Canadian truckers block highway at US border to protest Covid vaccine mandates

Dozens of Canadian truck drivers have blocked the highway near the USManitoba international border to protest against Covid-19 vaccine mandates.

Videos shared on social media showed truck drivers carrying Canadian flags and holding a demonstration on the Manitoba Highway 75, which connects the Emerson community in Manitoba with the US city of Pembina in North Dakota.

The demonstration slowed down traffic on both sides and caused delays for vehicles both entering and leaving Canada.


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About the Author: NC Scout

NC Scout is the nom de guerre of a former Infantry Scout and Sergeant in one of the Army’s best Reconnaissance Units. He has combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He teaches a series of courses focusing on small unit skills rarely if ever taught anywhere else in the prepping and survival field, including his RTO Course which focuses on small unit communications. In his free time he is an avid hunter, bushcrafter, writer, long range shooter, prepper, amateur radio operator and Libertarian activist. He can be contacted at [email protected] or via his blog at .


  1. Truth in Tension January 20, 2022 at 11:52

    Finally some resistance to the government / medical tyranny! Any moment the America despising, open borders loving, wage killing, Davos puppet the US Chamber of Commerce will demand that China Joe the Oppressor issue another unconstitutional executive order to arrest all independent trucks.
    Who is John Galt? TEXIT

  2. Überdeplorable Psychedelic Cat Grass January 20, 2022 at 16:23

    Good on our Canadian cousins! I loved how they would go up to the border, circle around, and repeat.

  3. Luke January 20, 2022 at 17:12

    “As predicted, Canada’s decision to impose a vaccine mandate on cross-border truckers is making an already bad supply chain situation worse .

    Truckers were already in critically short supply, and the mandates are expected to sideline as many as 16,000 drivers who don’t have up-to-date vaccination cards. At a time of year when more than 90 per cent of Canada’s fresh fruits and vegetables come from the United States , grocers told Bloomberg that shelves are already running bare and shipping costs are skyrocketing. The group North American Produce Buyers reported that the cost of getting a truckload of produce from California to Canada is now $9,500, up from an average of $7,000.

    Sylvain Charlebois is Canada’s go-to expert on food prices and supply chains. In a column for Postmedia, he warned that whatever benefits incurred by Canada’s rigid adherence to vaccine mandates would be dwarfed by the harms yielded by food shortages and rising prices. “ Public health measures need to be adapted so the food industry can continue to provide Canadians with safe, affordable food for the next few months as we try to cope with Omicron’s wrath ,” he wrote .

    The whole thing is a 180 degree turn away from how Ottawa previously addressed pandemic-related supply chain backups : By reducing regulations. National Post reporter Bryan Passifiume noted than when supplies ran critically short in the first weeks of COVID-19, drivers making deliveries into Ontario were exempted from requirements on daily vehicle inspections and the necessity of driving with speed limiters.

    One of the continent’s largest trucking firms, Schneider Transport, just announced it is shutting down its Canadian operations. “Despite the dedication and best efforts over many years, Canadian-based operations do not fit within Schneider’s long-term strategic focus,” wrote the company in a statement . Ottawa’s new mandates weren’t specifically cited by Schneider, but it wouldn’t be the craziest thing to assume it played some role in their decision to pull up stakes.”

  4. Crazy Stevo January 21, 2022 at 15:40

    Our governments solution to truckers not wanting to follow them.

    • Johnny Paratrooper January 21, 2022 at 15:49

      This is the solution to the new DOT standards. Not some conspiracy. Just a different health code as far as I can tell

      Why? My company and I are still wondering.

  5. […] On January 20, a grouping of dozens of truckers drove a continual loop back and forth from Emerson, Manitoba, to Pembina, North Dakota, causing massive congestion, in a show of their disapproval of these mandates. […]

  6. […] On January 20, a grouping of dozens of truckers drove a continual loop back and forth from Emerson, Manitoba, to Pembina, North Dakota, causing massive congestion, in a show of their disapproval of these mandates. […]

  7. […] On January 20, a grouping of dozens of truckers drove a continual loop back and forth from Emerson, Manitoba, to Pembina, North Dakota, causing massive congestion, in a show of their disapproval of these mandates. […]

  8. […] On January 20, a grouping of dozens of truckers drove a continual loop back and forth from Emerson, Manitoba, to Pembina, North Dakota, causing massive congestion, in a show of their disapproval of these mandates. […]

  9. […] On January 20, a grouping of dozens of truckers drove a continual loop back and forth from Emerson, Manitoba, to Pembina, North Dakota, causing massive congestion, in a show of their disapproval of these mandates. […]

  10. […] On January 20, a grouping of dozens of truckers drove a continual loop back and forth from Emerson, Manitoba, to Pembina, North Dakota, causing massive congestion, in a show of their disapproval of these mandates. […]

  11. […] On January 20, a grouping of dozens of truckers drove a continual loop back and forth from Emerson, Manitoba, to Pembina, North Dakota, causing massive congestion, in a show of their disapproval of these mandates. […]

  12. […] On January 20, a grouping of dozens of truckers drove a continual loop back and forth from Emerson, Manitoba, to Pembina, North Dakota, causing massive congestion, in a show of their disapproval of these mandates. […]

  13. Sandra M January 29, 2022 at 02:01

    I am a Canadian in BC, usually listen to NPR on the way home. Was listening to CBC today, the 28th, the day before the truckers rally in Ottawa, our capital. CBC is the national radio station. I never heard so much bs in one half hour in my life. First a provincial health minister admitted that they are counting deaths from other causes as a covid death, if the person has covid, because it may have been a factor.Next up was the BC health minister, Bonnie Henry, was complaining that people were “othering” her, while her policies clearly “other” the unvaccinated, as the unvaxed are not allowed in restaurants, gyms, theatres etc.Then they went on to talk about the trucker rally in Ottawa. Do they talk about forcing isolated truckers to take experimental injections? NO, they talk about “Anti-vaxer fringe groups” and get an expert on white supremacists to come on. Of course he fuels the hatred. No talking about the issue, giving a fair discussion of both sides. It was total propaganda. I knew CBC was brainwashing people but boy did I get an ear full.

  14. […] On January 20, a grouping of dozens of truckers drove a continual loop back and forth from Emerson, Manitoba, to Pembina, North Dakota, causing massive congestion, in a show of their disapproval of these mandates. […]

  15. […] On January 20, a grouping of dozens of truckers drove a continual loop back and forth from Emerson, Manitoba, to Pembina, North Dakota, causing massive congestion, in a show of their disapproval of these mandates. […]

  16. […] On January 20, a grouping of dozens of truckers drove a continual loop back and forth from Emerson, Manitoba, to Pembina, North Dakota, causing massive congestion, in a show of their disapproval of these mandates. […]

  17. […] On January 20, a grouping of dozens of truckers drove a continual loop back and forth from Emerson, Manitoba, to Pembina, North Dakota, causing massive congestion, in a show of their disapproval of these mandates. […]

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