The Auxiliary

With the continuing events happening within the Washington DC Inner Loop and in states around the country, my worst fears of civil strife are sadly coming to fruition.  Yesterday, I sat there sipping my morning cup of coffee watching Senate Leader McConnell’s response to the two articles of Impeachment passed Wednesday night in the US House and realize frosty times are ahead. After all, sometimes drastic measures are needed to save the patient being wheeled into the trauma center.

The Rubicon has been crossed for me. I am done writing letters to my legislatures, the men and women I voted into office to uphold the US Constitution and represent my voice. All my focus now will be directed towards the training I will need for the up and coming conflict (s).

Many of the readers here are in a similar situation as I am. Looking ahead, I will be 64-years old in 2020 and what can someone my age or older do when civil conflict comes knocking at my door you may ask? You like I, need to focus on becoming part of The Auxiliary.

The first time I read about The Auxiliary was over at SurvilvalBlog written by Hugh James Latimer. The article really got me thinking as to what part I would play in my community during a civil conflict. It will not necessarily be running a gun, although I can do that. Heck, I can give many millennial’s a run for his or her money in that respect. No, running a gun will not become my role in the up and coming conflict. My role will be one of The Auxiliary. Let’s look at what that means for me – Maybe you too.

First, it means an honest assessment of my strengths but more important, my weaknesses. Once I determine my strengths, I need to get out there and train the folks who understand  their weaknesses and are seeking their own training.

Second, I need to get out there and address my weaknesses by seeking out additional training from others willing to give it. Whatever the cost will be in money or time, it will be worth it. Are you willing to do this or is your normalcy bias going to guide your future?

I will continue my training with NC Scout and his platoon of trainers along with other trainers that offer classes not just in running a gun but in; Preparedness, medical, radio, Intelligence, physical training, et cetera. Then I will offer my acquired skills to help the folks who will come late to the party.

To bring my point home take a minute and try to put yourself back in the roll of a Confederate or Union solider in July 1863. It is hot and humid as only south-central Pennsylvania can get in July. If you are fighting for the North, you are dressed in wool. If you are fighting for the South, you are dressed in cotton.

If you are from the South, you know you are taking the war north of the Mason Dixon line to the struggling Union army. If you are successful in battle you can turn east or southeast to bring the war to Philadelphia and/or Washington DC. Maybe be part of the ending of this godforsaken war. As a Union solider you know you need to stop the Deplorables from streaming north to your farm, town or city.

The South brought to the battle 75,000 soldiers while the North brought 104,000. How did either side feed their troops? Did someone go around and take breakfast, lunch, and dinner orders to be purchased from the local McDonalds or Wendy’s? Did each side make a call to have a thousand Port-Potties delivered? Negative on both. It was the Combat Service Support that took care of these and other necessities.

What I am trying to get at here is for each of you to understand the importance The Auxiliary will serve in the coming conflict. The Auxiliary will be the Combat Service Support of today who will supply; training, intelligence, communication, food, supplies, medical, shelter, et cetera, to the trigger pullers in the field as well as your neighbors.


If your body isn’t one of an 18-year-old anymore but your mind is one of a person who has gathered four or more decades of life’s knowledge, continues to learn and train, then The Auxiliary is for you. Think about it and act accordingly!

73 & God Bless American Partisans

By Published On: December 20, 2019Categories: Training23 Comments on The Auxiliary

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About the Author: admin


  1. The Tactical Hermit December 20, 2019 at 07:11

    Great read Johnny.
    Keep it practical and applicable to the task at hand.
    As Harry Callahan once said “A Man has to know his limitations.”

    • johnyMac December 20, 2019 at 08:22

      The Tactical Hermit,

      A Man has to know his limitations – I love it! Yes sir.

      Thanks for reading Brother.

  2. Patriotman December 20, 2019 at 07:38

    An excellent and timely article as always JohnyMac! Looking at the traditional model of Unconventional Warfare in the shape of a triangle (think the old Food Groups diagram), the actual fighters are the smallest triangle at the top. The other two lower sections are the active support forces (doctors, supply runners, etc) and then the general populace that supports the movement and provides friendly places to stay and move to.

    Very few of us will be in the top group, and for every person in that group we need many more in the Auxiliary supporting us.

    • johnyMac December 20, 2019 at 08:24

      Thank you Patriotman for your comments and input. You are right on as usual.

  3. pnoldguy December 20, 2019 at 08:37

    Great advice Johnnymac. At 74 and a member of the Pennsylvania Oathkeepers (not affiliated with the national group) many of our group are seasoned citizens and we train to survive and teach our lesser aware neighbors. We may not be the high speed troops at the front lines, but we can hold our own. We have noticed the surge in popularity and sales of precision rifles and suspect many our age have come to grips with our limitations. A good read, keep it coming.

    • johnyMac December 20, 2019 at 08:45

      Thank you pnoldguy. You hit the nail squarely on the head.

      I am a good shot and have no qualms of dropping a deer at 250-yards from my stand on power line however, one of the members of our Bible Study group who is also 74 puts me to shame.

      Thanks for the comments Brother!

  4. Bill December 20, 2019 at 08:50

    Im in my late 60s. Im a paramedic, i can cook, shoot and build but my run and gun days are past. I will be in a purely defensive posture. All i need is liks thinking tribe. Those are few in my area.

    • johnyMac December 20, 2019 at 08:58

      Bill wrote, All i need is liks thinking tribe. Those are few in my area. Yeah I hear ya’ Brother. We had a similar situation. The answer is easy but the do’in takes patience and persistence.

      You gave me an idea for a short article on how we did it. In essence, it means getting out there to shake hands and kiss babies with your neighbors. The goal is not to convert anybody but to let them know you are friendly and there if they ever need a hand.

      Thank you Brother!

  5. Steve Shapiro December 20, 2019 at 09:44

    More like this please. Don’t overlook the fact that the elderly, especially the handicapped elderly, are often dismissed, pitied, or (perhaps most useful) automatically assumed to be natural allies of the left. Excellent opportunities for data collection. Additionally, walkers and scooters provide pretty good opportunities for smuggling in recording equipment. Instead of another high dollar firearm why not make your next purchase some kind of scooter or walker and see what kind of modifications you can do to it?

    • johnyMac December 20, 2019 at 09:54

      Holy Cow Steve Shapiro…What a great idea, Instead of another high dollar firearm why not make your next purchase some kind of scooter or walker and see what kind of modifications you can do to it?

      And then, work with a handicap person, elderly or young, to be part of your Auxiliary team.

      Thank you Brother for your suggestion.

      73 & God Bless

  6. Jackalope in TN December 20, 2019 at 13:30

    Another great article, Johny. At my age, I won’t be out on a patrol, however I plan on taking the responsibility for protecting my homestead. As was mentioned, training and teaching will be an important role in the auxiliary. We can start that role now, by transferring our knowledge to the next generation. For instance, next week I’ll be teaching basic firearm skills to someone in med school, making sure they’re capable of defending themselves.

    The holidays give us a great opportunity to work on family emergency/communications plans, and to also meet with our neighbors to develop community defenses. There’s nothing like meat space to communicate and to gauge other people. New Years gives us a chance to reflect on our weaknesses, and to consider a training plan for the coming year. Use the New Year’s holiday to peruse training possibilities and to make a budget for both the expenses and the time for training.

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all.

    • johnyMac December 20, 2019 at 19:28

      As always Jackalope, you speak to the truth.

      Hey 40-meters looks open from 1400 to 2200 Zulu over the next few days. Interested in a QSO? Others?

      Give your XYL some 88’s from MrsMac, the Mac’s menagerie, and me.

      God Bless Brother.

  7. Quietus December 20, 2019 at 17:59

    Age does not, in and of itself, need be the discriminator for what people can do during the upcoming festivities. Yeah I do know that straight-up infantry living is a hard job for a teenager and makes them old forever.

    Not everyone can live the life of MSG Billy Waugh. But we all can strive to do push-ups from the dinner table. That, and a whole bunch more, done daily. Dead bodies should look like something from an A&P textbook, not like one found in a Walmart parking lot. Choices on how that’s to happen occur hourly. It’s your bod, make good choices to keep it a hard one to your grave.

    Youngsters in any organization get good benefit from older role models. Be one. Don’t be that old fat guy with no authority from your appearance. Be the oldster who the young-ens remark upon, for being so unusual.

    If you have grandkids in the military, you can do your daily ration of pushups in memory of them.

    Your choice. Make it to be a hard old guy. As age creeps up, being hard gets to be a tougher job. Youngsters, be ready for that, it may happen to you. Getting old is no picnic but it beats the alternative.

  8. Mas Casa December 20, 2019 at 19:35

    Good info in this article. Another task an auxiliary performed in the past was to conduct collection and reporting to further the intelligence effort. As Gen Chuck Horner said during the Gulf War, ‘Intelligence without operations is irrelevant. Ops without intelligence are blind.’

    • johnyMac December 20, 2019 at 21:23

      Amen Mas Casa! As Gen Chuck Horner said during the Gulf War, ‘Intelligence without operations is irrelevant. Ops without intelligence are blind.’

      In a SHTF type of situation, info gathering working along with your local ham, will make the difference between defeat or success. Thinking about Gettysburg again, there are many that think if Gen. Stuart did a better job of feeding Gen Lee information, it might have been the one thing that turned the battle.

      Thanks for commenting Brother!

  9. Bad_Brad December 21, 2019 at 00:03

    Most of the agencies that will eventually coming for your guns really SUCK at watching the back sides. Just sayen. Work smart not hard. And with friends. I’m 63, wrestled through school, after that became a gym rat. Most people think I’m in my late 40’s. I’m still in the gym 5 days a week. However just got diagnosed with throat cancer and they want to nuke my ass for 6 weeks. I guess we’ll see whats left. My goal is to still make it to the gym during the glowing times. Docs don’t paint a pretty picture.

    • johnyMac December 21, 2019 at 08:26

      I am sorry to read you have throat cancer. My wife had some of her insides cut out along with radiation some time back. She recently had her five year anniversary and has been dubbed, cancer free.

      Your goal to keep going to the gym is an inspiration to all of the readers here at American Partisan. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us.

      73 & God Bless Brother

  10. Capt. D December 21, 2019 at 14:04

    Great article!! The lady on the left is holding her rifle upside down, but we can work on that if her commitment level is high. ;)

    • johnyMac December 21, 2019 at 21:10

      Yeah Capt. D,
      LOL, yeah I hear ya’. And as you wrote, but we can work on that if her commitment level is high. ?

      Wishing you and your family a GREAT Merry Christmas!

  11. Les December 25, 2019 at 16:03

    Being a Gray Beard myself, I realize that my gunning and humping a ruck days have past. But I still have skills. After decades in emergency services I understand how to operate within the five functional groups within the Incident Command System – Command, Operations, Logistics, Planning and Finance. Every endeavor requires organization in order to be successful. (I’m also a fairly decent cook! ;-)

    • johnyMac December 27, 2019 at 08:05

      Amen Les!

      I’m also a fairly decent cook! ? I will be right over ;-)

      Take care Brother, you will be needed.

  12. doug1943 December 27, 2019 at 17:36

    This is a really excellent article!

    I would like to add another consideration: poiitical.

    Unless the miltia movement stands as the apex of a pyramid of literally millions of people, it will not be able to achieve its aims. This means, eventually as resources permit, forming organizations with goals which are congruent to those of the patriots in the militia — social welfare organizations to support veterans who need help, or laid-off American workers who have seen their jobs exported abroad; educational organizations to support home-schoolers, and maybe counter-indoctrination ‘Saturday schools’; a patriotic equivalent to the Boy Scouts; patriotic social clubs.

    At the moment, there are literally tens of millions of Americans who are perfectly good patriots, but who are either unfamiliar with the militia movement, or, worse yet, believe, or half-believe, that it’s a movement of crazy anti-government extremists, itching to repeat Ruby Ridge and Waco. The best way to overcome these prejudices and draw people into the militia movement is via ‘intermediate’ mass organizations.

    These will provide useful political support in the battles to come. (Anyone who thinks that an assault-weapons ban could be successfully resisted by a shooting ‘war’ needs his head examined. He’s been brainwashed by Hollywood with Rambo-juice.)

    • johnyMac December 28, 2019 at 08:45

      may I also suggest that a militia movement can be as simple as helping out that neighbor who just lost their job. It’s amazing what a couple dozen eggs, some milk, and a freshly made loaf or two of bread will do for one’s spirits. Or that elderly single lady or gentleman down the road that never has a visitor. Your time is very valuable to shut-in folks as well as friends you see often.

      General kindness is a great recruitment factor.

      Peace Brother!

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