How to Pack a Rucksack by Mike VonSteuben

A light infantryman’s pack is his life. One of the biggest focuses of the upcoming Jäger Course is living for a week out of your rucksack, carrying everything you need to survive and conduct operations during that time. This is not meant to break you by carrying a lot of weight. On the contrary, I want you to pack as light as possible while still carrying the essentials for life in the field.

If you are not an experienced backpacker or have never trained to do patrol base (PB) operations, this may be a bit intimidating. In this article I will cover what you need in your ruck, how to pack it, and other considerations for living out of your pack in the field.

Read the full article here.

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One Comment

  1. TiBr November 1, 2022 at 05:15

    For civilian use, how much survival gear ( something like a small camping stove plus all the necessary extra cloth+essentials) would fit into one of those?

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