On the Partisan

Partisan. The word conjures up images of blind politics, cheering for the red or blue team and a decidedly shallow level of critical thinking. The historical meaning relates more to a group of light troops, particularly those behind enemy lines. Partisans strove against a numerically superior force, often one occupying their home or country, attempting to disrupt the status quo and prevent a foreign entity from exerting their will. We chose this word purposefully.

The true difficulty of living in the United States today is not the political paradigm. Most of our readership would strenuously disagree with the progressive political goals and worldview. A growing number also see problems with the conservatives, chief among them being the inability to conserve anything of cultural worth. The country and our society has changed immensely in the last decade and is nearly unrecognizable from the one most of us grew up in. Western man now exists in a country with foreign values, a foreign language, and a foreign way of life.

Most of you wouldn’t be here if the problems occurring in this nation were not self-evident. The answer lies in not describing the problems, or attributing them to a third-party, even if the blame is deserved, but in reforming our own lives and actions. The answer lies in a return to the foundation of what made Western Civilization peerless among recorded history. A return to reason, a rejection of post-modernism and relativism, a striving toward mastery of the body, mind and natural world. Virtues that no longer have a place in our society but inspired men to kill and die, such antiquated beliefs as family and things we hold sacred. The belief that some things should not have a price, some things should be held as sacrosanct. Frankly, a reactionary position that emanates from the core of who we are as a person, and what we believe. A position outnumbered, mocked as outmoded, and maligned by those who get their beliefs from celebrities and are content to repeat the catchphrase of the week. In a word, partisans.

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In a society where the depth of one’s belief in liberty is often measured in rallies attended, volume of gear worn, and attention gained, instead of self-sufficiency, independence, and the ability to think, we posit that there is much that’s been lost in translation. The ability to choose the right communications setup is important, as is learning to proficiently defend yourself with a variety of weapons. Providing for your family in a host of disaster and/or grid-down scenarios is crucial; primitive skills, planting and harvesting, raising livestock, and designing a natural medicine cabinet are also all extremely important.

All of these things, however, mean nothing if you cannot reason. Savages may have liberty, yet that does not make a civilization. Collecting the information, parsing its credibility and its relevance, evaluating its use, and incorporating it into your belief system or next actions is a skill set that underpins all else. It requires a thirst for truth, and a personal requirement to let that truth lead where it will. The things that make up our culture are being lost, and if we do not fight to preserve them, then we will be lost as well.

This site is for those who seek truth, who are willing to learn the skills they do not have, and who understand that western civilization begins and ends at home. Our beliefs work. Our positions create civilizations. Join us.

By Published On: April 30, 2018Categories: Jesse James, Philosophy24 Comments on On the Partisan

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About the Author: admin


  1. Kit Perez April 30, 2018 at 23:22


  2. Anonymous May 1, 2018 at 04:54


  3. Anonymous May 1, 2018 at 07:20


  4. Patrice Stanton May 1, 2018 at 07:25

    For me it is a very “WWII word.” It makes me think of all the Resistance fighters, whether man, woman, or child, who on the surface were going about their routine business, yet in subtle and not-so-subtle ways were doing what they could to subvert the Enemy in their midst. Thank-you for your efforts. (Please add a “Gab-share” button if available.)

  5. greenman May 1, 2018 at 07:42

    Are you able to darken the copy for contrast?

    • Kit Perez May 1, 2018 at 08:33

      You should see a bit of a difference now. If not, let me know and I’ll see what I can do.

  6. Exring May 1, 2018 at 09:30

    It is NOT about “glitz” but determination. I whole heartedly agree. I have long ago (along with a close relative) have come to understand that I am not a Battalion, Company, Platoon, Fire Team only an individual. In the current, and possibly, future world I can only care for myself and those that I love around me. Even that will be a problem if I “stick out”. Partisan is understandable and all we can learn about “keeping a low profile”, remaining a “gray person (man, woman or child), not sharing too much but getting associated with people that wish “Freedom” will take a lot of effort and control. The more suggestions and support, of the remote kind, will only make us more capable of surviving a potentially horrible tomorrow, should it occur.

  7. jetnoise May 1, 2018 at 09:40

    This seems like a idea whose time has come. I think the patriots needed something like this a long time ago. We desparately need to get organized at the local level. The leftist globalists are already way ahead of us in this department. The hardest part for us is that many of us feel like we cannot speak in public about our views because we don’t want to be labeled or discriminated against ourselves. This has to change, and getting organized is the only way to do it. Oathkeepers is one site already sort of doing this I guess, but I hesitate to make myself so well known. What is needed is a secure manner of organizing that keeps people off the deep state globalist radar. Not sure if this is even the right platform, but perhaps it is a start.

    • A Freeman May 1, 2018 at 20:10

      Oath keepers as I know is a lost cause.

  8. Lorna Mackowiak May 1, 2018 at 11:05

    Great idea who”s time has come…will look forward to new info and catching up with information missed.

  9. Anonymous May 1, 2018 at 11:05


  10. Hawkeye May 1, 2018 at 11:45


  11. brunop May 1, 2018 at 12:36

    Found my way here via WRSA. Looking forward to this platform and the content.

  12. jetnoise May 1, 2018 at 12:41

    Someone needs to do this for Europe. They need their own European Partisan. Western Civilization emerged from Europe. Furthermore, in many ways we fight the same adversary. The liberal progressive globalist islamist tryanny is a product of European elites as much as American elites. Any organization has to include all allies to win imho.

  13. Tom May 1, 2018 at 13:11

    Well done. Thank you.

  14. Jeb May 1, 2018 at 14:15

    Good to go… ??????

  15. Sean May 1, 2018 at 18:31

    I feel like I have been a partisan for years, even here in Texas. I already do the “German Look”, over my shoulder when I’m about to say anything in a public place. For anyone incredulous about such conditions, come and live in the DFW area a while. The tentacles from Austin are all over the place, and Dallas is slowly but surely turning into Chicongo. I am cautious anywhere I go in the country, regarding talk. My partisan activities are always evolving. Vive’ le Resistance!

  16. Anonymous May 1, 2018 at 19:19


  17. Norseman May 1, 2018 at 20:04

    I’m looking forward to a bit of action

  18. Atlas Shrug May 1, 2018 at 20:08

    I’m glad to find this place, and look forward to future informative posts.

    We must all hang together, else… y’all know the rest.

    Hopefully this place won’t suffer the dead end thinking of RWVA/Appleseed, nor the decrease in signal/noise ratio at WRSA due to CA’s open door policy. Both are places I used to spend a good bit of my valuable and limited ‘net time.

    Onward and upward, let’s give ’em hell.

    Keep your powder dry,
    Atlas Shrug

    • Jesse James May 2, 2018 at 14:20

      We hope to avoid that same fate by insistence on standards of conduct by both the authors and the commenters. Constructive thought and even vigorous disagreement is encouraged, but this is not the place for invective and petty squabbling. I think our non-negotiable comment policy reflects that. We all appreciate the kind words.

  19. ON THE PARTISAN | NCRenegade May 2, 2018 at 06:34

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  20. […] More… […]

  21. lineman May 2, 2018 at 19:35

    Good to see you guys all working together on one site…It is something I hoped would happen for quite some time now…Glad to see you writing again…

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