There are No Sidelines in Civil War, By WiscoMando

“Hong Kongers are the most sophisticated insurgents I have seen. If America goes to full civil war, I suspect even Hong Kongers will be surpassed. Americans surely will surpass Hong Kongers on extreme violence…

Everyone who is not actively hiding can be found. Those with most to lose are often easiest to target. This still does not seem to have dawned on many people. As if this is a game and they can play from the sidelines.
There are no sidelines in a civil war.” – Michael Yon


I finally had the opportunity to take a break from the craziness that has been 2020. I mean a real break, a return to what 2019 and prior was. Wisconsin deer hunting season is a tradition that spans back generations. I have had the good fortune to get to know people that have been doing it since before my parents were born, and it is part of the heritage=( of the state:

“Deer hunting is foundational to Wisconsin’s identity as a state, with its pilgrimage to field and forest helping define the change of seasons and renewal of bonds with family and friends…he customs of the autumnal deer hunt have become ingrained and venerated.”

Controlavirus can’t touch us out here, the tradition carries on, except for maybe the lack of full bars, flowing beer, and cheering football fans after shooting hours close. The fools in DC can’t tell us what to do, how the deer behave, how to gut, skin, butcher, and cook the deer either.

And that is a real refreshing take that harkens back to the way life was, a reminder of the self-sufficiency that one must have going forward, and not just in the survivalist-prepper arena, but between your ears.

I couldn’t believe the feeling of it. Sitting in the woods, waiting for a prey animal to be close enough to take so we could have meat to enjoy. It was so peaceful, so proper, so liberating. When we got back into town, I was immediately reminded of just what the state of things are. Fear, masks, uncertainty – pervasive and uninvited. Awareness of what is going on, what we may be heading toward was like a slap, and felt the stress rising in my chest and neck.

So, we drive, and we talk. I sit alone in the truck, heading home, and think about what we’re headed toward. I remember that we are behind enemy lines, and we have everything to lose.

“There are no sidelines in a civil war.”

What are we going to do?

Train, and learn. Here’s a recent thought chain:

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Read that again, that famous sentence, that second amendment. Most people lock onto the last four words: “shall not be infringed.” Rightly so, it’s highly important. It simply states “You can’t deprive me of my arms, of any type, in any case, at all, ever.” Yeah, but they do, and we know they do, and we do nothing to stop them from doing it, because, well, Waco, Ruby Ridge, Bundy Ranch, etc. We don’t want to get shot in the face.

But there’s a deeper, more important message here. Hat tip to T.L. Davis (link) for his article that caused enlightenment on this, and to bring it out further.

Here’s what to do. Drop the first four words, instead of focusing on the last four.

Drop “A well regulated milita.” Now it reads “being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Do you see it? “Being necessary to the security of a free State.”

“STATE, noun [Latin , to stand, to be fixed.]

1. Condition; the circumstances of a being or thing at any given time.

5. A political body, or body politic; the whole body of people united under one government, whatever may be the form of the government.

More usually the word signifies a political body governed by representatives; a commonwealth; as the States of Greece; the States of America. In this sense, state has sometimes more immediate reference to the government” – Websters 1828 Dictionary

Do you see that? This is how it reads:
A. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State
B. A well regulated Militia, shall not be infringed.
C. being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms
D. the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

You see, you read that “free state” section both ways:

Milita <- free state -> arms.
Political freedom <- state of being armed -> personal freedom.

State, n. Condition; the circumstances of a being or thing at any given time.”
AND PERSONAL FREEDOM. The founders, the thinkers, authors, of these amendments knew that the only way to ensure a state of personal freedom was with arms, and armed fellows (meatspace, baby). They had just fought against a Tyrant with a capital T, and petty tyrants in their locale, that had tried to take away their guns. But they also were smart enough to understand the duplicate status and usage of the word state.

How many people have forgot that the revolution didn’t start because of a fucking tea tax? On April 19th, the British Regulars were marching not to collect taxes, but to disarm the countryside of their guns. Boston was already disarmed. The countryside collectively said “Hell no!”

Some of the founders were literally plowing asunder their arms to ensure the British would not find them. That’s right folks, the people were burying their rifles 250 years ago, too. Don’t take my word for it – read a little bit of David Hackett Fischer.

Personally, this came as an interested reflection upon the current state of mind we are in as a country. A dual state, where we are balancing on the tightrope between the ballot box, and the cartridge box. But that’s another article.

They’re still coming for the guns. They always will. But right now, we are out ahead of that.

It’s time folks, there’s no more. Like Concerned American said recently: “The next 30 days will decide whether or not America and its traditional citizens survive.”

I am resolved to no longer obey tyrants. Are you?