AltMarket: Leftists Aren’t Capable Of Surviving Economic Collapse – Here’s Why

There is one factor that constantly stands out as absolutely essential to a person’s chances at surviving a crisis event, and that factor is mindset. Experience and training are highly valuable, having proper tools and preps on hand is a huge advantage. But in the end, without mental toughness and the ability to adapt the most prepared person in the world will still likely bite the dust.

Mental toughness is something that can be taught, to a point. This is the entire purpose of basic training methods used in the military: To take mundane details and elevate them in the minds of trainees while wearing them down with physical punishment. The goal is to condition the mind to ignore distraction, to ignore fear and pain while focusing on the task at hand. Failure is not an option in war, just as it is not an option in survival. Those who embrace distraction and embrace failure because they think it will make things easier for them are filtered out of the recruitment pool, or the gene pool.

It is no coincidence that the US military today is dealing with some of the worst recruitment conditions they have ever seen in terms of people being physically and mentally incapable of finishing basic training. The Pentagon currently estimates that 77% of young Americans are unfit for recruitment without a waiver for obesity, drug use and mental health problems. Meaning, Gen Z is so unfit physically and mentally if there was a major war almost 80% of them would be erased from existence.

The problem has become so bad that militaries in the US and throughout the west are being forced to lower standards just to meet minimum personnel goals. One can argue that many young people don’t want to join the military anyway, but this is besides the point. Even if they wanted to, they would not be up to the task.

There are a number of reasons for this development, but I would suggest that the spread of leftist ideology among 63% of Americans age 18-29 according to polls has created a survival vacuum – A generation of mental weaklings.

It’s important to remember that younger people have adopted more liberal views for decades, but the political left is not liberal today. The leftists of today are full-bore Marxists, both economically and culturally. They support establishment centralization, they support economic centralization, they support corporate centralization, they support authoritarianism and censorship, they support moral relativism and they applaud the concept of an all pervasive welfare state.

In 1980 you might have been able to find a large number of mentally tough people that considered themselves Democrats. Today, you will not find anyone.

With America hovering in a precarious netherworld between stagflationary crisis and deflationary crisis depending on which poison the Federal Reserve chooses to give the country, the stage has been set for an economic disaster similar to the Great Depression or worse (read my analysis on this situation HERE). In two years or less, our system, which is already dealing with a number of threats including high prices and supply chain instability, will not remain functional in the manner most people are accustomed.

If we accept this inevitability, we must then ask a logical question: Who is going to rebuild? Whoever inherits the mantle will either bring America back to freedom and prosperity, or plunge our society into perpetual tyranny. It all depends on who survives the crisis.

One thing that gives me some hope is the fact that leftists as a sub-group of our population are completely incapable of surviving a major economic crisis event. This is not to say that I wish them all to die; I’m only pointing out the reality that most of them won’t make it because they are ill equipped to handle a calamity. Here are the reasons why a post-collapse world would probably be devoid of common leftists…

Leftists Thrive On Crisis, But Die Out During Collapse

Leftists have a tendency to exploit crisis and tragedy to shore up power and expand their numbers through fear, but there’s a problem with this tactic. If the crisis is fabricated, a tempest in a teapot, then they do very well; if the crisis turns into an actual disaster with real world consequences including financial decline, supply chain disruptions, shortages and civil unrest, they have no tools to deal with the effects other than mob action and looting.

What happens if they use mob action and looting when the rule of law is no longer a factor in a country with millions of guns? They will die, by the tens of thousands, as people defend their businesses and homes. The violent hordes we witnessed during the BLM riots would not last long during a collapse scenario where people are more inclined to use deadly force.

Leftists Are Anti-Preparedness

The political left has spent the better part of the past 15 years demonizing the concept of preparedness as a tinfoil hat philosophy for “right-wing extremists.” They have set themselves up for complete failure by refusing to acknowledge the practicality of prepping, just so they can attack their political opponents. The stupidity of it is truly mind boggling.

There are some indications that the covid lockdowns may have shocked a small number of them out of their foolishness. It’s hard to deny the threat of economic collapse when the beginnings of collapse are right in front of your face. That said, prepping is not the only requirement for survival, and progressives buying a few months of food and some guns is not going to save them.

Leftists Have An Aversion To Hardship

The vast majority of people that argue in favor of an expanding welfare state are on the left. While conservatives support individual charity for those that deserve it, leftists believe that people need to be forced by government to provide and pay for others who may not deserve it. This ideal is driven by their desire to avoid hardship.

I find that leftists often have delusions of grandeur. They assume that they are destined for great things, that they are smarter than the rest of us and that work or sacrifice are problems relegated to the rural “peasants” in “flyover country.” Their vision of work is a daycare, a college campus, a place to socialize, find comfort and self identity, do the minimal amount of labor required and then collect a paycheck. Just look how leftist dominated Twitter was being operated a few months ago – It was not a workplace, it was a day spa for lunatics.

These kinds of people are not equipped to endure the backbreaking struggle necessary to build a survivable environment. They wouldn’t know where to begin. When confronted with hard times, leftists do not ask “How can I fix this problem and improve my situation?” Instead they ask “Who is to blame for my misery and how can I make them pay?”


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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page:


  1. James Carpenter aka "Felix" December 15, 2022 at 14:33

    Preppers will be resource magnets.
    And those _demanding_ food they did not earn will be super attracted.
    I’m told that lead placed between the two, can facilitate and maintain a degree of separation.
    Coyotes and ravens will reap the bounty.

  2. Reader December 15, 2022 at 15:59

    Buzzards gotta eat too..

  3. plankmember December 15, 2022 at 19:59

    Do leftists even make good fertilizer ?

  4. Greg R December 16, 2022 at 09:21

    It’s so easy to make comments like “let the buzzards eat” etc. but the REAL reality of it is that we each have a tender spot in our hearts that will be broken in a real world crap slinging event. One of the hardest things about prepping from my standpoint is also being a Christian that is mandated to care about others. When we are face to face with someone that is desperate from hunger, and we have plenty, how will we really act? I’ve tried to think about this and I believe that everyone else should do. I think that the real scenario will be heartbreaking and very convicting. I am personally struggling with how I may act when trying to protect my wife and our food supply and if/when I have family show up asking for help. Truly asking for help as in begging, crying, asking for forgiveness,… as in heart wrenching “please don’t let me or my children starve”.

    Put your damn, tough dude “let God sort them out” back in your pocket and think about what you may have to actually face. It could become reality, and it’s never too early to sort these things out ahead of time and make a plan.

    Yes, those who come with force will be met with force.

    What will you do when some half naked and obviously starved and beaten woman with kids shows up at your door step begging for anything? Will you put her down? Will you really?

    • NC Scout December 16, 2022 at 09:42

      You’re judging future actions based on a present morality.

      That’s not how it works.

      • Greg R December 16, 2022 at 09:55

        Correct Scout. I can’t help but think we each may participate in actions we won’t be proud of or immoral from a Christian standpoint. Perhaps I’m mostly speaking out loud from fear that I’ll become that monster that such treacherous times may bring out.

        Many here are not Christians. I’m trying to not judge.

        Ah, those things that I think too much about perhaps….

        The fight between what is good, what is bad, and what may be necessary. It’s not easy being human.

    • wwes December 16, 2022 at 09:57

      “What will you do when some half naked and obviously starved and beaten woman with kids shows up at your door step begging for anything? Will you put her down? Will you really?”

      On the other hand, are you going to hand over some of your food to that woman and kids, so that they keep coming back for more, until your own wife and kids are the ones starving? Or so they can go tell their friends and/or family where to get a free meal so they can come wipe your food out? It’s not going to be easy to turn someone away, but sometimes it is likely the right thing to do. It’ll be tough to make a lot of the calls that will have to be made.

      I am a born again Christian myself, and I do believe in helping others to the greatest of my ability, and try to do so. But I am also not going to imperil my own family for others. I’m personally not taking food from my child’s mouth to feed someone else’s child.
      Even the Bible has plenty of examples God of letting people reap the rewards of their bad decisions and/or foolishness- Lot taking his family out of Sodom, Noah’s Ark, etc. Or maybe one of the most relevant ones to this conversation- the five virgins who brought oil for their lamps not giving their oil to the five who didn’t.

  5. Greg R December 16, 2022 at 10:12

    All great points WWES. All of them. I have pondered the same, using sympathy to gain intel on “what may be there” or at the least return for more and with more relatives. Oh, I get it. I really do. I just don’t like the idea of “feeding the buzzards” as I took that as just kill them. The truth is there will be others that deserve it, especially if force or threat is present.

    I’m just torn between sympathy and self preservation. No, I won’t allow my wife to starve. I have an obligation to that, even at the expense of my own morality. It’s frightening to think what Godless actions could occur if the food supply dries up.

    Good points. Good discussion.

    • wwes December 16, 2022 at 10:43

      My take was a little different, I took it more as they will feed the buzzards when they perish from attrition, more so than that they should be killed. Like you said, when someone presents a threat, they need to be dealt with, but every man, woman and child is not someone to be harmed or killed by you or I. Ultimately, I think the folks who seem to have the intent of killing anyone who approaches them are either going to be completely ostracized by their entire community at best, or punished/killed by their community for committing heinous acts. I believe their will always be at least some kind of morality prevailing, even in the absence of “organized” law and government.

      At any rate, a lot of tough calls are going to have to be made by hard folks.

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