Was the 2008 Financial Crisis Part of The Great Reset?

What did the 2008 financial crash have to do with The Great Reset, a more contemporary topic of conversation?

Plenty, according to journalist and author Matt Taibbi, who in a recent interview with Russell Brand, explained how he believes the two are linked.

Taibbi told Brand he initially noticed a public outcry while interviewing people on the campaign trail during the first presidential election after the financial crash of 2008.

“There was suddenly a huge amount of discontent from people who would normally never think negatively about Wall Street, who were suddenly saying things like, ‘How come they bailed out X company and I had to go into foreclosure? Why did that happen?’” Taibbi said.

People angered by the U.S. government’s response and financial restructuring after the 2008 crash had questions, he said, including:

  • “Why was there this massive global central bank expenditure to save the financial system — which was guilty, by the way, of causing the crash?”
  • “Why did I have to foot the bill?”
  • “Why am I paying for the bailout and not getting anything out of it?”

More recently, Taibbi said, people are upset about the actions of a centralized group of powerful organizations and individuals, especially as those actions relate to COVID-19 policies.

In the interview posted last week, Brand said:

“Today we’re talking about The Great Reset and how this project came about [and] how people’s trust in democracy — particularly in the United States — has been eroded ever since the 2008 financial crash.”

Brand said he thought people were “betrayed” under the Obama administration. “An administration,” he added, “for which many people — and I include myself in this — felt a great deal of what we now have to acknowledge was cock-eyed optimism.”

Despite initial feelings of optimism, Brand said he now believes U.S. government officials under Obama made choices that benefitted certain powerful groups and individuals at the expense of the people.

“How are we ever going to arrest that?” Brand asked.

Brand pointed out recent events he believes are related to The Great Reset and people’s resistance to it, including:

  • Centralized hedge-funded property development firms acquiring real estate.
  • Countries “from Sri Lanka to the Netherlands” being bankrupted by top-down edicts to change people’s farming practices.
  • The Canadian truckers’ movement.
  • “Ordinary” people being “pushed to the degree where they are willing to vote for Brexit or vote for Trump.”


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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page: http://bit.ly/BrushbeaterStore


  1. Madman Actual August 17, 2022 at 08:57

    The simplest answer to why banks and corporations were bailed: the people that voted to do so were heavily invested in those companies and didn’t want to lose.

    They don’t care about The People. Just their wallets.

    • SRK Addict August 17, 2022 at 18:06

      Here’s the other angle. Those institutions that got bailed out are ‘too big to fail’
      If they go belly up it starts a domino effect. We have allowed them to get too big, by ignoring the problem and/or by not taking scalps. They weren’t ready for the collapse yet.

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