Putin Misunderstands History. So, Unfortunately, Does the U.S.

Biden is making a colossal mistake in thinking he can bleed Russia dry, topple Putin and signal to China to keep its hands off Taiwan.

“The language people speak in the corridors of power,” former Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter once observed, “is not economics or politics. It is history.”

In a recent academic article, I showed how true this was after both the 9/11 terrorist attacks of 2001 and the “9/15” bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers in 2008. Policy makers used all kinds of historical analogies as they reacted. “The Pearl Harbor of the 21st century took place today,” President George W. Bush noted in his diary, late on the night of the attacks, to give just one example, though many other parallels were drawn in the succeeding days, from the Civil War to the Cold War.


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About the Author: NC Scout

NC Scout is the nom de guerre of a former Infantry Scout and Sergeant in one of the Army’s best Reconnaissance Units. He has combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He teaches a series of courses focusing on small unit skills rarely if ever taught anywhere else in the prepping and survival field, including his RTO Course which focuses on small unit communications. In his free time he is an avid hunter, bushcrafter, writer, long range shooter, prepper, amateur radio operator and Libertarian activist. He can be contacted at [email protected] or via his blog at brushbeater.wordpress.com .


    • cks March 24, 2022 at 10:53

      This is one of those quotes that I wish would just go away (at least how I see it most commonly used). Stalin was demonstrating his obtusness where it comes to areas of faith and the power of influence.

  1. Chef March 24, 2022 at 07:52

    Why does everybody think Putin dying would end this thing? Putin did not create the problems that are leading us down this path to WWIII. Even if Putin were to die this afternoon, the Russian people are highly in favor of preserving their sovereignty and separation from the West. The decisions being made by our leaders are leading towards war. The doublethink and doublespeak is crazy. They are to blame for every single death in Ukraine. For 8 years every offer of peace and diplomacy was shot down by Washington. THEY WANT THIS WAR. They want the bloodshed. If you want a look into the mind of Sullivan and Nuland, check out this interview with someone who worked with them for the last few decades. Their policy goals will lead to the either the exact situation they claim to want to avoid, or lead us straight to nuclear war.


  2. boss21 March 24, 2022 at 08:07

    Stopped reading at ‘Bush noted in his diary..’. Another soon to be unemployed hack pretending the system he parasites off will survive.

    • Patriotman March 24, 2022 at 08:33

      What the fuck are you even talking about? The whole point of that reference, if you were to read the linked academic article, was to point out how government officials were over reliant on frameworks and how they judged two monumental events using those historical frameworks in real time. As the author pointed out, “The point of this article is not to judge, with the great benefit of hindsight, the decisions that were made in September 2001 and September 2008. Rather, it is to assess the decision-making discussions as they happened and on the basis of the knowledge that the participants had at their disposal.”

      Maybe, you know, if you actually READ the thing, you would realize what the fuck the author was talking about.

      My conclusions are modest ones. Those who determined U.S. policy in the wake of the great disasters of 9/11 and 9/15 were over-reliant on conceptual frameworks that did not give a formal role to history. In both cases, analogies were thrown around in a somewhat casual way. 9/11 was Pearl Harbor. Al Qaeda were “Islamo-fascists.” Saddam Hussein was Hitler. Baghdad in 2003 would be Paris in 1944. When President Bush lost patience with the difficulties of establishing democracy in Iraq, his questions epitomized the problem: “Where’s the leader? Where’s George Washington? Where’s Thomas Jefferson? Where’s John Adams, for crying out loud?”57 There was a similar, scatter-gun quality to the historical analogies discussed by the FOMC in 2008. A more systematic assessment of relevant analogies, in the spirit of Ernest May and Richard Neustadt, would have been beneficial.58 The case for applied history is an unpretentious one. If history is, as former Defense Secretary Ash Carter once remarked, “the language that is spoken” in the corridors of power—not economics, not political science—then it is surely desirable for those who inhabit those corridors to speak it fluently: in other words, to be aware of the pitfalls as well as the power of arguing on the basis of historical analogies.59

      Secondly, what Henry Kissinger long ago called “the problem of conjecture”—the impossibility of having certainty about the consequences of either action or inaction—was insufficiently appreciated in 2001. The argument for treating the 9/11 attacks as an “opportunity” for a large-scale geopolitical reordering was not subjected to sufficient scrutiny and too quickly became the basis for a policy that misunderstood the problem of conjecture. Preemption, as Kissinger understood, is a hazardous thing. Even if the Bush administration had been correct, and Saddam Hussein had assisted al Qaeda materially and had possessed weapons of mass destruction, would voters in the future be grateful that they did not have to experience whatever scenario was averted by his deposition? The adverse consequences of the U.S. invasion (extending beyond the costs to the United States in lives and treasure, to include the disproportionate benefits to Iran of chaos next door) were always bound to loom larger than those of a hypothetical future in which Saddam acquired WMD. By contrast, the decision makers at the Federal Reserve came to appreciate relatively swiftly that not to do everything in their power to avert a second Depression would have been more hazardous than to do everything. This was partly because Geithner—not coincidentally a Kissinger protégé—so ably made the case for action. Whatever risks Ben Bernanke and his colleagues ran after the failure of Lehman—whatever unforeseen costs their innovations may turn out to have incurred—most economists would now agree now that they were probably worth it. However, this is mainly because we can better imagine a hypothetical future in which the monetary policy mistakes of the 1930s were repeated.

      “Risk management” is in many ways a misleading term, for the most difficult challenge for policy makers in both finance and foreign policy is to cope not with risk but with uncertainty—with dangers to which probabilities cannot be attached. To my mind, it will not be enough in the future merely to break down the walls that currently separate the people in the securities analysis silo from those in the national security silo. We need to introduce in both fields a more rigorous notion of applied history, and a recognition that the value of history lies precisely in teaching risk managers of all kinds to interrogate explicitly their unspoken assumptions.


      • boss21 March 24, 2022 at 10:09

        The ‘governments’ didn’t misjudge anything. The ‘monumental events’ didn’t just happen. Pearl Harbor and 9 11 were known and gamed. ‘Academic papers’ written as if the ‘leaders’ were blindsided are worth less than nothing, Then again maybe 19 guys and a camel did 9 11 and 3 decades of truth exposure is for naught.
        Then he lurched to Bernanke and colleagues facing ‘ unforeseen’ problems, having to decide on stopping a depression. No he postponed a depression for a later global famine/ war – all on purpose. Ferguson and his ilk have sucked on the tit of funny money all their lives and said nothing . Now they try to tell us they and the politicians were just well intentioned fuck ups . No , there are a bunch of evil scumbags.
        The time for academics and prevarication is long past. Same with excuses.

        • Patriotman March 24, 2022 at 10:38

          The point of my comment is that just because you disagree with a premise of an article doesn’t mean you should stop reading it. I personally don’t give a flying fuck what you do or do not believe. It doesn’t mean you don’t read the piece. That is just being ignorant as hell.

          • cks March 24, 2022 at 10:51

            Ignorance is the natural state of fallen man.

          • boss21 March 24, 2022 at 12:33

            I used to read what that fool used to write years ago, naively hoping he would eventually get it . I did read the article in case I was being a duck but my original assessment was correct, he has like the rest of them been part of the normalization of our downgoing , collecting stipends along the way.

  3. […] Putin Misunderstands History. So, Unfortunately, Does the U.S. — American Partisan […]

  4. Sleeper March 24, 2022 at 10:44

    This is a fantastic opinion piece! Thanks for posting it! It succinctly describes the assumptions on all sides and shows their blind spots. The US has to most to lose and unfortunately approaches things from the position of the world’s hegemon. Unfortunately, that creates others who wish to put the bully in their place. In our case, we’re creating examples that other countries are following in which only by force and not cooperation can you have your share on the world stage. There are huge economic ramifications with that foreign policy if we don’t destroy the planet first.

    • NC Scout March 24, 2022 at 10:56

      This is 100% correct. Thank you!!

  5. plankmember March 24, 2022 at 11:11

    All this well meant analysis is but a circle jerk, and yes its about history, the history which everyone tiptoes around and that is the absolute capture of the west especially the FUSA by the Zionist forces at Jekyll Island in 1913 .Now that they ( and countless wannabe zionists like the Trumps and Bidens ) have their collective hands on the flush lever (read the greater depression) of the US and the west BEFORE any real popular revolt/uprising can have any chance whatsoever even more so the circle jerk. Ask Larry Fink or Larry Black who are at present worming their way into the 15 Trillion in Chinese pension funds. We have been Used , Abused and sucked dry and Just like England after WW2 will be cast aside after being rendered impotent as they move on to bigger and greener pastures. Unfortunately, as was said by countless patriots over the millenia , matters of the future will Only be solved by Blood and Steel. Thanks for the time and effort of this article, but my days seem to be coming up too short to fucking mince words any longer. The Rubin article and We have a Hannity problem absolutely did not help…Like 109 countries before we have a chosen problem and thus millions of good confused Christains believe that DJT and the chosen ALONE can save us and are actually cheering on WW 3….there the history problem at its worst…..you all know where this is going….the Dystopian world order

  6. Freya Valentina March 24, 2022 at 12:41

    There is no misunderstanding among these leaders. We are watching the final moves in the global theatrical performance known as Worldwide Communist Revolution. Putin knows that. Biden knows that. The USSR collapsed in name only and our government is infiltrated. They are working together to destroy the West and move into their new plan called Eurasianism. It is being managed on both sides by the Chabad Lubavitch “religious” cult which is just a front for Mossad. That’s why you will find photos of these world “leaders” meeting with Chabad to get their orders. The “alt” media is getting seriously played by making excuses for Putin. The only site I know of that is talking about this is Fitzinfo.net. I suggest everyone get up to speed about this because now “alt” media is siding with our soon-to-be conquerors and we don’t have time for that shit.

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