The Minuteman’s Guide to Countering Armored Vehicles by Mike VonSteuben

Since the first tanks and armored cars appeared on the battlefields of WWI Europe, infantrymen have been forced to find ways to deal with them. The modern minuteman is no different, and any prolonged civil conflict in the United States is bound to see armored vehicles used in one form or another. I’m not even talking about fighting a professional military, partisan groups and gangs/cartels have ways of getting or making armored vehicles for use in a prolonged period of conflict/disorder. Some examples are below;
  • In 2020 alone, there were at least two police MRAPs and one National Guard humvee stolen in California during the rioting. The humvee and one MRAP have since been recovered.
  • Mexican Cartels such as the CJNG frequently weld makeshift armored plating onto trucks and install turrets onto them. They call these vehicles “monstruos”, meaning “monsters.”
  • Private ownership of military surplus armored vehicles is perfectly legal as long as the weapons are disabled or removed. For about the same price as a new car you can own an OT-64 SKOT (Polish wheeled amphibious APC). For much less you can buy a surplus humvee. There are many such vehicles in the hands of private citizens for collecting, war re-enacting, etc.
I predict that in a prolonged civil conflict, WROL scenario, etc, it will only take a few weeks before people with access to these vehicles start to roll them out for whatever purpose. For this reason and the hypothetical Chinese invasion, any serious minuteman should be thinking about how to deal with armored vehicles. In this article I will cover the types of armored vehicles, the threat they pose, and how you can fight them or mitigate their effectiveness.

Read the full article here.

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  1. Two Man Bazooka Team October 25, 2022 at 11:54

    Send a hot pants Jennifer Grey out with a supplies basket and be waiting for ambush.
    Vehicles have to stop for gas and require maintenance, hatches have to open for exit or enter.
    The insane unseen will thrive in happy sporky time.

  2. MTHead October 25, 2022 at 11:55

    Someone will figure out drones and thermite in nothing flat.

    • Mike VonSteuben October 25, 2022 at 14:22

      Oh absolutely. Drone-delivered munitions are a game changer. I just didn’t include that because we don’t have ready access to thermite grenades.

      I could write a whole article about improvised AT munitions. But I won’t because I like my dog.

  3. mike October 25, 2022 at 12:24

    Much sound wisdom in a short read, Thank You. I have experienced throwing a track on an M-113 many years ago, and if memory serves, it was a single strand of razor wire that did the trick. I was a little shocked at the time that the tracks were that vulnerable.

    I would like to point out that the Russians produced a variety of anti tank hand grenades in the WW2 era and that the design has been modified slightly and used as a drone delivered munition with much documented success in the UKR fighting. An academic review of the history of weapons development reveals that the simple shaped charge heart of this hand grenade is easily understood and lends itself to easy integration into Panzerfaust and rifle grenade systems, as well as command detonated directional mines. Our adversaries in the recent Sandbox adventures had wide access to the RPG7 and still put much successful effort into improvised roll over and directional mines.

    • Mike VonSteuben October 25, 2022 at 14:24

      I certainly agree about shaped charges. I just can’t write about them that much without drawing attention or creating legal liability if someone does what I write.

      I can, however, share this link to a purely educational video about a gentleman doing some fun arts and crafts.

      • FoolsErrand October 25, 2022 at 17:00

        “Manner gegen Panzer” Arts and crafts: East Front style.

      • mike October 25, 2022 at 17:02

        Yes, academic interest only. It is clear to me that the OL guys making those videos are working though the recipes from the old government manual on the subject that Paladin Press used to sell in the 80’s. They are very clear that they have prior approval from the ATF too. It is a little hard to believe that they are still on YT at this point.

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