All Aboard the SWOLE TRAIN!
Struggling with lethargy, fatigue, or aches and pains is not good way to live. There is only one method that seems to be universal for human beings. Diet and exercise are ‘Critical Requirements’ for your Center of Gravity. The Greendragon Academy will understand the reference. 60lbs ago, the subject was fat, lazy, and overall disgusting. Circumstances as they were, he landed a job as a laborer. Suddenly, he started to feel better the harder he worked. But every good must have a bad. Soreness, exhaustion, and a few minor injuries came along with the better moods and health.
Health and fitness is a box of chocolates. Some chocolates look and taste delicious, while others just look delicious but taste awful. The saying ‘pain is weakness leaving the body’ really has a lot more merit now, than when the Drill Sergeants were screaming it in Basic Combat Training. Sports of all variety were a central part of early childhood. Staying active was the only thing anyone really knew. Everyone knows the kid that is chubby but strong and quick enough to be useful. Skip a decade or so, and the office became home away from home. Inundated with monotonous computer work and little exposure to sunlight, something began to change. Muscles deflated and the body mass was replaced with gross fat cells.
Fast Forward to 2022, a new career brought a new lifestyle. Healthy eating and sleeping habits were not only a great way to perform better, but it was a necessity to meet the minimum standard. Obviously, with time the muscles grew back and the fat cells were pulverized. The most interesting facet of becoming a man worthy of a title ‘fighting man’, is that the mind becomes stronger along with the body. Being functionally strong means that a man can ‘properly’ lift a heavy box, or he can pull himself up a wall and straddle the top to help his friends climb. Also, one can be better suited for leadership of a group as the strongest and most quick witted of all the ‘boys’. Soldiers are required to maintain their Arms, Equipment and Self. But more importantly, Never leave a fallen comrade.
I have never been stronger and had more energy than I do now. I highly recommend the book ‘Functional Training and Beyond’ Authored by Adam Sinicki. It truly is one of the life changing books. Have a Blessed Day, Gentlemen. Link: