NY Mets CCP night at the park

The CCP flag embroidered on the ball caps of the NY Mets, a club in Major League Baseball. This gesture is being advertised to celebrate Chinese culture. Chinese culture was quite literally murdered in the streets throughout the 1960’s and 70’s under Mao.

Throughout history, displaying a flag has been the universal symbol of conquest or alliances. Of course, the ‘Culture War’ we find ourselves in  has changed the terminology and overtness of such displays. A near perfect example is when US embassies flew the rainbow flag “in celebration of LGBTQ” communities.

“In celebration of” can be translated to: “we conquered you” in the context of the Culture War. Vote with your dollar. As stated on Radio Contra, I mentioned my father and I enjoying baseball. This is almost-comedic timing as I will not support an organization that promotes the CCP in any way.

This is not a declaration of hate against the people of China. I have a tremendous love for my fellow man, regardless of ethnicity. We are Brothers and Sisters in Christ, afterall. Even if they don’t know it yet.

URL for Twitter post from the NY Mets Twitter page:


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About the Author: Madman Actual

Baltimore City-slicker by birth, Country soul by the Grace of God. 7 years Active Duty in the United States Army as a Signals Intelligence Analyst. Madman_Actual was actually driven Mad in the depths of the NSA headquarters. Now preparing for the unexpected and unusual, Madman rides again to educate the masses on real world applications of Intelligence principles and tradecraft.


  1. RP July 30, 2022 at 11:03

    Likely pretty popular in New York, but hey they only killed what 60 million of their own people under Mao.

  2. Emmanuel Goldstein July 30, 2022 at 11:21


  3. Scipio July 30, 2022 at 17:10

    The CCP does not represent the rich traditions of China. The CCP represents the destruction of 5,000 years of true Chinese culture.

    • Madman Actual July 31, 2022 at 08:29


  4. Smith July 30, 2022 at 19:23

    Now the NY Mets down the toilet. You can’t let an opportunity go to waste. They got me with the Cleveland Indians, my care for MLB died when they changed the name. You can not instill communist ideology until you erase the past…if you do it slowly people don’t grasp what the agenda is.

  5. Ness July 30, 2022 at 20:17

    Horse pucky… brothers and sisters in christ?…Seriously? Losers’ words.

    • wwes July 30, 2022 at 21:40

      If you think being a born again Christian makes one a loser, you have already lost the most important battle of your mortal life. There is no salvation without Jesus Christ, for we all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. I’ll keep you in my prayers, along with all of the other lost folks.

    • Madman Actual July 31, 2022 at 08:26

      If you can’t differentiate the enemy and innocents, please don’t even bother fighting. You WILL cause more harm than good. God will not be mocked and He will show you how wrong you are.

      I’d also like you to ask yourself if you would say the same thing to my face? I doubt it. So why don’t we stop with the insults and have productive conversations.

  6. Sino-American Friendship Center July 31, 2022 at 00:02

    Demoralized societies will be put of their misery under new management.
    No shirking for rickshaw duties as all comrades are egalitarian and equal.
    Forward! Yes we can!

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