The American Partisan Nutritional Empowerment Program Guide, Part 1 of 6
Greetings, American Partisans! It’s been a few months since I posted about fitness-related topics, but things have settled down just a bit, and so I’m back in action to deliver more good information for Partisans interested in boosting their fitness and health, as well as changing their lifestyle for the better and healthier!
Unlike the last few posts comprising the Lean n’ Mean Series, which provided a rather general and introductory overview of eating lifestyle change and some specific theory, the next six posts will get into the practical/how-to side of lifestyle change by spelling out exactly what/which nutrients and foods Partisans should focus on, as well as how to use them. My intention with the next six posts on eating lifestyle is to provide a comprehensive eating guide, as evidenced in the name of this series: The American Partisan Nutritional Empowerment Guide series. As part of this comprehensive eating guide, I will also be covering bare-bones supplementation using essential nutrients (vitamins and minerals) to help Partisan readers’ efforts at getting healthier and leaner, as well as meal ideas and other suggestions that have proven helpful in my personal training business and in my own life. The full eating guide is meant to be a one-stop shop for all things related to eating lifestyle change, according to my worldview on fitness and nutrition.
As such, the six posts relating to the eating guide have been structured in such a way as to bring together the concepts and ideas presented in the How to Get Lean n’ Mean series of posts in order to be a full reference guide that can be easily cherry-picked by Partisans on how best to proceed with their eating lifestyle change, depending on the reader’s needs. Change your eating lifestyle at your own speed ! The eating guide shows Partisans the way to get the best basic nutrition, from A – Z.
Hopefully, the six posts of this eating guide will be of particular use to Partisans making them ol’ New Year’s Resolutions to “trim down and tone up” (although, of course, one need not wait until New Year’s to start getting their health and fitness together), and should be of use not just to readers, but to their family members as well! Let’s get right into things.
The American Partisan
Nutritional Empowerment Program Guide
Introduction: The Purpose of the AP Nutritional Empowerment Program (“NEP”) Guide
Welcome to your Nutritional Empowerment Program, Partisans! The purpose of the NEP Guide (which I will simply call the “Guide” from now on) is to provide you, the American Partisan, with an understandable, easy-to-use, full-spectrum eating program that allows you to progress immediately in your efforts to lose fat, gain energy, and achieve your natural right to maximum health. As the Guide name plainly states, this program is meant to empower Partisans to take firm command of their health and appearance, starting NOW!
This Guide will also provide many useful details and background information about the foods and nutrients I humbly recommend so that Partisans know not just what to eat, but also how and why they should eat it! Empowering your health through nutrition requires some basic understanding of what’s what in the wide world of nutrition, which is what this Guide seeks to provide.
Adjusting your eating lifestyle, as prescribed by this Guide, will quickly lead to your increased health and vitality, of which weight loss is a natural result; after all, a healthy body is naturally lean and energetic!
Besides weight loss and increased energy, other benefits of eating according to this Guide include:
- Anti-Aging: Fortifying the natural anti-aging processes of the body; strengthening the building, growth, and repair functions of the body for maximum longevity with accompanying vigor
- Immune System Health: Boosting the power of your immune system to more effectively fight infections and illness (more relevant than ever these days! Like…Omicron, bro! LOL)
- Brain Health: Improving alertness, clarity of thought, and positive mood
- Physical Performance: Enjoying better physical performance results in athletics, tactical training, or just day-to-day life, whether you are a competitive athlete, a desk jockey that works out and trains hard in the gym and in the field, or an on-the-go older Partisan filled with spark and hustle and a continued readiness to fight
In short, following the diet prescriptions made here should put you squarely on track to becoming the master of your own body, both internally and externally, so that you can live your life to its fullest length and physical potential… it’s there for the taking, and nutrition has A DAMN LOT to do with that!
NEP I: A Call to Action – Are You Ready to Take Command of Your Body?
American Partisan NEP I: Empowering Yourself through Good Nutrition
You will now have the conceptual tools to embark on a very worthwhile and important j