Sanity checks

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

People tell me I’m crazy for believing the COVID vaccines are unsafe. But my list of sanity checks is objective evidence that I’m not the one who is crazy.

Better e-learning – Day 5: Sanity check! | Good To Great

Executive summary

People tell me I’m crazy all the time for believing that the COVID vaccines are unsafe.

But all I am doing is making the obvious conclusions from all the data in plain sight, including people’s reactions when challenged.

For example, at dinner last night, I revealed that my occupation was a “myth buster” and then people asked “what myth?” and I said that the vaccines were unsafe. Later, one of the attendees told me I should be ashamed of myself for spreading misinformation. I asked, “Do you have any data to back that up?” She said, “I don’t want to talk to you.”

Does that sound familiar?

Here’s a short checklist of observations that would be very hard to explain if the vaccines are safe and effective.


The sanity checks

The overall sanity check is that all the data (including observing peoples’ behavior when challenged) I’ve seen is consistent with the unsafe hypothesis and not consistent with a very safe vaccine with mild, short-lasting side-effects.

Here’s a list of data points that suggest that I’m sane in no particular order:

  1. Hundreds of VAERS safety signals are being deliberately ignored by the CDC including the all important death safety signal. The death safety signal was triggered using the CDC’s own methodology, and nobody in the world will acknowledge that. This tells you there is a cover-up.
  2. VAERS is 5.4X underreported for the COVID vaccines compared to earlier vaccines. When you actually collect the data, you find that VAERS appears to be around 5.4X underreported compared to earlier vaccines. This means that when we find that “acute cardiac failure” is elevated by 475X in VAERS, the actual increase is 2,565X higher than earlier vaccines. So we are probably looking at around 2,500 deaths per million doses of the vaccine. Even if this estimate is off by 100X, this is way past the stopping condition for a safe vaccine.
  3. Healthcare workers observe too many vaccine related deaths for this to be a safe vaccine. Just in the first 281 healthcare workers to respond to a survey, they observed over 1,128 vaccine-related deaths. That is not normal. It should be a stopping condition in any normal society. There are over 22 million healthcare workers in America which is 100,000 times larger than my sample size..
  4. CDC hides from the facts. The CDC refuses to comment on anything I’ve written despite the fact that they are focused on reducing the amount of misinformation in order to reduce vaccine hesitancy. They won’t even return my calls offering to discuss our disagreements. This makes no sense since in a Google search for “misinformation superspreaders” I’m usually the top result. How do they expect to resolve the open issues by not communicating? They haven’t answered that (and the mainstream media won’t ask them this obvious question either).
  5. The top US safety officials duck and run for cover when you try to show them adverse safety data. Scientists are supposed to seek the truth, not duck and run for cover when asked if they want to see safety data. Read this article about ACIP chair Grace Lee. Rather than answer a simple question about whether she wanted to see the confidential Israeli safety data (that the Israeli government is hiding from the public), she chose to call the police. It’s caught on video.
  6. The FDA’s Dr. Peter Marks publicly said he’d do anything to reduce vaccine hesitancy. I said the simplest way is to debate us and show the world how we got it wrong. He declined to do that. I still don’t know why. Do you?
  7. There are no debates. No public health authority or any of the experts relied on by the mainstream media, will engage in a debate. We are willing to pay them to attend but nobody wants to, not for any amount of money.
  8. Even David Gorski, the doctor who prides himself on discrediting misinformation spreaders, won’t touch the VAERS analysis showing that the results cannot be explained by “overreporting.” Nor will he verify the fact that VAERS has generated safety signals that nobody noticed, even when I offered him up to $1M to compensate him for his time.
  9. The large number of “black swan events” in plain sight is simply too high to be consistent with the “safe and effective” claim. These events are typically sudden unexpected deaths or injuries in people.
  10. The messages from the grave from high profile people. For example, the inventor of the v-safe program Joel Kallman died under very mysterious circumstances after getting his second dose of the vaccine. He supposedly died from COVID but he never got COVID. Nobody’s talking. See Oracle VP Joel Kallman Dies of “Covid” After Receiving Second Vaccine Injection. This article points out that there was no news that a prominent vaccinated person got COVID.It would be interesting to see Joel Kallman’s v-safe record. Why don’t they release it?
  11. The Doug Brignole test. Brignole challenged the vaccine and said if he didn’t die, people like me should apologize. He died shortly after getting his latest vaccine.
  12. The Died Suddenly Facebook group had over 300,000 members and was growing at 20,000 new people a day at the time Facebook removed it. This suggests a lot of people are dying suddenly all of a sudden. I wonder why?
  13. Polling done through independent polling companies (using their lists) show people believe more people have been killed by the vaccines than by COVID. This would be impossible if the vaccines are perfectly safe. See Evidence of Harm.
  14. The unexplainably high number of people dropping dead in plain sight recently and nobody even attempts to explain the cause or reveal the vaccination status of those who died.
  15. The book Turtles all the way down: vaccine science and myth shows that the entire medical community has been fooled into believing that all vaccines are safe and effective. If it can happen for decades for all vaccines, it’s not much of a stretch to believe it is happening with the COVID vaccines as well. There is a reward of $1K for anyone finding a mistake in the book. So far, no takers.
  16. Embalmer statistics. Even today, around 60% or more of the cases have strange clots associated with the COVID vaccine.
  17. Insurance company data. There was a 12 sigma increase in the number of deaths in people under 60 in Q3 and Q4 of 2021. This corresponds to the peak of vaccination in April (there is a 5 month delay from peak vaccination to peak death).


By Published On: October 25, 2022Categories: Commentary, Medical1 Comment on Sanity checks

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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page:

One Comment

  1. Ghostmann October 25, 2022 at 11:29

    Can I offer an objective comment here? When the injections first came out, CNBC of all outlets ran articles with the headlines:

    Yes you can be fired for not taking the vaccine
    COVID vaccine manufacturers have no liability if you are injured from the vaccine
    If you get injured you can file for workmans comp

    Now, CNBC is 100% an enemy mouthpiece. However, the fact that the very first thing these manufacturers did was get full immunity from damages from their product was the tell that these were going to be extremely dangerous and no good for people. Literally, off the bat. It was the first thing that was said, before the deluge of propaganda about it being “safe and effective” was said by everyone who needed money or TV time. Pick a name. They all pushed it, save for a few alt media people. Those people even made excuses and engaged in mental masturbation as to the motives and made reasons for it instead of calling a duck, a duck.

    No accountability will happen for this, short of a complete abolishment and reforming of the government, because everyone that people are putting their hopes in… are in on this vaccine bullshit.

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