ENCOURAGING ANGELS: Wargaming the American Apocalypse – Positively Identifying the Enemy
Photo Credit: Best of Binoculars
By Stan Szymanski and Jack Lawson
In our first installment of ‘Wargaming The American Apocalypse’ (First Admit There is an Emergency), we detailed the case that there are, in fact, ‘emergencies’ on many levels in the U.S. that are destroying the American way of life now-for you and your posterity.
But who or what is it that are precipitating these ‘emergencies’? Of course, life itself is a series of ups and downs, and we have to take the good with the bad. But there is something much more sinister afoot for Americans that love our country and the Lord Jesus Christ.
It is:
Something that wants to take our ability to speak freely.
Something that wants to take our ability to protect ourselves, our families and our homes.
Something that wants to take our ability to choose who we want to govern our nation in an honest manner.
Something who wants to tell us what to eat, where we can go or not go and whether we can own anything at all.
Something that is doing everything it can to disrupt the safety of our communities while bankrupting the country through a long series of entitlements while too many disabled United States Veterans live on the streets lacking shelter and the true benefits they deserve.
Something that is very organized and has been at this war for a very long time.
Something that has a Satanic allegiance.
In order to find something out, we would do well to investigate these issues with the help of someone who has spent a great deal of his life fighting and addressing the consequences of the policies of these things…
I am confident that we would do well to ask Mr. Jack Lawson. Jack has served in the United States Air Force as a missile guidance and SAFO nuclear arming controls electronic technician and the Foreign Legion in Africa as a member of an airborne rapid deployment force in a guerrilla war. He has written and published many essays and other books including The Slavers Wheel, And We Hide From The Devil, In Defense and of course Civil Defense Manual Volumes 1 and 2.
I have already alluded to the fact that something is amiss and has been at war with America for a long time. The something I refer to is Communism. The image in a lot of minds of what Communism is a 50 foot by 50 foot banner of a portrait of Josef Stalin or Chairman Mao, the Cold War and a working class that, at least until recently, has not fared well. Jack, what is Communism today and why does it pose a real threat to 2024 America?
Most people who think the word Communism are thinking a 70-year-old thought. Cold War era. The United States versus the Russians and Chinese. It is now Western Globalists directing this. They intend to be WORLD rulers using the appeal of Communism to the mass of people to get them there.
Communism patterned after Marxism, is Socialism with a gun barrel pointed up your nose. You can vote your way into Communism, but you have to shoot your way out of it. The Communists have historically cheated citizens in elections to get in… and then you’ll never have another fair election once they’re in power… and once in power they will remove your Individual Rights and the right to even have opposition candidates in elections. NOTHING can be done by a citizen with Individual Rights thinking that is opposed to the agenda of Communist rulers. And that’s EVERYTHING! Read History!
Communism and Socialism appeal to the young. I once entertained the thought that it would make a better society. Then I grew up. I experienced people and the world and maturity and common sense told me that Communism was like Disneyland… an illusion and not real as a form of government. Winston Churchill allegedly said… “When you’re young, if you aren’t a Socialist you have no heart or compassion… when you older and mature, if you’re still a Socialist, you have no brain.” Communism is simply a dictatorship with ruling elite. Most of these elites are incompetent… but the most ruthless of the leadership.
My Cardiologist, who was raised in communist Poland told me about a friend from Bulgaria who his wife and he visited. While in Bulgaria, after the fall of the Communist rulers, this friend of his took his wife and him on a tour of the former Bulgaria’s communist ruler’s extravagant “Walled City” guarded by the army and off limits to anyone but the ruling class. It was secretive during the Communist reign. This are had special Neiman Marcus shops, food of anyone’s imagination there, while their “comrades” (the common people of Bulgaria) went without. Read History!
Communist Marxism is an illusion. When the reality of not being able to deliver that illusion becomes apparent, the original supporters are quietly killed off. Why!? Because those who put the Communist leadership in power can remove them from power. Read History!
Believers in Communism need to party with the refugees in America from Communist countries like I did when I drank. As these refugees told me, communism is illogical because it ignores the basis of human nature… that we are each different and have ambitions. Communism destroys the spirit of man and destroys hope they said.
Of course, the proponents of it say communist Marxism hasn’t been done correctly… despite the 100 million plus people and counting killed by communists trying to prove that communism is a viable ideology. It’s a fool’s ideology.
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But the most important point is, the present elites proposing a ‘One World’ government are using the appeal of communist Marxism to take control of the world. The fools who are the ‘woke’ common people are mindless and don’t have a clue that they are being used as front-line soldiers by the very forces proposing communism that are causing mankind hardship and suffering… to them also!
Jack, who are the leaders of the Communist party worldwide? Can you give examples of how big Communist entities use smaller Marxist states in warfare be it overt or covert?
China is Communist. The Chinese hybrid Communist/Capitalist economic and social surveillance system is the pattern for these Globalists, as the Russian version failed decades ago. Russia is still modeled after Communism, even though they are now one of the last refuges of traditional family values, Christianity and are flat out against the ‘woke’ drive of the western world. Large portions of the ‘elected’ and bureaucrats of almost every government in the world, almost all of the leadership of major corporations and international businessmen more than small countries that are allowed to succeed are controlled by these Globalists. The Communists no longer need to use small countries to launch guerrilla warfare against neighboring countries. They going for America and the whole world now. One final assault.
Who are they? Names of people we’ll never hear of with wealth of Trillions. How do I know this? Simple logic… there are too many facets and groups working for their agenda that are coordinated. This is a MASSIVE undertaking. But they’ve been at this for decades if not centuries. Bureaucrats, judges, the woke change advocates, those leaders of the Great Reset, mainstream news media, illegal migration directors, Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), BLM, AntiFa, leftist leaders of governments, etc. Bought off politicians that we’ve elected (or not) …are their knowing or unwitting dupes and fools.
Virtually anyone of authority, these EVIL people either:
Buy off compromised operatives
Side step and go around
Blackmail into compliance
Destroy through humiliation and accusations of things such as pedophilia
Financially ruin
Most in authority carry out their agenda whether they (who stand in their way) like it or not. Threatening a person’s family is a powerful motivation.
Now someone tell me how all these thousands of parts are not coordinated by a central group? Is it happenstance and haphazard? Mathematically impossible!
Worse, most of their programs and agenda are being done with tax payer dollars through our government expenditures. They own the central banks and collect every dollar of interest debt paid each year in taxes.
These people are the very instigators of greed that’s causing the inequities, hardships, war, suffering and death of the world’s populations and are the advocates of Communism for the populations. The woke idiots are their communist foot soldiers on the ground! They idolize the very people causing them “a boot on the face” hardship. Of course, these well healed liberals will remind you while the boot is stomping on your face… ‘You have to remember that you have free health care and 100 percent literacy.’
They are hyper wealthy unknowns who shield themselves with nation states, would throw their own citizens, the real patriots and anyone else to the dogs at any moment to suit their goals. They hide in the shadows and darkness and pull the strin