You might recognize the video above.

Originally published over a year ago, the US Army’s 1st Special Forces Command out of Bragg tweeted it again, replete with imogees conjuring feelings of oh-so-spooky ghosts. We’re everywhere. We control all you see, hear, and can overthrow governments before you can say British Petroleum. We’ll even overthrow our own government here at home to better fit the new capitalist order with a smile. After all, anyone waving the old flag or standing for American traditions is bad, right? Domestic enemies, I believe is the term de jour, and one readily embraced by the Black Rifle Coffee Company-fueled crowd. Operator as fuck. High five me bro and check my split times. You can’t see me but I’m grinning from ear to ear.

The video is nothing more than a place ad for our strategy of color revolutions, or, for the uninitiated, the astroturfing of social movements to overthrow an adversary government through the use of fake media reports, flash mobs, a narrative framing The People ! against an oppressive and militant police, selective assassinations blamed on the same, overhyped and mostly false stories of abuses, all building social pressures up to the eventual use of a cadre and then a proxy army carrying out direct action against critical infrastructure targets, further degrading the targeted government’s ability to wield power and maintain influence, eventually being overthrown for a new, favorable government to Western economic interest. We’ve been trying it a lot here recently and this video is a neat place ad.

Before we jump into the flag waving furvor and a contrived fever pitch brought to you by social media, its high time some take a step back and get grounded in reality. Let’s take a look at the past decade, if we will. We began the so-called Arab Spring in Tunisia, then Egypt, to replace obsolete rulers that had all met with Qaddafi proposing a return to the gold standard for oil. This guy is bad for business and he’s got to go…so we overthrew him too.

How dare he try to challenge us? And in the process, we broke Libya down into an anarchist fuedal state with zero challenge to British Petroleum’s monopoly on oil production. We came, We saw, He died, as Madam Clinton would famously tell us. A product of Standard Oil, like every politician from the northeast. Of course in the process we armed some seriously bad guys with anti-air capability and covered our tracks by having them murder the Ambassador who was elbow deep in it, but hey, war is business and both have casualties.

Before the dust had time to settle we were at it again, this time Iraq and then Syria, because they both got a little too friendly with both Iran and Russia in building a pipeline. We can’t have that. So we inched closer and closer to a war with the real competition once they stepped in, and the jig was up. The color revolution failed and the Russians figured out how to counter it. So we kicked off Ukraine by 2014 and made a rather poor attempt at concealing our intentions, confusing even our allies.

We moved on to Venezuela and failed. Nicaragua, failed. El Salvador, failed. Cuba, failed. Kyrgyzstan, failed. Let’s not forget the absolutely shameful failure in Afghanistan, with nothing more than a shift of blame and quick exit stage right. This was quickly forgotten among a population with the attention span of a gnat, and those feelings of righteous anger were rapidly sedated with a Ukrainian flag. Just make sure you hang it yellow side down, comrade. Don’t worry, we’ve got strong women and even men who can’t make up their minds what they are defending our…interests. And increasingly their minds are made up that they don’t like you. Or I. Just wait till Colombia kicks off…its right around the corner.

Let’s also not overlook the domestic issues. The election of Donald Trump as President created a major problem for the same corrupted neoliberal power structure which has been driving American foreign policy off a cliff. The manifestation of American traditionalism he conjured, in direct reaction to the population replacement from Central America to exploit cheap labor, the racial identity movements to keep people in a permanent state of division, and the exportation of American labor and technology in a short sighted attempt at exploiting cheap manufacturing costs in China shook the very same power structure that has run roughshod over the world, all too willing to sell out the American people. Couple this with the rise of AI replacing the role of human labor in totes, and a larger agenda becomes clear. And when Trump would not play ball, dismissing the CIA’s daily briefing, the game was on. The target now, as in the video above, is you and I. They kicked off a color revolution here at home, ripped off an election, and installed a fraudulent puppet government.

That returns us to the video above. An unremarkable recruiting tool, meant to scare their enemies into quiet acceptance in a rather braggadocios manner while petitioning the viewer to accept the complete incompetence of a military gutted by political corruption, having no victories to hang its hat upon, full of hubris, with nothing more than deranged proxies willing to fight its wars for them. Rather full of itself, ain’t it?


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About the Author: NC Scout

NC Scout is the nom de guerre of a former Infantry Scout and Sergeant in one of the Army’s best Reconnaissance Units. He has combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He teaches a series of courses focusing on small unit skills rarely if ever taught anywhere else in the prepping and survival field, including his RTO Course which focuses on small unit communications. In his free time he is an avid hunter, bushcrafter, writer, long range shooter, prepper, amateur radio operator and Libertarian activist. He can be contacted at [email protected] or via his blog at .


  1. RP May 10, 2022 at 15:11

    That is well written, but likely to harsh for the sensitive snowflakes to read, let alone understand because as you say they have the “attention span of a gnat”.

    • Hedge May 10, 2022 at 21:47

      I don’t know about all that but I liked it a lot. More of this.

  2. Whip Line May 10, 2022 at 16:22

    Does the guy in the suit coat, blonde hair Have something to do with BRCC? I can honestly say I have never had their coffee.

    Very good article! You guys are on a roll with this and yesterdays article by JC Dodge.

    • NC Scout May 10, 2022 at 16:24

      No, he’s the antagonist from Skyfall.

      If you know the story, you’ll understand completely why he’s there.

      • Rick May 10, 2022 at 17:46

        Nice touch with Raoul Silva, really ties it all together nicely.

        • NC Scout May 10, 2022 at 18:36

          Get this man a beer!

      • Whip Line May 11, 2022 at 11:48

        I just don’t do Hollywood, but I did find this clip.

  3. plankmember May 10, 2022 at 16:29

    Well done as usual with no sugar coating, all playing out like a very bad slow motion movie on a loop

  4. PBRStreetGang May 10, 2022 at 16:42

    Spot on man, can’t speak to current SOF but I’ve had the privilege to meet some former guys and they’re all based, so there’s hope.

    As far as the ol’ invading and hanging people who won’t play the petro-dollar game…I think our time’s up on that one too. I’m curious to see what these buffoons in DC decide to do when Russia/China finally get back to gold standard or whatever currency they choose. Nobody wins the nuclear game, that’s for sure.

    • NC Scout May 10, 2022 at 16:49

      The Army bent over backwards to rid itself of the capable.

      • PBRStreetGang May 10, 2022 at 23:45

        Can’t agree more man, between the woke ideology from the present chain of command, the forced clot shot, the purge of anyone right of center (these idiots were even checking social media for Pepe memes hahaha), and recruitment for anyone with two Moms…it’s a shame and worse…what foreign force would have any fear or respect of us these days?

    • Sand Sock May 10, 2022 at 22:27

      I watched this vid earlier in the week and held my tongue. I watched it again tonight. It makes me feel uneasy, because it feels a lot like trump s support in the primaries, all manufactured and fake. I don’t know of anyone that thought he was the guy in the early primaries. Then on j6 and the lead up. You were hearing all these idiots saying they are going to d.c. to force the previous side kick. To do the right thing . I know alot of people that liked Scott walker and Rand Paul, for the primary. Then orange claims Sydney powell and the kraken had all this evidence and if they took them down on j6. They would win. To me it all looks like a failed or successful psyop campaign. To get the country to tear it’s self apart.

      Kraken and 1st special forces campaign are probably the same.

  5. BP May 10, 2022 at 21:05

    Spot on. Stunning how fast this has all gone down and how many institutions have fallen.
    Stout hearts gents for where this goes.
    Was reading today how Michael Collins handled this sort of thing in Ireland…

  6. Scipio May 10, 2022 at 21:35

    Glad to see you crap on Black Rifle Coffee and double barrel blast everyone else

    • NC Scout May 10, 2022 at 22:10

      They earned 100% of the scorn. Nothing worse than a traitor who wraps himself in the flag for dollar bills.

  7. rto-jerry May 10, 2022 at 22:07

    “Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.” Proverbs 16:18

  8. Great Lakes Chris May 11, 2022 at 01:03

    Striking, outstanding, informative, & inspirational. Thank you, once again, sir, for yet another exceptional contribution – to the community, to the civilization, to the Republic – and – to the truth.

    Thank you for continuing to shine a spotlight on what’s happening – illuminating more clearly the sometimes subtle, & sometimes not so subtle battle that’s taking place – for putting together the scattered pieces which illuminate the bigger picture, which the passage of time & life’s many distractions, in addition to the occasionally overwhelming volume of information, can sometimes threaten to submerge.

    Sure, they’d -like- to intimidate us.

    But more of us are paying attention than they’d like to think. We haven’t failed to notice the endless string of failures. They’re rather conspicuous, and frankly, we’re not impressed. One might even notice a pattern to them. So, intimidated… meh. Not so much.

    Additionally, those folks who Are paying attention – they’re anchored by a vanguard that STANDS FOR SOMETHING. And as far as I can tell, they aren’t going away anytime soon. Nope. It looks to me like, they’re just getting started.

    One wonders what the enemy stands for…

    Can lies, empty promises, and a pointless procession of endless destruction be considered a good – or viable – long-term strategy?

    One wonders.

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