USDA Now Asking People to Register Their Vegetable Gardens for National Database

In a move that has many folks scratching their heads, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has renewed its push for the People’s Garden Initiative which now includes registering vegetable gardens nationwide. According to the USDA, the move is to foster a “more diverse and resilient local food system to empower communities to address issues like nutrition access and climate change.” But those who have been following the USDA closely for years know that they couldn’t care less about your health and nutrition.

To register your garden with the USDA, one must meet several easily obtainable standards.

School gardens, community gardens, urban farms, and small-scale agriculture projects in rural, suburban and urban areas can be recognized as a “People’s Garden” if they register on the USDA website and meet criteria including benefitting the community, working collaboratively, incorporating conservation practices and educating the public.

These standards essentially define every community garden in the country. Now, the government organization that shells out billions every year to companies whose products, like high-fructose corn syrup, are responsible for a massive epidemic of obesity across the planet, will have a database of them.

“We welcome gardens nationwide to join us in the People’s Garden effort and all it represents,” said Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, “Local gardens across the country share USDA’s goals of building more diversified and resilient local food systems, empowering communities to come together around expanding access to healthy food, addressing climate change and advancing equity.”

Secretary Vilsack added: “We encourage existing gardens and new gardens to join the movement. Growing local food benefits local communities in so many ways, and we offer technical resources to help. Also, it’s a great way to connect with your local USDA team members.”


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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page:


  1. American Yeoman October 6, 2022 at 16:19

    Register hell! I plant shit surreptitiously, have for years! Those Jerusalem Artichokes did kinda get out of hand….wasn’t me….

  2. Chas October 6, 2022 at 17:02

    “Also, it’s a great way to connect with your local USDA team members.” They mean your local USDA Swat team members.

  3. resistance gardener October 6, 2022 at 17:15

    USDA can suck a rotten rutabaga

  4. micontra October 6, 2022 at 17:27

    Like firearms, registration leads to confinscation…

  5. John October 6, 2022 at 18:39

    so they can redistribute your garden to the people!

  6. Oughtsix October 6, 2022 at 21:05

    Fuck this whole fucking .gov scheme. Just another ploy to eventually control your own efforts at independent food supply. Or come and take it from you to give to illegals and other .gov dependents, and to make one of you.

    Can’t have anyone who is not controlled, dependent, a ward of the state, to be disposed of at will.

    “We’re from the .gov and we’re here to kill you and take your stuff!”

    Never voluntarily sign up for anything. Shoot the first motherfucker who knocks on your door suggesting any such a thing.

  7. Buzz October 6, 2022 at 21:35


  8. John October 6, 2022 at 21:44

    It’s so they can redistribute your garden to the People!

  9. GK October 6, 2022 at 22:13

    Just wait until this morphs into; “so you have 6 acres of which you are using 1? We will tell you how you will use the other 5 acres, or what you WILL grow…”

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