Can you imagine seeing the state digging up the remains of your ancestors, on full display on live TV while you are forced to watch in humiliation? No, neither can I, but it just happened yesterday.
I implore you to research Virginia and A.P. Hill. The facts are all there, but the narrative will be too. As you know, there is a war on to rewrite history and remove statues while redefining words and erasing all semblance of culture and belonging. This isn’t new but the methods are becoming more brazen and will soon lead to increased violence.
This isn’t a debate about the Civil War, or more appropriately The War of Northern Aggression. This is a call to see the history of communism and the fact that it is on full display here in America, alive and well with the full backing of the State.
First, the false narrative is set to play on the emotional and get the support of the hive mind. Then, the statues are removed while the history is being erased. Finally, laws rewritten to back the new false narrative and violence is condoned against those who resist the fallacies. This is where we are in the timeline.
Do you seriously think this will stop with attacks against Confederate history? It will not. We’ve already seen attacks against schools named for George Washington, Teddy Roosevelt statues being removed, and many other historical figures of our great nation being cast into villains.
As for me and mine, we will always honor the men who came before us and brought us to where we are today. Generations past and into modern history,  I’ve had family who fought in every major war this country was built on. Many of you do as well and they should be remembered, honored and respected. Their legends should be passed down through every generation and something to be grateful for and lived up to.
And this latest attack we do take personally, our ancestors fought and died for the 31st NC CSA out of New Bern, NC. Some that made it home alive lived to tell the stories that my children and their children will one day know. Without them, we would not be here today.
I was livid to see what they did to the remains of that man in Virginia, and every decent man should be too. What will the future bring if this is allowed in the present? Ask yourself if one day you will stand by, alone, while your lineage is exhumed and the State laughs about it.
The time to stand up is now, the time to fight is now, the time to get together and organize is now. Take that for whatever it means. I’m not asking for anything illegal nor am I condoning it. I don’t have the answers to how this is fixed, I just know that if nothing is done it will continue and get worse for all of us.

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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page:


  1. my2cents December 20, 2022 at 08:14

    “The time to stand up is now, the time to fight is now, the time to get together and organize is now. Take that for whatever it means. I’m not asking for anything illegal nor am I condoning it. I don’t have the answers to how this is fixed, I just know that if nothing is done it will continue and get worse for all of us.”

    You are spot on Patriotman. It frustrates me to no end to watch people bury their heads in the sand deeper and deeper, with the hope someone else will carry the ball across the finish line for them. I think there are a lot of folks out here wanting a leader. The sooner we begin to hold this rabble in congress accountable the soon things will improve for the general population.

    • Patriotman December 20, 2022 at 08:38

      Glad you are in agreement, though I am but the messenger and not the author.

  2. CPL Antero Rokka December 20, 2022 at 18:24

    Having been to the City of Richmond, Virginia, many times and having many friends there–I am absolutely floored by the lack of interest or response by locals to this.

    It is nothing short of an OUTRAGE and SCANDAL.

    …it reminds me of an incident in Boston, where a dead whale washed up on shore and FED GOV immediately posted signs and notices that even to touch the dead whale’s carcass or abuse it was a FEDERAL CRIME punishable by fine and/or imprisonment since whales were an “Endangered Species.”

    Yet, a few miles away, aborted human beings–babies–were unceremoniously dumped into the ocean with total callousness and disregard for human life by abortion clinics.

    Has America lost all sense of DECENCY?

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