Jack Lawson Sends: Water is CRITICAL, Part One – Obtaining Water
This excerpt comes from Jack Lawson straight out of Chapter 13 of his two volume masterpiece, “Civil Defense Manual”. You can grab a copy of his book here. Jack is a strong supporter of American Partisan, and even had NC Scout write the chapter on Radio Communications (Chapter 17 in Volume I). I bought my copy the day it become available and I highly recommend you do as well.
Your NPP Medical Section should be well versed in poison neutralization, control and treatment procedures. In a worst-case scenario after a Catastrophic Event, thirsty and starving people will drink and ingest fluids and try to eat items that our imaginations can’t ‘wrap our minds around.’ Bad water and fluids that are harmful and poisonous, items that are dangerous or flat out poisonous to eat will be consumed.
The 13th Baktun unit of time at the end of the Mayan Calendar was frightening to the Mayans… Thirteen individuals, including Christ and Judas the betrayer, were present at The Last Supper… And on Friday the 13th of October in 1307, King Philip IV of France arrested hundreds of the Knights Templar, almost all of the present day ‘Crusaders’ and Free Masons, then hideously tortured and killed them all. Friday the 13th. Oh, that unlucky number thirteen!
What’s that have to do with this book? This Chapter is ‘Number 13’ ‘…thirteen’ if any of you Readers are superstitious and fear black cats, walking under ladders and buildings with ‘Floor 13.’ It was ‘As the cards were dealt’ so it just happened that this Chapter number was assigned to the subject of Water. I’m not superstitious, so I didn’t leave Chapter 13, or Water, out of this book like they leave the ‘unlucky’ floor number 13 off some buildings.
The H2O molecule… two Hydrogen atoms married to an Oxygen atom…Water. Without water, you and your CDM Neighborhood Protection Plan™ (NPP) will be more than unlucky… your existence will abruptly end and then, whether you are or are not superstitious, your existence and that of your NPP on this planet, will be of no further significance to you or others. Fear… is a thirsty business.
Water… the most important of the Critical Life Supplies and Services. You need water first.
Most of the world’s people can drink what you can’t…
As a friend of mine who lived in the ‘Third World’ recently reminded me… and as I witnessed in Third and Fourth World countries in Africa, Central America, Southeast Asia and I imagine much of the rest of the world… most of the world’s population can drink water from a mud puddle and they will generally be okay. Maybe some upset stomach and probable parasitic organisms from this, but they don’t flat-out die. We carry around water in bottles that has been disinfected for drinking when in those countries… you don’t want to use their ice cubes either. I advise so.
I am a beacon of testimony to what the American and Industrialized World intestinal system is like… with regard to ingesting water that has not been disinfected. And this is what your intestinal system is like. I drank water, after I treated it with ‘purifying tablets,’ from a cattle watering trough that had a decomposing monkey under the pump float cover of it in Mozambique, Africa. Within the day I had amoebic dysentery. My jumpsuit and my sleeping bag were both full of shite by morning. I had this amoebic dysentery for two months, even with taking powerful medicines.
The black soldiers with me were happy and just peachy after they drank their fill and topped off their canteens. They’d been born and raised using these water sources. But me!? …I wish I’d seen the submerged, decayed carcass of this monkey first. My American born and raised intestinal system was not accustomed to any of these bacteria, even as long as I’d been in Africa and even after treating the water with purifying tablets… as yours is not.
Dictionary Definition
po·ta·ble / ˈpōdəb(ə)l /
Definition of potable: Water that is fit to drink; Safe to drink; drinkable.
Origin: From the Latin ‘Potare,’ to drink.
Most untreated water has the equivalent of a dead and decomposing monkey in it… and some water that looks really good will be worse than if you did have a dead monkey in it. Regardless, my intestinal system revolted violently. My Commando wouldn’t put me on medical leave, because you had to be shot full of holes and bleeding to death, before they’d take you out of the action. And I decided I would rather die than fail to complete parachute school. I met my wife and her parents about a month into this ordeal. Touchy. Think… fearing the smell.
I fashioned a diaper out of a kitchen terry cloth type thin towel and stuffed it with toilet paper and I refrained from eating around my wife and her parents. It’s an ‘interesting experience’ going through firefights and then later to parachute school with crap sliming down the inside of your legs… on down my jumpsuit pant legs and drizzling on into my socks and boots. Squishy. A fit and muscular young man wearing a green beret… and a diaper. It takes any romanticism out of being a soldier.
I impatiently waited for this affliction to pass. My ring piece was sore from constant wiping. I was in a virtual constant state of dehydration and secondary complications of rashes and infections followed. A Doctor going through parachute school with me, finally put me on the path to a cure for this with his unconventional ‘bread plug’ and more medicines. I will spare you the ghastly details.
Sounds like a war story? Well it is… but to get a point across. Because this, and probably worse, is how you and yours will suffer if you don’t have clean, potable, bacteria and parasite free drinking, cooking and bathing water and when you have little or no medical attention. Bacteria laden water will appear here after most Catastrophic Events. Americans and peoples of the Industrialized World would die from one teaspoon of what most people in the world drink for water, or at the least become violently ill.
Why? Because our intestinal systems are not accustomed to the bacteria and organisms in such water. In addition to over use of antibiotics, everything Americans ingest is so devoid of bacteria as a result of chemical treatment, preservatives and refrigeration, that even slightly spoiled food gives us diarrhea or worse. This is food that most in the world would voraciously, hungrily and with an ear to ear smile on their faces, consume with little or no ill effect. Think… recalls of food for salmonella bacteria, E. Coli (Escherichia coli) etc.. Never used to be as prevalent.
Diarrhea can kill faster than just about any affliction… have the drug Loperamide and Oral rehydration solution DripDrop on hand to control it.
These are common bacteria that Americans were not as sensitive to in the past. Americans do not have the bacteria and parasite resistance that our ancestors had. ‘Bad water,’ that our ancestors could drink with minor gastro-intestinal issues, will kill most Americans after they drink it. If it doesn’t kill you… you’ll probably be so sick that you wish you were dead. My experience was one of the most miserable times in my life that I can recall.
Water from streams and other sources of ‘unprocessed’ water can contain contaminants from sewer systems, heavy metals, animal and human fecal matter, pesticides and chemicals, petroleum waste, crop nitrates run-off and human and animal urine. When an Extraordinary Catastrophic Event occurs… water will also soon contain all the goodies from dead bodies leaching into above ground water sources.
Single cell protozoa called Cryptosporidium and Giardia Lamblia will also mostly likely be in your raw untreated water source. Outbreaks of these still occur frequently in the modern industrialized world because chlorine, the common swimming pool disinfectant, does not kill these ugly, stubborn little hard-shelled parasitic buggers. They can live over 12 hours in strong solutions of chlorine. These parasites create severe intestinal problems accompanied by diarrhea.
Either bad water… or the lack of it