Flag of our Nation, TX2Guns

Check it out on his site. -NCS

The tragic results of decades of Multiculturalism in the U.K., Europe and Australia is growing more and more evident as the rebellion to COVID tyranny grows.

Those tragic results simply put are WEAKNESS and DIS-UNITY.

If I have said it once I have said it ten thousand times:

Multiculturalism is a NATION KILLER.



“Because even though the vast majority of people present are white, they are not unified. The obvious truth of that statement is reflected in the number of different flags on display.

Every different flag is a cause of division. Some of the flags are of entirely different countries. It is antithetical to me that people would take part in a political march while holding aloft the flag of a different nation. If I were present at a demonstration in Italy I would not be seen dead with an Australian flag. So why do we see them here?

Because we have been invaded. And there are too many of them to be like us. They are not like us, which is why their allegiance is to another flag, another nation, another people.”

Quoting from a previous article by the same author:

“Judging by the photos and videos that I saw, the same montage of white faces was repeated around the country. This was not just a demonstration, this was an Australian demonstration. And by Australians I mean actual Australians, not second and third world blow-ins clutching a piece of scrap paper that somehow changes their genetic identity under the magical auspices of civic nationalism.

The enormous numbers of Chinese and Indians that inhabit the country, numbering in the millions, somehow had no time last Saturday to venture out of their homes and participate in the great show of public dedication to save muh democracies. And why would they? Why are they going to get involved in white people’s problems? They’re not going to stick their necks out and risk being sent back to the shitholes from which they managed to escape. No matter how totalitarian Australia becomes, they’re still better off here than where they came from. They’ll put up with just about anything.

Which is why they were brought here in the first place. We didn’t have a shortage of taxi drivers. Nor did we have a shortage of teenage kids to work in fast food outlets. Nor were we hard up for people to pump fuel into your car. No, what we had was a chronic aversion by our traitorous politicians to put up with our native Anglo population and its inability to collectively swallow their lies for a sustained period of time.

Politicians in this country are terrified of their own Anglo population. But at the same time they have managed to brainwash this same population to believe in the fairy dust world of democracy.

Which is a lie. Power to the people is actually power from the people, if you replace the people with those who are much more compliant.”



Do you see the Globalist blueprint folks?

It’s exactly the same one used here in the United States.

Replace Freedom loving White People with Black, Brown and Yellow People who could give two-shit’s about this Nation as long as they are placated with the basic necessities of life to include, food, housing and health care.

The Seeds of Multiculturalism planted long ago under the guise of bleeding heart humanitarianism and helping poor illegal immigrants “escape tyranny” has ultimately created a weak, unstable and divided Country.

The sooner we see Multiculturalism as a TACTIC OF WAR, the sooner we can react as SOLDIERS should in WAR:

Without Pity, Remorse or Fear.

Prepare and Act Accordingly.

By Published On: November 28, 2021Categories: AP Staff, Opinion2 Comments on Flag of our Nation, TX2Guns

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About the Author: NC Scout

NC Scout is the nom de guerre of a former Infantry Scout and Sergeant in one of the Army’s best Reconnaissance Units. He has combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He teaches a series of courses focusing on small unit skills rarely if ever taught anywhere else in the prepping and survival field, including his RTO Course which focuses on small unit communications. In his free time he is an avid hunter, bushcrafter, writer, long range shooter, prepper, amateur radio operator and Libertarian activist. He can be contacted at [email protected] or via his blog at brushbeater.wordpress.com .


  1. Ghostmann November 28, 2021 at 07:08

    “Replace Freedom loving White People with Black, Brown and Yellow People who could give two-shit’s about this Nation as long as they are placated with the basic necessities of life to include, food, housing and health care.”

    Some of the truest words spoken. I see this daily. The illegals even have the gall to say to you, when you say you are an American, “where are your feathers?”

    When I tell them they are mounted on the wall because our society is superior to socialist shitholes like their native Peru, they have this shocked look on their face because a gringo actually fought back LOL. They have no idea how to handle it.

  2. Tunnel Rabbit November 28, 2021 at 12:34

    Identifying the tools of Globalism is the key to reversing the process. Using a 5th column of migrants to change the culture, to dilute and disrupt, has been on going since the 1970’s, first in the U.S. and then in Europe. It was obvious to myself when I warned friends in Europe in 1987 while visiting, about the Middle Easterners that had begun to be trickled in ahead of the eventual flood.

    In my youth, I traveled far and wide, and had friends from all parts of the Global, and even had an Iranian female friend propose marriage. Clearly I am not a racist and do not discriminate, yet we would be stupid not to appreciate that persons of a culture that is antithetical is comprised of persons who have no intention of assimilating themselves, or their children in any regard, to their adopted country. This kind of migration is clearly not in the best interests of that country. Where Muslims are being imported en’mass, and indiscriminately, we are seeing diametrically opposed cultures being deliberately put at odds with each other, like fighting dogs. In Northern Europe, a refined and gentle people is being confronted with a crude stone age culture that promotes violence. Western civilization was founded on Christian principles, and the Muslim nations on Islam. We should review what happened during the Crusades. Europeans nearly lost.

    We see Asians who migrate to the U.S. learn English quickly. Europeans will speak at least one other language, if not 3 and 4. I’ve also once learned a second language to the level of being able to function well in an adopted country. Working hard, and total immersed, it was possible to learn how to read, write, and speak better than a conversational level within 6 months. I was offered a slot in the University as a result. Those who are determined to assimilate can, even an American.

    Language binds a people together in ways nothing else does. And so it was in America when floods of migrants arrived here around the turn of the century, when our immigration policies were sensible and productive. As the beacon of freedom that we once were, shined far and wide, migrants, young and old, risked their lives to get here and would quickly begin to learn English. They strove to become Americans. They brought their love of freedom with them.

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