The U.S. military must start making preparations for another “insurrection” after the 2024 election, according to a trio of retired military generals.

An op-ed published by the Washington Post on Friday called for action amid growing concern among former senior officials about the “potential for lethal chaos inside our military” in a flash of violence that could eclipse the Capitol riot on Jan. 6.

“First, everything must be done to prevent another insurrection. Not a single leader who inspired it has been held to account. Our elected officials and those who enforce the law — including the Justice Department, the House select committee and the whole of Congress — must show more urgency,” they wrote.

“The Pentagon should immediately order a civics review for all members — uniformed and civilian — on the Constitution and electoral integrity,” the trio said. “There must also be a review of the laws of war and how to identify and deal with illegal orders. And it must reinforce ‘unity of command’ to make perfectly clear to every member of the Defense Department whom they answer to. No service member should say they didn’t understand whom to take orders from during a worst-case scenario.”

“In addition,” they wrote, “all military branches must undertake more intensive intelligence work at all installations. The goal should be to identify, isolate and remove potential mutineers; guard against efforts by propagandists who use misinformation to subvert the chain of command; and understand how that and other misinformation spreads across the ranks after it is introduced by propagandists.”

“Finally, the Defense Department should war-game the next potential post-election insurrection or coup attempt to identify weak spots. It must then conduct a top-down debrief of its findings and begin putting in place safeguards to prevent breakdowns not just in the military, but also in any agency that works hand in hand with the military,” the three retired generals said.


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About the Author: NC Scout

NC Scout is the nom de guerre of a former Infantry Scout and Sergeant in one of the Army’s best Reconnaissance Units. He has combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He teaches a series of courses focusing on small unit skills rarely if ever taught anywhere else in the prepping and survival field, including his RTO Course which focuses on small unit communications. In his free time he is an avid hunter, bushcrafter, writer, long range shooter, prepper, amateur radio operator and Libertarian activist. He can be contacted at [email protected] or via his blog at .


  1. Reg December 18, 2021 at 18:42

    “Trumpists” …? This is how it starts. US military leaders referring to any elected official not of the Woke/Globosocialist persuasion as a Trumpist and therefore an Enemy of The People. The lines are becoming more and more defined…

  2. X-Beast419 December 18, 2021 at 19:23

    Apparently, they want more WOKE generals!

  3. No December 18, 2021 at 19:59

    Remember, folks…head of the octopus…not the tentacles.

  4. Centurion_Cornelius December 18, 2021 at 20:45

    I can’t read the WaPo article since it keeps asking me to pay to read (and I will be damned in Hell if I’ll pay to read/support that shit-ticket.)

    BUT–lookey like to me that TPTB is openly sweating “potential for lethal chaos inside our military.” Do tell? Fireworks “INSIDE” the barracks and bases.

    Well, well, well…what have we got here? Train a guy in the art and science of war, allow him the use of the most modern weaponry around, give him lessons in strategy and tactics, feed and exercise him well. Mind and body sharp as a razor. Sounds like what the military OUGHT to be doing from day one, eh? Make a man into a FIGHTER.

    ‘Cept now it seems like some “3 Stooges” on the outside of the wire are makin’ skid marks in their bloomers thinking about mebbe the well-trained ground pounders might wise up, recall their oaths, disobey illegal orders, and “LET FREEDOM RING.”

    Can’t have that! Sounds like a nascent cover story in the making for a replay of “Corporate Coup Follies of 1933” in DC. (Always think the OPPOSITE of what tyrants/Communists complain about and you’ll be in good shape.)

    Hummm….shades of USMC MG Smedley Butler:

  5. SOG December 18, 2021 at 21:01

    they must already know who is going to “win”

    • Gray Man December 20, 2021 at 01:07

      They do. They stole the last election and we didn’t do anything. So why would they not do it again?

      • NC Scout December 20, 2021 at 01:13

        Depends on what you mean by “we”.

        CORRECTION- you are not doing anything.

        • Zorost December 20, 2021 at 01:31

          No one did anything that the cheaters would actually feel threatened by. So for all definitions of “we” his statement holds true.

          • NC Scout December 20, 2021 at 07:30

            Not true. And apparently both of you are unfamiliar with the resistance pyramid. Its because you read my site for entertainment, not knowledge.

            You’re thinking in immediate terms, because its all you know. This ain’t a TV show. And you people are annoying with this woe is me shit.

            Some of us are a very, very real threat and are building it. You’re either part of it, or not. When the AG continues to overstretch his authority, we are winning. When the low level low politboro begins to arrest folks for just speaking out, we are seeing the cracks in the dam. And these Generals are overplaying their hand here. All evidence to the contrary of what you’re saying. If you were smart, you’d understand what’s happening. But your not.

            I’m out there building a very real underground and utilizing foco warfare principles. You know, what I write about?

            Each of you who throw your hands up are defeated because you want to be. And you deserve it. But don’t tell me nobody is doing anything simply because you’re not.

          • wwes December 20, 2021 at 09:22

            “Doing something” doesn’t start out with folks having rallys or pulling triggers.
            If they didn’t feel threatened they wouldn’t be trying so hard to hide what they are doing, and they wouldn’t be trying so hard to convince everyone that everything is ok.
            Why do you think they are trying to demonize and discredit so many of us? If they weren’t worried, they wouldn’t be trying to intimidate the folks pushing back at the grassroots level, like at school board meetings. There is a reason they are arresting those folks like NC Scout mentioned.

      • Retired December 20, 2021 at 11:34

        When the government uses words like “prepare” for civil war it implies a few things:

        They know or assume the outcome of the next election, and it will be an outcome that must be followed by a final assault against the duly Constitutional system based on government “of, by, and for the people.” The military men we pay imply this as well.

        What do they uphold, then?

        Jim Comey’s “A higher principle”, which is neither higher, legal, or moral, but is coercive against men freely choosing how society should be organized.

        This self proclaimed “higher principle” is nothing short of superseding the Constitution once and for all to use power in the name of equality. But it’s really power for those who think they know better than the founders of this nation.

        Comey’s hubris is seen everywhere throughout the federal government and is being financed by basically a mafia type cabal that is attempting to transfer power and wealth from the many to a few, and disguised as legitimate by groups like The Council on Foreign Relations and the United Nations. The government is telling us this transfer from popular sovereignty to an oligarchy must be enforced illegally by paid soldiers.

        This is a declaration of war.

        While these comments are surely being read by people who we pay to protect our rights and freedom, I must not feel intimidated if these clandestine and essentially criminal organs of the system view me as an enemy, after all, Solzhenitsyn was an enemy and he was praised by this country and freedom loving men everywhere for his courage.

        Are we too intimidated by this fear of being listed as enemies of the state, expecting an early morning raid? Expecting loss of income and financial security? How does such a thuggish reaction comport with Constitutional rights and liberties—I ask you, Mr. government agent, preparing to war against me.

        So let them read our words and let them know that we are justified in talking about how we need leadership that will protect our rights, freedom, and lives. Yes, we must talk in cells because they have declared war on us.

        “It is insurrection when you plan to overthrow the government.”

        Is it? Who is the government? People on the government payroll or the people who grant or deny consent to you who cash government checks, checks that we finance? Do we pay you to deny us our rights, kill, or imprison us? Do we pay you to spy on us and confiscate our bank accounts? For a higher principle?

        Nothing is higher than the Constitution. You must cease and desist. Since the people we elected told us they would tell you to cease and desist, but they have not told you, we are telling you.

        We were never labeled as terrorists until just recently. You did that to us. We are Americans, not globalists. You cannot just decree that our rights and freedom are null because there is a new world order. Nope—Americans pay you to protect our lives from foreign and domestic enemies, and to allow us to earn a living free from theft and extreme redistribution.

        You have killed popular sovereignty, limited government and every concept of Civics and constitutional principles that we learned in school.

        So we must organize to defend those rights and principles, and our very lives and existence—ours and our posterity. It is all there in our charter. You say the Constitution is a living and breathing document, so our right to talk about changing a government that is planning to destroy us, makes it right and just to discuss our need for organization, and to seek people’s generals who are morally needed to form resistance groups.

        We voted, you did not listen.

        So we sit in front of our keyboards but we don’t know who our General Washington is. Some of us don’t know for certain how to fight fire with fire. We do know that you think that there are no valid Constitutional rights that allow us to meet and plan, and that you have the technological means to find and eliminate us.

        We did not ask for this ultimate confrontation, but you are so arrogant and bloodthirsty that you actually want the violence; we wanted democracy, you want brute force.

        What good is it to buy firearms and ammunition if we don’t know what the battle plan is?

        Those “good men” reading this have skills and abilities; the rest of us just think in terms of defense against desperate looters, gangs, politically organized mobs, and even against armed government agents who plan to come with a message that says, “You never did anything wrong in all the years that you paid taxes and obeyed the laws that held society together, but today you are a threat, so we are coming to take you away, and kill you if necessary. We represent your masters and you have no choice in the matter.”

        Yeah, a higher principle. Jim Comey said so.

        St. Michael the Archangel,
        defend us in battle.
        Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.
        May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
        and do thou,
        O Prince of the heavenly hosts,
        by the power of God,
        thrust into hell Satan,
        and all the evil spirits,
        who prowl about the world
        seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

        • Luke December 20, 2021 at 12:20

          @Retired….Very well said.

          • Retired December 20, 2021 at 12:56

            Thank you. I did not re-read the OP so I should have directed it to the retired generals. But even so, those not-retired generals may be in agreement with them.

            Are there any retired and current generals who can see? Who will organize and lead us? Are the good men biding their time? Will I be arrested for the above post pleading for organized resistance? I’m to the point where I do not care about it; we have people younger than us who don’t deserve serfdom even though many of their uneducated peers are clueless victims of bad parenting and bad education, all spawned by academics and powered by foundation and tax dollars, and buttressed by fake civil liberties organizations over time.

            People commenting here are saying “We will do nothing.”

            Others are just waiting until something sparks the fire.

            Non veterans of age might basically be willing to go for defense only; besides advanced age, add to it the lack of know-how, even though one can read recommend books and manuals.

            I do not believe evil wins this time. I have no data to support that, only faith in good Americans and faith in God.

            The collectivists never show much self discipline and their patron saint Obama tried to warn them about going too fast; not because he didn’t desire new authority and death of the country, but because he fears the reaction.

            Like their undisciplined, impulsive, and perverse step children, they leapt at total control, too soon. The good news is that they ultimately lose; the bad news is that people will die because they never realize that they are defeated and will not surrender peacefully.

  6. Delta Mike December 18, 2021 at 21:19

    Well, there is this terrible headline from New Zeland that might have MIllies’s panties in a wad “ITALIAN WAREHOUSE ALLEGEDLY STORING VACCINES BURNT DOWN”

    Delta Mike

  7. Luke December 18, 2021 at 22:10

    Hence the real reason for setting up the Green Zone in DC. If these experimental gene therapies go awry they should be worried.

  8. Retired December 18, 2021 at 22:16

    Ok then, we’ll take all of your best fighters DOD. Or, will the dissidents in the military be disappeared?

    • Gray Man December 20, 2021 at 01:08

      Beat fighters? You mean we are actually going to fight this time? Because we were supposed to fight last time too…

  9. Tom W. December 19, 2021 at 03:55

    Plain and Simple. They’re Scared. This country was founded on people that simply had enough of tyranny.

  10. Unknownsailor December 19, 2021 at 06:20

    “The Pentagon should immediately order a civics review for all members — uniformed and civilian — on the Constitution and electoral integrity”

    I’m all for that. Perhaps we can start with Article 1, Section 4, “The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof;”

    Not judges, not election officials. All votes recorded outside the rules as laid down by the state legislature are by definition non-Constitutional conforming, and are null and void. This makes the Electoral College members sent by the states that allowed such votes should not be recognized.

    That means Trump wins.

    Try again, you fucking perfumed princes.

  11. HenryBowmansGuns December 19, 2021 at 06:47

    Perhaps I missed it, but do these generals have names?

    • NC Scout December 19, 2021 at 08:07

      Yeah, click the link and read the full article.

  12. Madman_Actual December 19, 2021 at 09:34

    Taguba called out Abu Ghraib. Eaton, a member of the “progressive” National Security Network. Anderson, the Chief Marketing Officer of Relyant LLC, a DoD contractor with multi faceted mission set, he also spear headed the green movement back in 2010. What crew!

  13. Retired December 19, 2021 at 09:56

    Taguba was born in the Philippines. Like many people in our country in law firms, politics, media, they are first generation in America (I did not write “Americans”) and are the products of Salad Bowl assimilation rather than Melting Pot assimilation. They or their immediate ancestors came here for a better life but have been formed with un-American ideas and are tools to create the conditions that they fled.

    General Eaton, OTH, isn’t in this camp. When did my publicly accepted “being” as a white male who believed in God and country suddenly become a sin and national security risk? The switch from normal American to enemy has been swift!

    The General may have some serious cognitive issues or I am still naive to believe that a warrior could actually not grasp the difference between freedom loving patriots and progressive tyranny. This baffles me.

  14. Steve Gould December 19, 2021 at 10:25

    LOCAL, LOCAL, LOCAL!!! We owe it to the generations behind us to fix the mess that we created by not paying attention to what was happening in our local communities in the 80’s, 90’s and 00’s. Our future grandchildren deserve the country that was promised to us. I may not make it to the other side when this is over and I am okay with that. But I refuse to sit on my lazy butt and watch sportsball while this country goes full retard and ends up flushed down the toilet and into the sewer of failed nations. I have made my peace, and I am pretty confident that those reading this blog on a regular basis have made their peace as well.

    I find it humorous that 3 retarded oops, retired military politicians think that they have until 2024 to war game a potential issue. I don’t see us getting out of 2022. But then again, the bulk of our great military leaders are worthless. I will take an E7 over a O7 any day of the week. Hell, for that matter I will take an E4 over any O class. At least they know how to work.

    it is a sad state that more of the military didn’t refuse the jab. My inside sources tell me that the pressure to take the jab was almost to the point of waterboarding in some camps. Bless those that refused, you will always have a home here.

    Merry Christmas everyone. It is going to be in the 70’s on Christmas day here in Mayberry.

    Thank you for letting me rant.


  15. davidnickels December 19, 2021 at 12:57

    The Western World’s problems are abortion, Muslims, public homosexuals, sex-changers, and incompatible races. Eliminate those and everything else will be fine.

    • Gray Man December 20, 2021 at 01:12

      Muslims are a minuscule part of the population. The problem is Christian churches that confuse meekness with weakness and think that violence is always a sin and never a solution. Christians in the west have been hiding behind their faith and using it as an excuse to avoid taking action for decades.

      • Johnny Paratrooper December 20, 2021 at 07:58

        Muslims have a lot of power in this country considering their low numbers. They managed to take over the colleges, sports, music, drug trade, porn, and prisons.

        Doesn’t sound like a “Minuscule” problem to me. Sounds like they are quite effective.

        They also have half the population convinced that Islam is the religion of peace and women’s rights and everything else about islam is simply the white man’s imperial hate propaganda.

  16. Kevin December 19, 2021 at 15:23

    Get ready for more persecution of conservatives. This is looking more and more hopeless. LOCAL is right: the states and cities are our only line of defense. I wrote Senator Marshall [KS] about the inhuman treatment of the January 6th prisoners, and he basically sided with the investigating committees…which are legion. He had no comment at all about the people being held, only that security in the capital needs to be reviewed. This clown ran as a staunch conservative and he has consumed vast gallons of the kool-aid. The Kansas state government is fighting all of the federal edicts, and once we rid ourselves of the current communist governor, I’ll start feeling better.

  17. Mens Bellator December 19, 2021 at 18:12

    As with most general officers, they are sure they know better than anyone else. Sadly, for several decades now, that sort of ego and elitism has been what got them promoted. They are politicians who never really took the oath seriously, it was only a career vehicle.

  18. […] 107: While warning of potential for ‘civil war’, three retired General Officers are demanding political compliance to ‘avert extremism in the r…, magically leaving out the widespread insurrection the Left has been openly waging for several […]

  19. Zorost December 20, 2021 at 02:12

    “”The Pentagon should…””

    “”In addition,” they wrote, “all military branches must…””

    Nice of them to tell us where their weak spots are.

    Guerrilla wars are a bit rough to win. Long past time to start getting pro-freedom Governors elected in flyover states so we can fend off federal overreach with a standing army. Who wants to start up the “Heritage American Party?”

  20. […] of shenanigans and high treason in 2024 and calling for a deeper purge of the military (HT: American Partisan): Opinion: 3 retired generals: The military must prepare now for a 2024 […]

  21. Adino December 21, 2021 at 10:08

    The insurrection has already occurred, it was carried out on Jan 6 by the oligarchs and their deep state lap dog.

    J6 was a false flag to eliminate debate on the Senate floor about the blatant election fraud, and cram the Electoral College ratification vote through without an audience in the middle of the night. The .mil broke their oaths, and let the coup happen. It meets all the definitions of an insurrection. It was unusual because it was carried out by those in government.

    The insurrection was a color revolution coup, like they have pulled in other countries around the world.

    The insurrection was for the purpose of eliminating ‘We the People’s’ vote, Constitutional governance, and the rule of law.

    The insurrection has control over political, religious, and informational systems and institutions. But not reliable allegiance from those within those institutions.

    The insurrection is trying desperately to hide itself behind a projected image of legitimacy with it’s propaganda arms (failing), and is trying to hide as long as possible the war the domestic enemies in office are waging on Real Trad Heritage Americans.

    What they do not have is the hearts and minds of Heritage Americans.

    The more tyrannical they become the more hearts and minds they lose, and the more expansive and galvanized resistance becomes. And they know that without our consent they have nothing left to rule us except force. (They are preparing for that, but I don’t think it will go as planned for them.)

    Therefore, they are ideologically purging the .mil and leos and fleas and are scrambling to grab guns.

    This ain’t over, by long shot. They know it. And they are scared. And that is why they acting like they are now.

    Spit out the black pills.

    Their Great Reset has birthed a Great Awakening and that is/will birth the Great Resistance.

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