Basic pointers on getting healthy (that you should probably already know).

I think everyone is always looking for the easiest way to do things, and being healthier is no different. It’s not necessarily a bad thing to look for an easy way to do something, as it’s often effective and efficient. Here are a few pointers that you can probably figure out on your own, but if you had, you’d already be doing them, and if you are, keep it up.

-Stop smoking. That includes vaping and smoking weed. Your lungs are meant to inhale oxygen, and no matter how many ailments and diseases you think that weed is an absolute cure for, you’re not ever going to convince this RN that inhaling smoke of any type is healthy.

-Stop drinking soda. Soda is loaded with sugar and is the highest sugar intake item in the regular diet of many Americans. The first thing that many physicians will tell you when you ask “how do I lose a few pounds?” is going to be “cut the soda out.” That includes diet soda. If you’re looking to get healthy and you mean it, diet soda isn’t part of that either.

-No more fast food. This one should be as obvious as the last point. Fast food is way too high in sugar and sodium and is almost always fried. Avoid it, you don’t need it.

-Take a multivitamin. A lot of people don’t consider this but it really can be beneficial. Vitamins are cheap and easy to make and so you’re not going to be paying much for them, and they’re not being infused with unhealthy substances to get you addicted to them like fast food and soda are with sugars and caffeine.

-Avoid food and drink vices. You know those people who make jokes (but you know they’re being serious) about not being able to function without their morning coffee, or those people who “never” smoke UNLESS they’re having a couple of drinks? Don’t become one of them. Coffee is not a terrible thing to have but don’t become dependent on it. Don’t become one of those people who just HAVE to have a night out of heavy drinking every Friday to blow off steam. If you have to do something unhealthy just to unwind on a regular basis, then you need to make some life changes.

-Don’t drink regularly, or heavily. Studies are showing that occasional light alcohol use isn’t unhealthy, and of course some even say that a little red wine now and then is beneficial. But if you’re going through a case of beer per week, it’s too much to be healthy. If you’re polishing off a fifth of whiskey every four or five days, it’s too much to be healthy. If you’re getting off work and having a half a bottle of wine before bed, yeah, it’s too much to be healthy.

-Drink water. I know they say eight glasses a day is what you need, but who knows how much a “glass” is supposed to be? Try drinking between 1.5 and 2 liters of water per day. Better yet, REPLACE something unhealthy that you’re drinking with water instead. Your kidneys will be healthier for it.

-Eat at home. If you can replace restaurant meals outside of the home with meals planned out and shopped for at the grocery store and prepared and cooked at home, you’ll likely see some weight loss and increased energy. I’m not talking about package and processed meals. I mean meals that require cooking. You know, like actual RECIPES. You don’t have to be a chef and eat farm fresh every meal. Just don’t eat out all the time and don’t always settle for those overly-processed foods.

-Spend a little more time outside. However much time you spend outside, try to take a little more of your inside downtime and make it OUTSIDE downtime. Even if all you’re doing is sitting in your backyard or on your porch or balcony. Open the windows in your house, if it’s feasible.

-Start going on walks. A mile or two is really nothing as long as you’re not already injured or disabled. If you already go for walks, grab a light pack and make it a ruck. If you’re already rucking, then good for you. Grab a long gun to carry along if the laws and the local environment permits it, and if not, carry a 2×4 or something to simulate it.

-Start your day and/or end your evening with a set of crunches and a set of push-ups. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a hundred of each, but a small set, increasing a little over time will benefit you. Squats are easy to add to that routine. Stretching in the morning wakes you up and helps to prevent injury through the day’s activities.

See that? Simple stuff. Now get it done. If you do all or most of this, you’re likely to see positive results in just a couple of weeks.

Side note: Please do not let your kids drink soda, sweet tea or juices that are high in sugar. The pancreas of a young child is not mature enough to be repeatedly dumping insulin for large doses of sugar. Let them drink water so that when they become adults, their pancreas gets a head start and hasn’t been forced to compensate for a steady stream of added sugar when it’s not yet

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About the Author: admin


  1. johnyMac October 8, 2019 at 08:12

    Great article GM. I appreciate the comments on what you put in your body and agree 100% especially sugars. It is amazing what sugar is in; bread, booze, and processed food like snacks.

    What would be great is to maybe in a future article is a series of exercises someone could start out with, then over time aspire too.

    Great stuff Brother!

  2. Anonymous October 9, 2019 at 02:09


  3. kypartisan October 10, 2019 at 02:51

    I lost 220 pounds by walking. it works people.

  4. Hope October 10, 2019 at 14:57

    Real advice. Not any of what’s ‘trending’ and doesn’t work. This stuff makes sense and if you keep to it, can change your everyday life. Great article.

  5. Anonymous October 10, 2019 at 19:30


  6. Matt in Oklahoma October 11, 2019 at 12:07

    Tell y’all like I told my Dr:
    “I smoked for a week as a teen, never even tried dope, gave up drinking at 19, quit chewing at 25, wife gave up sex and my job is fixing to mandatory me cause of age so my Mt Dew is really all I got going for me. I work out 5 days a week and ain’t sedentary the rest of it”. I told her “you don’t get off my ass bout that you might find out how good a shape I am in”.
    Dang shots hurt more than usual now but……

  7. Bryce Sharper October 11, 2019 at 12:13


    Most of the InstaTrainers and people selling training and diet advice are trying to differentiate themselves to get customers. The images they post are heavily edited and in favorable lighting. There are tens of thousands of “trainers” out there fighting over scraps. The truth is doing just about anything will get results as will cutting calories through some easy system like the FDA’s “Food Plate” that doesn’t require counting calories.

  8. MMinLamesa December 30, 2019 at 13:48

    You want true health, a long life with no doctors, I can only tell you whats working for me. In fact, I even hesitate to do that given how the billions the beef/dairy industry spend has worked to establish their products as seemingly necessary. They’re not. You know where I’m going. I maintain a lean muscular body of about 175 pounds, am active physically daily, both with CV and weights. Enjoy frequent intimacy with my woman, have a PSA under 2, low blood pressure, take no drugs or medications and I eat a whole food, plant based diet. I’m 68.

    When I grocery shop, I never cease to be amazed at the carts full of poison people are wheeling out the door. There’s a reason CHD and diabetes(now in 4 year olds!) are killing millions every year. 100s of millions of sentient animals are raised & slaughtered in nightmare conditions, crammed full of antibiotics and fed soy based diets and people wonder why sperm counts are down over 50% in the last 50 years?? I was once an avid hunter and have more respect for a man that kills his own meat that people telling me I’m full of shit while pishing a cart full of cello wrapped steaks.

    Stopping consumption of animal flesh is too big a step? Then right after you stop eating sugar, stop eating any vegetable oil expect maybe a little olive oil for your salads. And I mean stop eating anything with soybean oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, Wesson, canola pol…in it, all of that shit is death in a bottle. That eliminates most processed food which is more early death anyway.

    Do whatever the fook you want, I’m just sayin’

  9. Christina Pansy January 9, 2020 at 04:55

    Weed is very beneficial for health. Recommending against it is BAD advice.

    • NC Scout January 9, 2020 at 06:31

      Point to one- just one- medical journal or published peer reviewed research that confirms your statement.

      If you like recreational drugs, fine. Don’t claim it’s the fountain of youth.

      • Christina Pansy April 1, 2020 at 15:33

        Peer-reviewed medical journals are corrupt.

        • NC Scout April 1, 2020 at 16:41

          Oh they are? Thanks for the heads up.

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