Low Profile Medical option

Whenever I step out of the house I like to carry some medical items on my person (hold your shock). It definitely isn’t a lot, and it does require some intention with what you’re wearing. This is my Ryker Nylon Gear Ankle First Aid Kit (AFAK). They have a few different colors and even a stretchy version that came out since I first ordered this (way back in 2016). I have carried this for about two years almost daily, and I had a coyote brown one that I carried from 2016 when I ordered it until the stitching started coming apart in 2020 (it never failed, but I wanted to be proactive). I carry it with the boot extender on it because I do wear lace-up boots with it a lot, and it stays on when I am wearing shorter boots are even shoes it fits better with my larger legs. The AFAK has 4 pockets to carry things. Three main ones you can see here and one on the back that runs the length of the AFAK.


You can see from the velcro, that this has been well used. Also, that is a made in America tag. These are made in Arizona. And not a bad price at like 55 bucks empty.

In the back pocket, I keep a chest seal, NPA with lube, and a set of gloves. I keep the gloves in a plastic bag to keep them from getting nasty. I use HALO chest seals in this because of how they fit in the pocket, but any chest seal can be folded to fit in it.

In the front pockets, I keep a mini compression bandage, compressed gauze, and set of NAR’s amazing trauma shears in the smaller version than what I have in my kits. In addition to this, I’ll carry a tourniquet in a pants pocket. I bounce between either a SOF-TT-W or an RMT. I like carrying those in normal clothes because they are easier to carry than a CAT. Whatever you carry, it should be a COTCCC recommended TQ and it should be something you practice with regularly.

I prioritize carrying medical over carrying a gun because there are situations where you can’t take a gun or it wouldn’t make sense to use it. Not saying that I don’t carry one, but I carry medical more. Also, I have taken this exact kit through several TSA checkpoints and have never been stopped for it. I just put it in my carry-on when it goes through the X-Ray. They did get mad about a loaded Glock 17 mag I forgot about when I was going through SEATAC but that is a story for another time.

How do you carry medical equipment on your person?

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