For Want of a Nail…

For want of a nail the shoe was lost.
For want of a shoe the horse was lost.
For want of a horse the rider was lost.
For want of a rider the message was lost.
For want of a message the battle was lost.
For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.
And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.
We have heard versions of this proverb over the years. Have we taken it to heart? I have been tying up loose ends in the recent months by inventorying my gear, food storage and other supplies instead of purchasing new gear and preps. I have also looked into having completed sets of gear to accomplish the mission such as my needed medical supplies, communications gear, perimeter security, and home defense weapons.  This includes gun cleaning supplies, extra parts, and other low cost items. 

I took advantage of the ammunition sales and topped off my supply.  I filled up my fuel cans and added stabilization to it.  I have needed for some time a box to securely place my HF radio and accessories into one location. Now, I only need to grab the handle of the box to carry away a complete radio to make radio contact with another person outside of my region. I repacked my rucksack, looked at expiration dates, readjusted my load carrying harness and confirmed what I had loaded in it. 

In the past, I have always relied on a gun or outdoor store to top off my supplies for whatever activity I was planning.  I will admit that I have been guilty of having almost all I need but not completed much of my gear or supplies.  Times like these does not require panic but a methodical inventory of your gear and supplies to decide what you are lacking.  We all need to get out in the field, get out on the range, and get off our butts. 

   “Amateurs practice until they get it right; Professionals practice until they can’t get it wrong”.


Holy Serf

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About the Author: admin


  1. Insurance Agent April 22, 2020 at 08:29

    I’ve had the benefit of time over the past few weeks.

    I don’t think we are going anywhere.

    I have the fortune of being able to work at home. With the markets and my employment, there has been no end to the work.

    In my ample spare time…

    Put some rounds through my rifles and confirmed my zeros. Did the same with my pistol.

    Went through my LBE, and the day pack that goes with it. Made sure I had extra socks and just a bit of clothing loaded. I can stand a neighborhood watch with that. And if push came to shove exist as long as 72 hours on it if necessary.

    Reviewed my BOB and topped it off. It’s different than the day pack. That should sustain me a week. I started working on my son’s load as well.

    Sharpened my knives. Checked over my family first aid kit and the one I take on scout outings.

    Spent time rucking with my 13 year old; he has gym class requirements anyway. So it was good to be with him. We also worked on his homework and merit badges.

    Also got him out shooting twice with the .22.

    The boy and I practiced building a fire. I know he can do this.

    Built a campfire in my front yard and built some good will at social distances with neighbors.

    Got my mother to sew cloths masks that my wife got a pattern for from her hospital employer. I got those out to my neighbors too.

    We haven’t had to break into stored food yet.

    Turned up the soil in our garden. Maybe 2 weeks yet and it will be consistently warm enough for seeds. My wife and I picked out what we are going to plant this year. We are having a bit of an argument, I want to put in another bed, she doesn’t.

    I don’t think we are going anywhere. I think we are just waiting. But I did make notes on my holes, and will do my best to fill those as I am able.

    My wife evolved from mocking me to quiet acceptance that putting things up over the past few years wasn’t a bad plan.

    I think this will happen again.

  2. Anonymous April 22, 2020 at 09:17


  3. Anonymous April 22, 2020 at 12:40


  4. Pineslayer April 23, 2020 at 00:02

    Yep, constant vigilance. Working on grab and go systems for all the rifles. I forgot about some of my purchases, it was a good surprise for the most part. Seeds should go in the ground in a few weeks.

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