians to “understand” so well what’s happening in Hungary and at the same time not to sweep their own front porch first.

    • Gray Man October 17, 2019 at 12:45

      You missed the tone of the post and have likely never read any of my own blog pieces r/t Hungarian politics. I admire the country greatly and want it to stay free from Communist influence. Hungary is a nation on the world’s stage and I suggest turning off your internet if you don’t want to see commentary from non-Hungarians. Thank you for reading though, seriously.

  6. Name Redacted October 17, 2019 at 16:51

    Trump is a leftist, not a pragmatist. The only thing he attempts to do is continue conning gullible rubes into believing he’s a constitutional conservative messiah as he delivers leftism wrapped in a flag.

  7. tropicthunder81 October 18, 2019 at 02:04

    So we shouldn’t go to Budapest next fall?

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