Hooray! Western Rifle Shooters is BACK!

We are happy to report that Western Rifle Shooters is back online! You can find our friend Concerned American at the URL below.


You can also find them on Twitter and Gab at the links below.


We are American Partisan are proud to help amplify important voices on our side like Western Rifle Shooters. The SJW Cancel Culture Commies are terrified of voices like American Partisan and WRSA because we run counter to their narrative. In their world, we must be destroyed because they disagree with us. How dare we go against THEIR vision!? No matter how many times they manage to take our voices offline in an attempt to silence us, it will never succeed because we WILL come back stronger. WRSA is just one example in a long line of websites. Go get ’em, CA.

The pot has nearly reached its’ boiling point. Things are getting spicy out there, and it is more important than ever to get trained, get prepared, and harden your hearts.  Get to it.

Tempus Fugit.

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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page: http://bit.ly/BrushbeaterStore


  1. James June 11, 2020 at 12:28

    Awesome,am glad to hear they are back!

    I am also happy to report the many sites who took”umbrage” to WRSA being taken down,including of course the Partisan,keep up the good works folks!

    • Patriotman June 11, 2020 at 12:46

      Thank you! Your kind words really do mean a lot.

  2. vyt1az June 11, 2020 at 16:52

    Glad they’re back up. Maybe the comments will get more moderation going forward. The comments were a festering cesspool of humanity with very little meaningful info.

    The posts were useful though.

  3. MW PREPPER June 11, 2020 at 18:34

    I hope WRSA restores all the great links they previously had like AP, Captain’s Journal, The Woodpile Report, etc. along with the US Army Ranger Handbook, the AK-47 manual, Amateur Radio sites, etc. It’s great to have ’em back & really enjoy the new format & design!

  4. Tyler Durdan June 11, 2020 at 22:18

    After reading tonight’s message traffic, it’s becoming painfully clear that our team is behind the curve a bit. We need more articles on weapons, manufacturing explosives, Mixed Martial Arts training, basic trade-craft, and guerrilla warfare operations. We need to move to the next level. NOW.

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