Lowering Standards in Name of Diversity, by FlyBy

Tucker Carlson aired this piece tonight on his show. In my opinion, both Tucker and he guest missed the point of what is happening. While it is true that the lowering of standards for men and women to join the Armed Forces and to qualify for certain occupational specialties weakens our ability to defend ourselves against external enemies such as China, Russia and Iran; I don’t believe this is being done in the name of diversity as discussed in the segment. In my opinion, the Communist Left if building the military that they want and one they feel we deserve: A military that will accept and follow any order without question or hesitation. This is what will be needed when those same Armed Forces are unleashed upon the American Public to bring the non-compliant 75 million Americans in line or send us off to the gulags.

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About the Author: NC Scout

NC Scout is the nom de guerre of a former Infantry Scout and Sergeant in one of the Army’s best Reconnaissance Units. He has combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He teaches a series of courses focusing on small unit skills rarely if ever taught anywhere else in the prepping and survival field, including his RTO Course which focuses on small unit communications. In his free time he is an avid hunter, bushcrafter, writer, long range shooter, prepper, amateur radio operator and Libertarian activist. He can be contacted at [email protected] or via his blog at brushbeater.wordpress.com .


  1. SemperFido March 18, 2021 at 07:15

    OK they might follow orders without hesitation but these females, trans and other soy degenerates wouldn’t stand a chance against us. But I don’t think that they will have to. I believe that the intentional decline of our .mil is so they can’t stand in the way when foreign nationals are brought in to do the door to door dirty work under blue helmet UN orders. At least that makes it easy for us to know who the targets are.

    • FlyBy March 19, 2021 at 20:52

      “OK they might follow orders without hesitation but these females, trans and other soy degenerates wouldn’t stand a chance against us”.
      I hope you’re right. I try not under estimate an opponent. I’ve been in some scraps where I thought to myself, “I’m going to tear this dude up”.
      It’s always ended up being a lot harder that I thought it would be.

  2. SOG March 18, 2021 at 08:29

    I concur, you will have no good order and discipline, female Marines had enough trouble following rules and orders,regs and now they want the fringes of abnormal people in the military,good luck, but i agree 100 on your post

  3. SOG March 18, 2021 at 08:41

    the Col made some great points as well as scout above, China is alleged to be working on or using CRISPR DNA manipulation to enhance their soldiers ( universal soldier type shit) their female intel units are honey pots out to fuck guys like Salwell and Various Professors and politicians to steal state secrets, mean while our side is having woke stand downs and having to deal with a bunch of dumb shit.

  4. Cavguy March 18, 2021 at 09:46

    Never dreamed I’d be seeing this. Never dreamed that serious thought would be given to fighting on my home soil. Never dreamed we’d let this shit get so far out of wack. Well its no dream it’s a F-in nightmare. Spicy times bitches, real spicy.

  5. Freya Valentina March 18, 2021 at 10:20

    In addition, as they race to complete to commie takeover of the US, they are afraid that elements of the military may organize and seize DC and arrest them. So they immediately started “vetting” the military. This is why they erected that fence in DC. And they don’t want to make the task of arresting them easy by putting all their eggs (congress, Supreme Court, President, cabinet) in 1 basket for a State of the Union. I guess they think they have better control over the fringe riff raff with questionable mental stability that will comprise the coming Suicide Squad B Team clusterfuck that will become of our military.

    • NC Scout March 18, 2021 at 10:35

      There won’t be any “arresting”.

      • Johnny Paratrooper March 18, 2021 at 10:42

        Chris Miller is quarterbacking the forced diversity and homo AIDS into the military. That’s a far cry from the Horse Soldier hero we were told he is [was]

  6. Jon March 18, 2021 at 11:41

    All interesting perspectives.
    One not expressed yet is that the Oligarchs are keenly aware of history. They know the lessons of Glubb and Gibbon: at the end of empire, the Legions decide who gets to govern what area.
    To mitigate the Legion Veto, the Oligarchs behind the politicians have decided to literally neuter the Legions. First, buy expensive toys that are hard to maintain and have low operational readiness rates. That keeps defense contractors happy with profits and simultaneously hampers readiness to win wars against real external enemies.
    Second, purge the senior ranks. Done by 44. Politically reliable folks in senior enlisted and commissioned positions. Diversity quotas ensure that political reliability will be sustained over time.
    Third, literally neuter the formations. Ensure there are no capable and independent formations available to cross the rubicon should anyone get froggy.
    In all, a fairly effective strategy. Their tactics and information operations to support it need some improvement. Witness the furor over Carlson’s original challenge. Ham fisted tweeting by senior defense officials is simply bad IO. It was a piety display to the woke, not a credible defense of righteous policy to improve readiness.
    Less cynically, one might say that the Chiefs are following this Diversity Inclusion Equity (DIE) path because they can’t recruit from the historic base. 20 years of FUBAR in Mohammedan Land have led normal Americans to discourage their children and grandchildren from joining the military. The risk-reward curve for service is unfavorable. Exceptionally true for veterans who know the issues first hand.
    The resultant force structure is highly compliant. The question remains: is it highly capable?
    Challenges and opportunities all around.

    • FlyBy March 19, 2021 at 20:38

      I can’t help but feel the reason they can’t recruit from the historic base is because they don’t want to. Additionally, the military is often used as a social laboratory and the historic base isn’t willing to put up with the crap that comes with social experimentation.

  7. Anonymous March 18, 2021 at 13:35


  8. Georgiaboy61 March 19, 2021 at 01:16

    @ NC Scout
    Re: “In my opinion, the Communist Left if building the military that they want and one they feel we deserve: A military that will accept and follow any order without question or hesitation. This is what will be needed when those same Armed Forces are unleashed upon the American Public to bring the non-compliant 75 million Americans in line or send us off to the gulags.”
    Your analysis is in the x-ring. I am not a soldier – but I am a historian who’s spent more years than you’d really want to count – yeah, I’m that old – studying and thinking about the subject. My first love was the history of WWII and I built outward from there into other areas. You can’t understand the roots of that conflict without understanding the roots of communism and national socialism & fascism. The communists now in charge of this country, the former USA, are doing what they always and invariably do anyplace they seize power – they are consolidating their control over those parts of the state responsible for the use/projection of force, namely, the police, armed forces and the national security apparatus (including intelligence/counter-intelligence assets).
    It is important to note that communism invariably ends in the gulag and firing squad. Proponents of this system of belief always claim that what Stalin, Mao, Castro, Pol Pot, et al. did – was not “real” communism, but that’s balderdash and utter nonsense. The communists wish to perfect man in the image of their ideology, which acts as a surrogate religion for them (atheism and communism work hand-in-glove), the Soviets called him the “New Man.” But when the ordinary human, as imperfect and flawed as he/she is, fails to measure up to this impossible-to-reach standard, the trouble begins. Obviously, to the hardcore “true believer” and communist ideologue, it can’t be their worldview which is at fault. That leaves the flawed individual himself to blame. Since their Marxist utopia can’t be created out of such sub-standard ingredients, off to the gulag he goes, or perhaps he is simply shot and his family charged the cost of the bullet, as once happened in the old USSR.
    Nearly fifty years ago, committed and hardcore Marxists Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn and their colleagues in the Weather Underground domestic terrorist group spoke often of the sort of communist nation they wished to create with their movement. Ayers openly spoke about those Americans – perhaps as many as 20-25 million of them – too resistant to communist indoctrination to be salvaged in the reeducation camps. They would have to be liquidated. We know the substance of these statements because of an FBI mole inside the group – the late Larry Grathwohl.
    The communists killed, according to the most-accurate scholarly estimates available, as many as 120 million people during the 20th century alone, and that number may be even larger depending on how the data are classified (I am referring to the victims of mass starvation and famine; some analysts count them as intentionally-inflicted deaths, namely murder, whereas others do not). Many Americans naively believe that something like that could never happen here – but history suggests a darker outcome. And as the work of the late Dr. R.J. Rummel and others confirmed, would-be mass-murders and those planning on committing genocide against their enemies, almost always disarm their intended victims first via gun-control measures and other restrictions on weapons of various kinds.

    • FlyBy March 19, 2021 at 20:28

      Thank you for your comments and supplemental write up. Great info.

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