Badlands Fieldcraft: Prep a smoke grenade for use

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About the Author: Badlands Rifleman


  1. Ralph k March 15, 2022 at 12:13

    HaHa! This reminds me of hijinks a friend and I had during our teens. We worked at a marine supply outfit, and procured smoke canisters for distress signaling, bright orange smoke, lots of it, seem to remember they produced 100k cu ft, burn time ~minute or more. We set one off beneath the boardwalk down at the shore, underneath the seasonal police station. Boardwalk was wood with gaps like most at the time. Cleared out the police station for an hour. It was hilarious.

  2. Mike March 15, 2022 at 20:12

    Nice man! I’ve just been having the rings face the back of the pouch to prevent an ND, but I like this method.

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