This I Will Defend, by TX2Guns

A nation requires three things to survive: language, culture, and borders. We are at a do-or-die moment on ours. Its a very real fight down there on many sides and directly due to communist activities in Central America we are experiencing an invasion designed to overwhelm the system. And they’re succeeding. That aside, the epidemic levels of fentanyl coming in is being made in pharmaceutical labs owned by China and smuggled by the cartels. You either grab the bull by the horns or it’ll grab you. – NC Scout

The situation on the U.S./Mexican Border has now gotten to a critical mass juncture.

We have passed the point of petty partisan politics, catchy campaign slogans or useless discourses on the pro’s and con’s of illegal immigration on the American economy.

We now have at the U.S./Mexico border ARMED individuals escorting human cargo (ie, illegal aliens) across the border. Or to put it another way, a deliberate armed incursion by foreign nationals into the United States of America to commit a crime (importation of illegal aliens).

Where is the National Alarm? Where is the outrage? Hell, Where is just the general concern?

(Insert Crickets Chirping loudly HERE)

I am going to make two quick points about this matter and then I have a very long seven hour drive to make to the border to join other like-minded and motivated individuals who are ready to DEFEND their STATE and COUNTRY against foreign invaders and Assist the CBP in legally apprehending any and all illegal aliens which cross over to American soil.

The first point is this. The majority of Americans are APATHETIC and LAZY when it comes to the SECURITY of this country.

Regardless of political belief: Left, Right, Middle or Upside Down, Americans have always had strong opinions on the issue of illegal immigration. But when it comes to ACTION, as in actually PHYSICALLY DOING SOMETHING CONSTRUCTIVE TO HELP SOLVE THE PROBLEM like the good people at Arizona Border Recon or the Texas Oath Keepers are doing, most people are going to be NO SHOWS.

They would much rather take the path of least resistance and be a keyboard warrior on Twitter and FB.

Most people also forget that for us Texans and other Southern Border State citizens, the term ‘Border War’ is not some catchy click bait title, but a very REAL and bloody memory. It wasn’t but just under a hundred years ago that ARMED mexican insurgents known as ‘seditionistas’ crossed the Rio Grande into Texas in a series of treacherous raids which murdered scores of American civilians, Law Enforcement and Military personnel.

The Second point is the majority of American’s refuse to see the big picture regarding the NEFARIOUS AGENDA of the left and illegal immigration as it pertains to the DESTRUCTION of America. This includes Fourth Generation Warfare tactics such as lawfare, propaganda and inciting civil unrest.

These leftist ‘useful idiots’ have all drank the kool-aid spiked by Soros and his marxist/globalist cronies in Government that claim ‘open borders’ in America is for the “good of humanity” and anybody who does not want to let these “poor, retched souls” into America are just heartless draconian fascist thugs.

Never mind the majority of these “poor, retched illegal aliens ” are mainly adult-age males from Central America with violent gang affiliations and criminal records longer than your arm for offenses such as pedophilia, rape and murder. In a large majority of the cases made public, these illegals have been deported up to five times!

Ask yourself a simple, logical question: How many times have you seen the drastic repercussions of releasing these convicted felons who have been deported multiple times back into American society?

And as if all of that was not enough, we now have communist agitators within our own Government actually debating what really makes an “American Citizen?”

See where all this is going?

I am not one to use terms like ‘New World Order’ (NWO) lightly but this is exactly the direction all of this is headed: No Borders, No States, No Nationalities, just “Citizens of the World” with the United Nations as their Golden Calf.

The two best examples I could use to qualify this are the CURRENT state of Europe and the U.K in regards to illegal mass migration of immigrants. “Population Replacement” is not some far right Conspiracy theory catch phrase, but an actual POLICY that the United Nations rolled out in 2001 called Replacement Migration: Is it a Solution to Declining and Ageing Populations?”

The second qualifier is History itself, which is replete with examples of where “open borders” heavily contributed to the downfall of empires and nation-states. The most obvious example being the Roman Empire, where “Multi-Culturalism” and “Cultural Inclusiveness” helped to gradually wipe the behemoth of Rome from the map.

So all of this begs the Question: Are YOU, the martial citizen, prepared to Fight for and Defend what you hold dear? Are you prepared to defend your TRIBE, STATE and COUNTRY like so many men and women before you have? If the answer is yes, then your attention needs to shift to the Southern Border of the United States and the slow and gradual erosion of the American Republic.

Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!

TX2Guns is the author of The Tactical Hermit. He is a father, gunsmith, Christian, and unapologetically American. 

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  1. Patriotman May 2, 2019 at 06:13

    “They would much rather take the path of least resistance and be a keyboard warrior on Twitter and FB.”

    This unfortunately holds true for even something as simple as getting training for the coming Fourth Turning storm. I can understand people not wanting to patrol the southern border, but people not wanting to leave their comfy home to get medical training, or firearm training, or communications training? Hell, even going to the range and getting them to shoot something other than benchrest is impossible.

    Those folks are too busy telling the internet what they would do when “Da Gubmint Comes Fo’ They Guns” and not spending that time networking/training.

    I prefer to spend my time with the doers, not the talker

    May God bless you and keep you safe, TX2Guns.

  2. MN Steel May 2, 2019 at 07:04

    Is there any contact info to send useful logistics to militias down at the border, such as gas cards, for those with “excess” funds?

    This would be useful towards the propaganda war in filming civilian apprehensions at the border, like the 300 stopped in New Mexico, before the Feds swooped in and charged the “leader” and tried to kill him while incarcerated.

    As to travelling down there, it’s urinating in the wind, with the catch-and-release policy dumping hundreds of the invaders in individual towns and small cities.

    Getting your local area in order and propagandizing those around you is more useful than travelling a thousand miles or more to virtue signal.

    Logistics wins wars, communications direct logistics, planning guides it all, if yours is lacking there won’t be any chance at accomplishing any nebulous goals, IMHO.

    • James May 2, 2019 at 07:59

      MN,while I agree time better spent for most part working on local issues ect. would say by folks going to border as citizens to try and stop a literal invasion is important in that it keeps it more in the media eye and may get a few more folks awake,feel more then just virtue signaling.I am not close to the southern border but those that come through do affect all parts of the country so is all our issue,perhaps we can vote our way out of this!We stop the flow of tax dollars to illegals would really be a good “wall”.

    • vyt1az May 5, 2019 at 20:01

      I agree with James. Broadly calling it virtue signaling sounds like just a wee bit too much. Virtue signaling is running one’s mouth to gain points with whatever “mob” one wants approval from.

 Many volunteers down there are virtue “doing.”

      I agree there’s certainly an element of tilting at windmills, but working with someone like Tim Foley for a week running real radio networks, gathering intel, patrolling, and interdicting/arresting border crossers while armed cartels play cat and mouse nearby sounds like legit training. From what I understand the feds tolerate or even work with him since he’s not playing moolitia like some others down there.

      Maybe I’m mistaken.

      Unless you’re police, EMS, fire, or active military, that’s about as real world as you’re going to get and you can bring that home with you permitted a cartel member doesn’t light you up before you head out.

  3. Charlie Prime May 2, 2019 at 07:54

    It would be pretty stupid to risk your life, freedom, and financial future by rounding up illegals and handing them to the Border Patrol for free medical, free food EBT cards, and free HUD housing.

  4. Anonymous May 2, 2019 at 08:15


  5. Anonymous May 2, 2019 at 09:19


  6. Nathan May 2, 2019 at 09:29

    Drugs yea, trafficking yea, what I don’t here being talked about is disease. We are having outbreaks of sicknesses that have been eradicate for 40 years. They are emptying their hospitals just Castro did . If this border is not locked we are all going to have Ebola or whatever. The shooting needs to start NOW

  7. Bryce Sharper May 2, 2019 at 11:34

    I think local police agencies are going to be overrun with the problem very shortly. The Mexicans are becoming much bolder. A police officer was shot dead by an illegal several months ago, but that was one of the only reported stories. Here’s another instance of an illegal shooting at a police officer. 10-20 years ago, this never would’ve happened. The Mexicans have figured out that our justice system is a joke. Increasingly, municipal police are having to rely on Federal support to keep the Mexican gang problem under control. Tucker Carlson reported on MS-13 overwhelming local police in Mendota, CA. THis is not the only story. The problem is, Mexican gangs are gaining strength numbers much faster than Federal law enforcement agencies. SHeriffs and police in California obviously can’t turn to the state for help.

  8. […] This I Will Defend, by TX2Guns […]

  9. Chas May 2, 2019 at 16:13

    It’s is not just being a human wall on the border. It’s also dealing with the “American” problems who are creating and protecting these insurgents and invaders…

  10. johnyMac May 2, 2019 at 19:30

    Okay, I think many of us can sympathize to what TX2Guns writes about happening at our southern border. This is not just a CA., AZ, or TX. problem. This issue affects all of us, in every state of the Union. It is an invasion.

    Most of us want to do something whether it be manpower, money, or other logistic support but none was suggested or asked for in the rant by TX2Guns. Hopefully, he will scout things out and report back to what we can do to help.

    Please do not take this as criticism. Like MN Steel, I and other would like to help.

    • The Tactical Hermit May 2, 2019 at 20:28

      Suggestions for what you can do to help will be forthcoming in due time.

  11. E L May 3, 2019 at 01:44

    In order of allegiance: God, Family, Country.
    I will not neglect my oath or duty to God.
    My family comes next. I will not leave them without their primary protector and provider. My duty as a citizen of this, the greatest nation on earth, comes after fulfilling all my obligations to God and my family. If, as a nation, our law enforcement officers and law makers intend to abridge the freedoms of those who would defend this nation (ie, throw you in jail for doing what they are obligated to perform, but will not), it is a disgusting dereliction of their duty, but I cannot offer myself up as a martyr to the cause of national security if it means my family loses their provider and protector. Sacrificing my family for a nation that will not respect rule of law or the sovereignty of its people and borders is a foolish endeavor.

  12. Joseph May 3, 2019 at 18:21

    Just a humble suggestion.
    Use your Resources … communication networking. Running down to the border and “shoveling dirt “ will not accomplish anything except placing your immediate family in jeopardy . Use your resources to get people of authority to ask for help i.e. sheriff department governors etc. Sheriffs expand their use of deputized citizens , reserves or sheriff “posse’s” to put a concrete or human wall on their borders well add legitimacy to the endeavor. And ex and expanded reserve for us can also be trained and vetted before they’re deployed. If the sheriff departments really wanted to safely secure this’s county along the Mexican borders they should’ve been doing this long time ago. Their full- Time deputies can serve managers instead of frontline foot officers . When you gain legitimacy then you’ll get more help than you could shake a stick at : ,…….Just a thought

    • Joseph May 7, 2019 at 09:44

      I just was listening to the 700 ksev Chris Salcedo show. May 7 8:30 AM. It was infuriating listening to what is going on. Wave upon wave upon wave of Invaders in one location in McAllen Texas. Border patrol threatened to arrest American citizens on American soil in the area but refused to turn away invaders into the country. The sheriffs of every county the governors of each state Need to step up I do the job that the federal government refuses to do. Creating a reserve sheriff deputy is standard procedure in almost every sheriffs department cross country.
      One cannot blame the federal government at this point The sole responsibility is now lying with the Local and county sheriffs And The governor of the state , Texas state guard , DPS Texas National Guard.. Yes these people are directly responsible. How many skills are on the side alone? Strategic and tactical planning? Communication? Organizing? Building allies? Making a plan? Acting on that plan?

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