New England Training and Gear Resources for the AP reader, by SGTOG
Sent in by SGTOG, this is a list of resources for those living in the Northeast. Frequently I get questions as to who else does stuff in different regions – and while there’s a lot of great resources popping up, I don’t know everyone, but there’s usually good people right in your own backyard. -NCS
None of these courses mirror Scouts courses, there are no tactical radio, Long range scouting and patrolling, but there are some wood survival courses, land nav, firearm and medical training but nothing prepared for the American Partisan in the format of NC Scouts courses and should not be construed as a replacement but a compliment to Brushbeater training, in lieu of travel outside of the New England States until you can get down to NC or any of his CONUS wide training locations.
Training: wilderness skills, game prep,
Outdoorsman & survival skills
Courses such as big game processing, wilderness edibles, wilderness survival 101,102 and land nav
I will be attending the big game processing course, land nav and wilderness courses and hope to report back with a competent review.
outdoor skills
Medical training Southern NH
Prior Service Combat Medics who have been there and done that. Great courses I took the TCC tourniquet and wound treatment course. They also have a store with competitively priced medical gear. These folks training local LEO as well.
I am waiting on their word for the 2-3day course with simulators and casualty actors.
Tactical and firearms:
Basic and special firearms training southern NH, many guest instructors etc.. this is a flat range, there are some 270 degree ranges and simunition houses but again mostly flat range no woods and camo and field training. The cadre is made up of mostly prior service SEALs and Army SF personnel. Awesome value for money, some courses are ammo depleting and wallet stripping so plan accordingly. I have taken several pistol courses and have run several platforms on their ranges at some fund raiser Shoots. You don’t really have anything compared to this facility here in New England so take advantage. For those without firearms yet they can provide for your courses.
Ridgeline: basic and tactical training Northern NH
Basic and special firearms training southern NH, many guest instructors etc.. The cadre is made up of mostly prior service SEALs and Army SF personnel. Awesome value for money, some courses are ammo depleting and wallet stripping so plan accordingly here as well.
Vehicle Operations: super expensive but this is where,“Dot GOV” trains some of their units in mobility.
Public Range and FFL’s
Dover NH Veteran owned facility. Gear, Ammo and indoor ranges, brand new facility, they also have training simulator.
FFL/Gunsmith hookset NH
gun shop, gunsmith, cerakote master, Veteran owned prior service Army Ranger
Ham radio outlet, Salem NH, lots of gear and knowledgeable staff.