Sale on Harvest Guard Reusable Canning Lids

Mr. James Wesley Rawles posted the following at and gave permission to repost it on AP. If you are looking for reusable canning lids, this is a great sale to take advantage of.

A Reusable Canning Lids Sale

Brad at Harvest Guard Reusable Canning Lids wrote to let me know that they are running a deep discount pre-season sale from now through June 12th, 2022.  You may use discount code PRE33 at checkout to get 33% off your entire order.  Share this discount code with all your friends.  With inflation coming on strong, I doubt that they will be able to repeat this sale. Stock up!


This can be found on SurvivalBlog at the following URL:

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About the Author: wwes

WWES is a high school vocational teacher in North Carolina who teaches students how to grow plants and livestock, along with welding and metal fabrication. He is always looking to grow his knowledge base, and enjoys increasing his self sufficiency through growing and preserving food, as well as raising livestock.


  1. DakotaRumble June 3, 2022 at 17:00

    Very nice! Even just the bulk gaskets would be handy as well. I literally just purchased some overpriced wooden Ball Lids about 20 minutes ago for the jars I’m using just for storage so I would have spare lids and rings.

  2. Tater7 June 3, 2022 at 19:58

    I’ve been using Tattler brand reusable lids for about a decade. They are pretty decent, and I have a lot. I still use Ball and Kerr too, and recently bought a bunch of off brand Chinese ones cheap on Amazon. I haven’t used them yet, but they are way cheaper.

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