245 Years Later, Long Guns are Still The Life Blood of the Armed Patriot Citizen, by TX2Guns

It occurred to me this morning (July 3rd) while preparing my coffee and sitting down to work on a few writing projects that America at present is at a crossroads much like our Founding Fathers were some 245 odd years ago.

Like those brave men in the Continental Congress, we now at present face a similar tyrannical system of Government that is clearly not interested in individual liberties anymore. At every turn it seems this Government seeks to deny us, the American Citizen the rights afforded to us in the Constitution and Bill of Rights to “Keep and Bear Arms.” If you have been paying attention this past year it seems obvious that semi-automatic rifles like the AR-15 are the focus of their despotic disarmament scheme more than any other type of weapon. But why is this?

“That is why our masters in Washington are so anxious to disarm us. They are not afraid of criminals. They are afraid of a populace which cannot be subdued by tyrants.” -Colonel Jeff Cooper

History clearly shows that a populace armed with rifles stands a much better chance than one armed with handguns and an ill temper. This is why there is such a push at the highest levels of government to go after rifles, because an armed civilian populace SCARES them!

Gun control as many of you know comes in many forms and guises, but the most despicable form is the “Practical, Common Sense” approach. This type of control is most often now seen in Firearms Training articles predominantly authored by current or ex-Law Enforcement Officers.

Case in point: this article which seeks to use the John Hurley shooting a week ago as a reason for civilians to NOT carry rifles in their vehicles for self-defense because a nervous cop may shoot them thinking they are the bad guy!

Now the irony of this story is that Hurley killed the murdering perp with his legal concealed carry pistol. Hurley was then shot by a responding officer because he (Hurley) had picked up the perp’s AR-15 most likely thinking there were still active multiple shooters and was then mistaken for the shooter by the police and subsequently shot and killed.

Clearly there is a LOT to learn from this tragedy, namely what the armed civilian needs to do AFTER the perp is down and police are responding, but telling civilians to NOT carry a long gun in their car because they may be shot by Law Enforcement is NOT a good piece of advice!

The rifle will always be the LIFE BLOOD of the patriot citizen! It is the instrument by which we protect both ourselves and our freedoms from a tyrannical government.

Organizations like the NRA CMP and Project Appleseed were designed to ENSURE future generations never forget the importance of riflemanship for the every day citizen!

So this July 4th Independece Day take some time to reflect on the FOUNDATIONAL TRUTH that Rifle Ownership and Riflemanship are not only SACRED RIGHTS afforded to us by the Constitution and BIll of Rights but also a SACRED DUTY of the Armed Civilian!

Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!

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