BOOKS FOR THE GUERILLA HOSPITAL – A Review of Where There Is No Doctor by DVM

After I posted the Guerilla Hospital article I received a comment from SemperFido (thank you SF, and all who commented) who suggested that readers grab the books Where There Is No Doctor and Where There Is No Dentist. I had heard about these books for years but had never read them. I knew it was finally time for me to buy these books (and another one) and see what was in them.

WTIND is written for village health care workers, primarily in third world countries. If you understand that then you will get some great use out of this book. I ordered the paperback version for ~$25.00, updated in 2020, about 450 pages long. It is thorough, with extra information even before and after its 23 regular chapters (the brown- and green-edged pages). It has been translated into more than 80 languages and used in more than 100 countries. It will be used in the FUSA soon….

The first section (the brown-edged pages) is an encouragement to village health care workers. It highlights social, psychological, and cultural information that must be considered. It is also motivational. Because I have been involved in medical trips overseas reading this section triggered memories that made my eyes tear up. If you have done medical trips overseas you know what is coming to our country soon.

Note: these are my own chapter titles but generally use the actual titles in the book.

Chap. 1: This chapter addresses “home remedies” and gives advice to combat popular (unhelpful) beliefs.

Chap. 2: Easily confused diseases and how important communication is

Chap. 3: Examination of the sick patient

Chap. 4: Basic care

Chap. 5: Preventative care, especially clean water

Chap. 6: Dangerous medicines

Chap. 7: Antibiotics

Chap. 8: Measuring and administering medicine

Chap. 9: Injectable medicines

Chap. 10: First Aid and Some Emergencies

Chap. 11: Nutrition

Chap. 12: Prevention of Disease

Chap. 13: Common Sicknesses

Chap. 14: Serious Illnesses

Chap. 15: Skin problems

Chap. 16: Eye problems

Chap. 17: Mouth

Chap. 18: Urogenital system

Chap. 19: Info for mothers/midwives

Chap. 20: Family planning

Chap. 21: Health of children

Chap. 22: Health of older people

Chap. 23: Medical kits

The “green-edged” pages: List of Medicines, extra info about HIV, drug abuse, etc.

If you are a medical professional, particularly a primary care worker, you are going to know much of this book already. It is a good reference to have, though, and I’m glad I have a copy now. If no one in your group has much medical training then you will want this book. It will soon be very useful for small groups of patriots.

Hey, do something this week to better your situation medically.

God bless,



DVM is a retired Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and Professor of Human Anatomy and Physiology, devout Christian, Father and American Patriot.