“Tick Tock, Middle Class Fat Man”, by Vagabond

The outright weakness is disgusting.
Contemptable to witness.

And so, so sad. I HATE to see bad things happen to good people, again and again and again. 
Watch the endless videos of the “nice” people, the “good” people, getting hammered. Stabbed. Beaten to a pulp.
The middle class as a group is pathetic. No physique, no fighting spirit, no skill.  All gut, all slouch, all snark, and no punch.
This father gets cold-cocked. That boy gets knifed, and that girl too. The waiting mother gets pushed onto a train track.
The whiny manager grovels and cringes while getting beaten on the floor of a department store.
It looks like ‘minding my own business,’  “sorry, excuse me,’ and just living your own life are just not sufficient protection.
Predators gonna predate; thugs gonna thug, Marxist mobs gonna do Marxist things, protected class gonna act out the worst sides of human nature; that’s one reason they are protected.
It’s ALL wrong on every level for those living the proper living, respectful  middle class life. These are the people NOT ONE SINGLE GROUP respects. Middle class men and women are prey, pure and simple. In the street, store, or shopping mall those not taken off-guard simply radiate the body language and presence of surrender. And if assaulted  some  ‘responses’  are so enabling these people essentially participate in making their own destruction all the more efficient.
And while giving sincere credit to those who do fight back, the lack of physical presence, skill and reciprocal savagery resembles Roman prisoners fed to gladiators as warm up entertainment. The worm has no chance against the snake. Nor does the big guy who while a monster ‘back in the day’ forgets his stomach is now bigger than his chest; we’ve seen some of these guys fight well, we’ve seen them go down on video too.
We’ve all seen it, the young thug element raised on street violence who is fit, mean, and sadistic. The fat but savage men and women who while not ‘in shape’ can still go berserk, stomp and pound whomever sets them off. The leftist hyena packs who surround, humiliate and  assault.
Survival. No, let’s up the game so  how about actual victory? It starts with the will to go primal, and better if that will is supported by fitness and refined by skill.
There is just no way the nice, proper, middle-class boy, girl, man, or woman is going to automatically match the violence of those who have grown up in it, or have chosen to cross the line and embrace ‘doing onto others.’  But we – all of us – must compensate.
The bottom line is: go ahead and avoid your fitness, and you must embrace your weak, crappy, non-vital life and die early. And increase your chances of getting a beat down or watching your family member get theirs.
The skill part takes years, so compensate. Learn a weapon which still takes time, and get good with your firearm. But train with that firearm in scenarios, under stress, with curve balls thrown in. And, when tired, in a bad mood, distracted and any other frame of mind.
But most of all develop the ‘GO!” switch. As all too many videos show again and again, he who hesitates is in the hospital or dead.
The Nice Boys and Girls do have a damned good fighting chance, and while theirs is not the Way of the Professional Warrior, we don’t need to be. We just need to learn from them in heart, mind, and skill and take on board what they pass on.
Search this site for information on fitness and weapon skill; there is lots.
“That Me and My Family Might Live, And That I Survive To Help Yours Too.”

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About the Author: NC Scout

NC Scout is the nom de guerre of a former Infantry Scout and Sergeant in one of the Army’s best Reconnaissance Units. He has combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He teaches a series of courses focusing on small unit skills rarely if ever taught anywhere else in the prepping and survival field, including his RTO Course which focuses on small unit communications. In his free time he is an avid hunter, bushcrafter, writer, long range shooter, prepper, amateur radio operator and Libertarian activist. He can be contacted at [email protected] or via his blog at brushbeater.wordpress.com .


  1. Anonymous June 9, 2021 at 04:08


  2. conan June 9, 2021 at 04:27


  3. conan June 9, 2021 at 04:49

    Really excellent post! And the picture you used is just perfect to illustrate your point. I remember when I attended a NYC public elementary school (in Harlem) in the mid-80’s and how the very few middle class (i.e., “cracka”) kids that went to the school would regularly get caught off guard and savaged by the “vulnerable youth” majority that went there too: beat-downs and muggings were common! And the middle class kids were caught off guard, each time. It was an unforgettable lesson. Then, when I switched to private school after 6th grade, I couldn’t help but notice how soft all the sheltered middle class kids were and what clueless, easy prey they’d have been back in the public school yard.
    But that type of violence has spilled into the open these days, and is now widespread. The mild-mannered middle class folks are certainly a super-ripe target almost begging to be attacked (like you said), and they have LOTS of catching up to do in order to compensate for this incredibly inferior position: not just politically, but at the raw, physical level. This is one of the main reasons I’ve been putting the time in to post for American Partisan – the physical readiness catch-up process merely starts with physical fitness, but doesn’t just stop there. Learning to fight with and without weapons is a critical layer of skill-development as well. And like you said, the aggression and applications to use these skills need development as well, and LOTS of it. Tick tock…
    Will the middle class wake up in time to get it together? I’m not so confident in that at the moment. Too much self-delusional LARPing and too much convenience- and pleasure-seeking still going on, unfortunately.

    • Luke June 9, 2021 at 12:33

      Hope you are well sir. Got a question for you and NC. This is a delicate matter and let me explain why. My gf lives in the city. I’m in Florida so it’s not like Milwaukee or Philly thank goodness. She’s attractive former teacher middle aged. She has a bit of hippy vibe to her. Sometimes it’s kind of sweet but sometimes it drives me a bit nuts because I know she’s a sitting duck if the wolf looks her way. She lives alone with her young boy and in any city that can be risky. Let’s face it both you and I know we are all standing on a glass floor with a hairline crack running right down the middle.
      I have tried offering one of my guns or even buying her a revolver. Nope she vibrates too high (hippy talk) for guns. Trust me this has led to some pretty nasty fights before. But in the end we both must enjoy something about each other. Back to my point, no guns. She’s in good shape athletic and tall but just has no killer instinct at all. The only time I have ever seen her get exceptionally mad is at me, no joke.
      This is such a great post today NC. Now Here’s my conundrum, I have sent her videos of the beat downs or more likely a synopsis of them so she doesn’t have to see the violence. As stated earlier I am no fan of viewing violence either unless I am involved. I don’t even like watching MMA to be honest. The Orc army is opportunistic in nature. Yes you can ascribe them as predatory but like most pack animals they hunt the weak. I want to get thru to her that she needs to be wary BUT I do NOT want her scared. I have no doubt you know the euphemism “dogs can smell fear” well so too can opportunistic humans. Right now I think her bubbly friendly human loving attitude may be an asset for now. If things escalate and they could at a moments notice her behavior becomes a liability.
      Like the “dog smells fear” saying also true is “we are hanging by a thread.” This is our societal fabric right now, some places are obviously worse than others. I can’t train her to knife fight and I just don’t see her cold cocking someone but me haha. I did finally get her to carry a taser and pepper spray. I have a Vipertek taser (powerful according to reviews). I tested it on myself multiple times. It does bite but in the end it would probably piss me off more than anything. Got a nice video of that it’s quite hilarious. Any thoughts? I am thinking some more potent pepper spray, one that does not come in a pink can. If you know anything with a little more zing let me know. Any thoughts on Green lasers for self protection?
      Thanks in advance Gents

      • conan June 9, 2021 at 14:21

        Greetings, Luke! I am not an expert in self-defense, but I have worked with some of my personal training clients at their request, mostly senior women who are not helpless, but also not in peak form of any kind – far from it, even. My best solution for this has been to have them carry the highest-quality pepper spray they could obtain, and we’ve trained on deploying it quickly from their purse and/or pocket.
        I like the spray for its ability to project from a reasonable distance. That’s about as good as it will get; thankfully, I live in a low-population and low-crime area near the countryside that doesn’t have many “vulnerable youths” roaming about. I hope that helps!

      • kzen June 9, 2021 at 15:30

        Well, you could ask her, “while I know you are personally not going to do much to protect yourself, what would you do to protect your son should someone break in while you’re home? A predator may go from robbing a house they thought empty, to raping you, and then eliminating witnesses, including your son.”
        Focus her mother instinct on protecting her son, not her self.

      • kzen June 9, 2021 at 15:37

        This is an interview well worth watching (IMO) and I believe, Part 4 delves into some of what you are saying, ie middle/upper class kids growing up without ever having put hands on anyone.
        Tim Larkins book “When violence is the answer” is a good resource for people either afraid of using violence, or thinking they need years of training to accomplish the task of self-defense against asocial violence.
        4 part series of Tim Larkin interviewing Rory Miller
        Uncomfortable Truths Of Self Defense w/ Rory Miller

      • Pete June 9, 2021 at 16:52

        Sabre makes large pepper sprays for home:
        Something worth talking about on the gun side would be a shotgun loaded with less-lethal rounds like rubber buck shot or bean bags. Might appeal to her sensibilities and be a big step up. Maybe then push it to having a box of 00 set aside “just in case.”
        Other than that there’s a lot to say about just hardening the home (reinforce door jamb/locks, security film, alarms, cameras, etc.) and working on situational awareness and problem avoidance. Keeping an eye out and not being a convenient target are big.
        See if you can get her to read “Gift of Fear” or “When Violence is the Answer.”

      • Georgiaboy61 June 10, 2021 at 01:53

        Re: “Hope you are well sir. Got a question for you and NC. This is a delicate matter and let me explain why. My gf lives in the city. I’m in Florida so it’s not like Milwaukee or Philly thank goodness. She’s attractive former teacher middle aged. She has a bit of hippy vibe to her. Sometimes it’s kind of sweet but sometimes it drives me a bit nuts because I know she’s a sitting duck if the wolf looks her way.”
        Luke, I am going to suggest something that may be unpleasant initially, but may pay positive dividends in the end. I used this method on a very close relative from rural America, and it worked out fine over the long term. The vast majority of people in our society, save for those who grow up in hard or impoverished surroundings, are utterly naive to the nature of human evil or the violence which occurs in the world each and every day. For better or worse, this is one of the legacies of living in such a stable, prosperous society for so long. So, in order to get that girlfriend, wife, daughter, whomever, interested in learning how to protect herself – you must first pierce the thick layer of denial and ignorance which surrounds many people, through no fault of their own.
        There is a man named John Douglas who is a retired FBI agent who went on to have a quite successful second career as an author, consultant and subject-matter expert on serial crime, criminal pathology, and the like. He’s been retired for twenty years now or more. He’s one of the world’s experts on behavioral profiling, the study of serial violent criminals – the worst mass-murders and rapists – and also an authority on victimology. His first and best book is “Mind Hunter,”and it is out in paperback. The two-three follow-on books chronologically are also quite good, but the first is essential reading. It contains the story of his long career as an investigator working on everything from Ted Bundy to the Atlanta Child Murders to the Green River Killer, and he and his colleagues also invented modern behavioral profiling along the way, studying some of the most-horrific killers, sadists and mass-murderers ever recorded. Douglas was, loosely-speaking, the basis for the Scot Glenn character in “Silence of the Lambs.”
        It is soul-searing and difficult to read his books, but it will forever change you or anyone else who reads them, as to the nature of evil and the kinds of threats that, should worst come to worst, exist in our society. The worst of these predators have more in common with sharks than they do human beings, and are about as remorseless in their pursuit of prey and violence upon encountering it.

      • Coop Willis June 24, 2021 at 00:36

        Good luck Luke. I was going to say Bear Spray and I see conan beat me to it. I live in western Montana and folks get killed by grizzly bears here. I have a good friend/younger female who I went to grad school with. She does not like guns. I bought her a can of bear spray to use on any man who would not take “NO” for an answer. Huge % of women get raped because men usually have more upper body strength. I told her to carry it in a big purse and use it if necessary. I said no man will take you to court and tell the judge, I was just trying to rape her and she sprayed me in the face with Bear Spray. Five months later I was over at her home and it was on the counter and still in the plastic wrapper. I cannot make anyone carry a weapon, spray, etc. I have several friends who will not carry bear spray or a gun in grizzly country. I ask them, “What if you need to save your friend?” SOL.

  4. Milo Mindbender June 9, 2021 at 07:24

    I am aging slowly, but still am active and look like what I am, a senior NCO. I work at a physical job, weigh what I did in Desert Storm, and still wear the same size clothing. I also am the exception to the trend, by virtue of my own efforts and work. I still take a PT test on schedule and people think I’m 45 not 56 or at least they say so.
    The civilian co workers are a different issue. People half my age can’t run a block, or walk a mile, band knees, big waist and no heart. I feel sorry but also a little contemptuous of them, they quote videos, and over eat but don’t know what they will do to get off the meds for reflux and diabetes.

  5. Anonymous June 9, 2021 at 08:38


  6. Badlands Rifleman June 9, 2021 at 09:20

    Another good Vagabond post. You can almost hear the frustration, it sounds familiar. The middle class really are the slaughter cows. The upper class uses force to extract resources to give to the lower class in exchange for the votes needed to stay in power. In the mean time most of the middle class is content with the latest gadget, sportsball, and just trying to take care of their families under the ever increasing burden intentionally placed on them by the upper class.
    Why venture out of the pen when it’s so comfy and warm in the barn? The farmer brings us food and protects us…

  7. KOBK June 9, 2021 at 10:14

    I have a good friend and mentor who fought in the Rhodesian war (America, and he’s considerably older than I am). He’s a very old school honest and honourable man and extremely aware of (((whom))) is behind the big mess.
    A handful of years ago he said to me with obvious disappointment in his voice …. “too many Americans are just no damn good anymore. Not sure they are worth saving nor fighting for”.
    Even though he’s on his last legs he still has a tonne of fighting spirit and honour, very sharp man.
    I’ll never forget him saying that because of how much it pained him to say.
    I guess when it comes down to it, those of us who have retained our critical thinking, retained our moral foundation, retained our fighting spirit and have drawn our lines are fighting for each other.

  8. 0ughtsix June 9, 2021 at 10:42

    All too true… every bit, yet still understated so far gone is the entire culture.
    I have been studying an observing the “decline” for decades now and, just when I think I cannot be astounded, repulsed, exasperated any further, another unbelievable outrage “occurs.” People keep asking “Why? and How?” because they simply refuse to see and admit the reality.
    In all the reading and thinking I’ve done, in all the proposed “solutions” I’ve heard and seen, one deep and final flaw may be rightly be said to be definitive and conclusive in thwarting them all: a nearly total lack of The Will to Win, to survive and destroy the obvious enemies of mankind, the overwhelming sense that it can’t be done.. Nice and good folks can’t stomach the obvious and necessary methods. It has been culturally bred out of them.
    Discuss amongst yourselves…………

  9. Luke June 9, 2021 at 11:26

    Good post, guess the words are from Vagabond but I feel an extension of NC nonetheless. I hate it, what we are seeing. My buddy sends me these videos, Bracken posts a lot of them on his Gab feed. I don’t like nor watch many of them as I generally know how it’s going to end. I hate blaming the victims too but sometimes that is our defense mechanism. “Fat, stupid, pathetic sheep deserved it.” In sane times I would assist these sheep. I certainly would in my neck of the woods now. Nobody comes here and brings their sadistic bullshit without some retribution. In a major city idk if I would. You lose either way by getting your ass kicked, or you help the sheep by knocking the aggressors teeth out. The aggressor will sue you (poor little thug), the prosecution will try and fuck you (poor little thug), and the sheep that you helped will probably stick up for the poor little thug.
    My brother carries everywhere but he’s average sized and skinny. He’s good with his piece tho. I never do tho my Glock is always in my car somewhat close by. Having been in many violent confrontations and being able to taste the blood in the air I am relaxed with people but am very much spring loaded. Some wolves are not so much predatory as they are insane. As the hate is spewed daily from the mouths of Leftists and into the minds of imbeciles it doesn’t take a genius to know what’s coming.
    Let me at least try and make a couple points. I do worry about my Bros wife and kids. She doesn’t want to be trained when it comes to carry, same as my mom. So not all the victims we see in these videos should be seen as deserving of being beaten. But Some of these fools are going to get slaughtered and there’s nothing we can do or say about it. I will not help the ultimate cause much good locked up; and believe me if effective at deterring their Orc army we will be removed. Me and my buddy talk frequently that in the end it’s doubtful neither he or myself will be assaulted. If it happens well then fuck it let monster out of the box. You could really see it coming since last year. That megaphone of hate blaring 24/7 out of the mobile devices of every American. I can tell you if something were to happen to someone I love I would get even and even the perps family is no longer off limits. That’s primal and that’s my defense mechanism. And I will add one last thing, if you do in happenstance find yourself in a situation like ones that are being discussed. Do your fellow man a favor and don’t stop. Chances are you are fucked anyway. So until your fists/hands are smashed and broken and/or your mag is left empty you are not finished. If you are going to go down might as well go all out.

  10. Mark. June 9, 2021 at 12:44

    I work in an upper middle class neighborhood, and yes many of them look out of shape, but even more disturbing, in my opinion, is how stupid most of them are. I often have to help them with using their payment cards, passwords and such. I am reminded of a saying I used to hear: “you can’t fix stupid”.

  11. P. Thompson June 9, 2021 at 12:47

    I find this article offensive.
    Noncombatant senior citizen.
    I’m supposed to fight the street thugs when my government refuses to? Military is AOL in this domestic street fight. National Guard? Homeland security? Solution?
    Boot camp for retirees? I’m supposed to defeat the thugs, commies and cartels?

    • Pete June 9, 2021 at 21:03

      Whoa is me. The world isn’t how I think it should be.
      Instead of fretting you could think of solutions for your particular situation. Things aren’t going to get better magically, so how can you adapt? How can you improve your situation to avoid problems? How can you build a network of people so that your decrepit ass isn’t fighting “street thugs?” Et cetera. Et cetera.
      I find your attitude offensive.

      • P Thompson June 10, 2021 at 12:56

        My “decrepit ass”, LOL
        Your insults inspire no one.

    • GK June 9, 2021 at 23:53

      Nah, just stand there and let them kick your ass…someone might get film.

    • Georgiaboy61 June 10, 2021 at 01:35

      Re: “I find this article offensive. Noncombatant senior citizen.”
      My take for what it worth: It’s not meant personally. The author is trying to get people off the couch and to the gym or doing something else useful before everything goes sideways. If that ruffles a few feathers, then I bet his attitude is “So be it.” Or something unprintable. Look, I’m not as young or fit as I once was, and believe me, I am far-from-happy about it. But that doesn’t mean I have surrendered, far from it. Brigadier General Chuck Yeager, the famous test pilot and WWII fighter ace, and all-around man for the ages, once said something about aging that I like a lot: “You back up, but you don’t give up.” Meaning that you fight Father Time as best you can, and never surrender. You keep giving it your all, balls-out, until you drop dead or until they carry you out feet-first. You do what you can, and always give your best. Once you can’t do something, find something you can still do and master it as well as you can. Strive to be a useful human being, and not a dead-weight or an anchor by another name.
      Guys like the author know as well as anyone that not everyone is fit to be a special ops hero or some such. There are plenty of other jobs that need doing, and which make a bona-fide contribution. But it is vitally important to be as fit as you can. Tough, fit, strong people survive hard times better and in better shape than people who find it physically-taxing to get out of a chair. I’m sorry if that is bitter medicine to swallow, but the Gods of War don’t care – at all – about our feelings.
      Hang tough, whatever your situation…..

      • Vagabond June 10, 2021 at 06:32

        You read the intent of the article perfectly, as the 30th birthday recedes farther in the rear-view mirror. It basically amounts to: ” deplorables need to rebrand.’ More Ragnar Lothbrok and less Homer Simpson. But given that there are no guarantees, why make it easy for the predatory or sadistic types? Behind the attacks are a general attitude that ‘everyone knows middle class softies won’t fight” again giving credit to the exceptions. But if heaps of people do fight back with some real ferocity, that general attitude has to be revised and maybe, just maybe – more predator types will reconsider and leave more deplorables alone. Spot on though – do what you can do, and if you can’t go forward, keep going sideways until you find another way to go forward.

      • P Thompson June 10, 2021 at 13:16

        Pray for peace, prepare for war.
        I’ve done more than “fret” about America’s decline. Insulting the rear echelon is nonproductive.

    • kzen June 10, 2021 at 10:27

      Are you going to not defend you and yours if a bad man come at you and yours in your home? Governments not going to do that either.
      I would bet you have enough strength to gouge someone’s eyes out, and maybe even kick them several times in the crotch.

      • P Thompson June 10, 2021 at 20:41

        I can do everything you mentioned and more. Government at every level has failed the citizenry. Weak leadership, ineffective use of power have left us to the tender mercies of the commies. A pox on all RINO.

  12. Brad June 9, 2021 at 13:01

    It’s not enough to be “in shape”. Skills are important. While they were playing musical chairs with shutting down gyms I ended up at an MMA Gold gym. Great weight room, lots of mats, even a boxing ring. These MMA Gold affiliated gyms are offering self protection classes for the average person. If you live near one of these gyms I would highly recommend checking them out. The age group runs from 8 to 80. Good stuff. I never left that gym after finding it.

  13. Anonymous June 9, 2021 at 13:08


  14. Oughtsix June 9, 2021 at 14:47

    Posted comment this AM, early… where is it?? Or, if disallowed, would like to know why.

    • NC Scout June 9, 2021 at 19:32

      It’s called, I have a mountain of shit to do and the world don’t wait on your doorstep.

      • 0ughtsix June 9, 2021 at 20:23

        No need to be short with me. Your burden was chosen and I am unaware that I am in any way responsible. Nor do I suppose I’m special. Was just curious to know if the comment went through. Let’s all try to be patient with each other… we are all we have.

        • NC Scout June 9, 2021 at 20:52

          Actually, there is. I don’t owe you a damn thing. Nor does anyone else. My site is neither a ‘burden’ nor exists for you.
          If your thoughts one the world don’t happen to appear immediately, I’m sorry for your lack of gratification. I wasn’t aware my site existed for that purpose.

          • Patriotman June 9, 2021 at 21:05

            It couldn’t have been that long since this site is up on my browser damn near 24/7 and I approve comments quickly.

          • 0ughtsix June 9, 2021 at 21:08

            “Actually, there is. I don’t owe you a damn thing. Nor does anyone else.
            I neither said nor implied any such thing. I don’t understand why you feel compelled to get prickly with the slightest perceived “criticism.”
            My last reply was courteous and asking for temperance and brotherhood. I repeat: we are all we have. The odds against us are already long enough without sarcasm and unnecessary, and unwarranted, bristling with no real provocation.
            In spite of this, I commend you and the many contributors and commenters for your efforts on this most valuable site, which I recommend to all who might profit. Please try not to alienate your friends and allies.

  15. Starfish June 9, 2021 at 18:07

    There was a time when you could get in to a bar fight, and either get your ass kicked or give one. Now they leave the bar and come back with a gun or just stick you. Times have changed for sure, and I am not that old. I have watched people almost bleed out before someone stepped up to simple first aid. Everyone just watches. This is a good article, a good reminder to not be that person. Don’t expect someone to step up on your behalf. Be able to get punched in the face, and do what needs done, be the role model that pushes this idea to everyone around you. We can’t do this alone, but two, twenty 50 thousand of us….Then we have a chance.

  16. Brad June 9, 2021 at 22:19

    Here’s another aspect. I have a Brother in law who is a Navy trained pilot. Currently a Captain for a major airline. He’s a great athlete, as am I. The entire fam damily met for a wedding not long ago. So as the young women trot their FAT OUT OF SHAPE LOVE HANDLE LADEN boy friends out, I’m guessing between 22 and 30, me and Bro in-law are like, WTF. It was sad. Ignore the bull shit, stay on your game. Also if review all this video available, situational awareness is rather paramount,

  17. Robert W Orians June 10, 2021 at 05:30

    The attitude we need is apparent. Look at how tptb are still trying to destroy Trump AND his family. If you will not fight and die for yours you are not worth saving imho. We know the end is close and we are to resist and survive. Read the parable of the biblical strong man . Think Jerry Miculec . Train . Jerry is an old boomer. Think you can outdraw him ? Or me ? Train ! Attitude ! How many can you take with you ? Think Saint Kyle !

  18. Coop Willis June 10, 2021 at 20:40

    I got to take a hike. Reduce the gut… Great article!

  19. […] about how to correct the matter ASAP. ANYONE can do this, and remember: time is marching on. Tick tock… (h/t: […]

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