New class dates added to the schedule!

Bob Griswold of Readymade Resources has invited me out to teach another course out in Tellico Plains Tennessee. The last course was amazing and I have zero doubts this next one will be even better. Be sure to sign up (email me) before it fills up. Course dates are August 12-14. Course cost is $600.

Also, for those of you asking for another NC course, I have one up on the Class Schedule for July 15-17. The course fee for that will be $500. Should be a great time as usual for those courses. Maybe I can convince Johnny Paratrooper to come down for the July class if he isn’t too busy.

Also, I apologize about the lead times right now on the IFAKs. I had the full order in hand but there was an issue with them and I had to send them back to get them repacked by NAR. They are slammed busy with orders, it is just taking some time to get them back so I can ship them out. I do have Bleeder Kits on hand currently. Thank you for your patience with this. I want to make sure I am sending out the best product I can to you guys.



By Published On: April 8, 2022Categories: MechMedic, Medical, TrainingComments Off on New class dates added to the schedule!

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About the Author: mechmedic

MechMedic is the owner of Stuck Pig Medical and medical instructor for Brushbeater Training and Consulting. After 5 years in the beloved Corps, Mech joined the National Guard where he became a medic. Lifelong survivalist, and overall outdoorsman. When not being a family man, he enjoys good bourbon and good cigars.