The Capability – A CQB Demonstration

I had a Law Enforcement friend share this video with me a while back, and while I was revisiting it I thought that the readership of AP would enjoy it as well. I originally watched this video just after I took NC Scout’s CQB Course (an After Action Report can be found here) and I realized that many of the same techniques I learned in that class were on show here. The video was produced by BCM and will get any tactically minded individual all hot and bothered.

I will end with two of the Lessons Learned from the AAR I linked above:

  1. CQB absolutely sucks, particularly if you are the Number One man. If it is at all possible, avoid CQB altogether. Ignore what Hollywood shows you – being a door kicker is exceptionally dangerous. Remember that in this context, we are talking about potential grid-down scenarios where higher levels of medical care may be difficult to come by as a guerilla or partisan fighter, let alone a quick CASEVAC method.
  2. It is not a matter of IF you will take casualties, but rather WHEN you will take casualties. You need to balance that against whatever – or whoever – is in the building. It better be worth it.


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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page:


  1. blackman2020 March 9, 2020 at 09:03

    Cool Video. Love BCM, I’ve been using their rifles for years. Good advice on CQB / CQC. The best gunfights are the ones you can avoid.

  2. Exring March 9, 2020 at 10:41

    I am sure that I missed something, but I do not believe I saw any of the “Good Guys” get shot. Somehow, that seems a bit “Hollywoodish”!

    • NC Scout March 9, 2020 at 11:26

      Its a training vignette. Take it for the technique being demonstrated, not for whatever your fantasy on combat is.

  3. brunop March 9, 2020 at 15:21

    1. Good Guys better hope the Bad Guys don’t have booby traps, wire trips, etc.
    2. Good Guys better hope the Bad Guys don’t have grenades
    3. Good Guys better hope the Bad Guys aren’t sandbagging shooting positions
    4. Good Guys better hope the Bad guys don’t have overwatch on the roof

    I don’t have any combat experience, so I’m assuming guys with a bunch of experience could do this ^ all day. I’m reminded of one person with plenty of door-kicking under his belt pointing out that lots of these ‘raids’ are designed with the presumption of having good intel – to include number of persons in the building, architecture of the building, weapons likely available to persons in the building, etc.

    If you don’t have a giant numbers advantage (4:1 ?), a bunch of good intel, and some less-than-motivated and/or prepared opposition, there’s a lot of ways that could go wrong.

  4. lewisp March 9, 2020 at 15:41

    we need to remember that there are different kinds and types of “clearance”. Are we trying to rescue somebody in the building, or just get all of the bad guys out of the building. Hostage rescue and combat clearance are entirely different, mainly in the risk exposure to the clearing team and the speed in which it can be done. Intel on who and what is in the building, as well as the floorplan/door plan makes it even safer for the clearing team.
    From what I saw in the video, I would have used a dedicated point element in the hallways, this avoids having to reclear back into the same hallway again and again after clearing all of those rooms. This avoids blue on blue, it can also make you complacent, and that makes you careless, and can make somebody get shot. What you may lose in flow speed, you more than make up for in security in the end.
    Just my 2 cents….

  5. […] searching for the YouTube URL for “The Capability”, a CQB demonstration video from BCM I posted yesterday, I discovered that they had released a new video a week ago called “The Capability II”. […]

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