First Aid Kit Notes, by Kaffee Kulture
On top of this list, know that you need competent training. MechMedic is offering courses right around the corner including one here in NC. Get it while you can. -NCS
At the request of a friend, and in light of recent events and current social/political/economic trajectories, I present to you my Home Medical Kit list.
What follows is my version of a “ship’s medicine chest” based on my experiences, both
personally and professionally, in treating minor illnesses and injuries. While not all-inclusive, it should cover most illnesses and injuries your average person should encounter from day to
day, as well as mitigating more potentially catastrophic situations prior to receiving assistance
from your local Emergency Medical provider.
As always, please consult your healthcare provider with any questions you may have with
regards to the any of the items on this list, as well as their use and relevancy to your situation.
And always be sure to thoroughly read and understand the instructions on any of the
packaging of the supplies and Over The Counter (OTC) medications listed here, especially with
respect to their interactions with any medications you may be currently be taking. In addition, be sure to check the packaging of any of the listed items for expiration dates as well as signs of compromised sterility, and rotate your stocks accordingly. You are encouraged to stock away an abundant supply of the items listed here due to potential supply issues, as well as the possibility of frequent use in the future. Neither the author nor the owner(s) of this website assume any liability for the misuse of any of the items listed here. If you have any questions, concerns or confusion about the use of these items, please STOP and ask your healthcare provider for further instructions prior to their use.
You, the end user, are STRONGLY encouraged to seek basic and advanced first aid training. It
may save your life and the life of someone else, as well as prevent further injury.
– Bandaids, various sizes (I’ve had good luck with the generic “Top Care” brand fabric type,
as seen in most pharmacies and grocery stores, etc. They’re very durable, affordable and made
in the USA),
– Alcohol prep pads,
– 70% Rubbing Alcohol,
– Hydrogen Peroxide,
– Witch Hazel,
– Hand sanitizer,
– Antibacterial Soap,
– Normal Saline solution, available in small bottles or pink “bullet” form,
– Betadine*, in bottle or swab form,
– Triple Antibiotic Ointment/Polysporin/Bacitracin/Neosporin, in tube and packet form,
– 2% Hydrocortisone cream,
– Kerlix gauze,
– Gauze pads, bulk packed and single packed, 2×2 and 4×4 inch size,
– Abdominal (ABD) pads,
– ACE wraps, various sizes,
– Tape (paper, silk, and plastic types), various sizes,
– Coban wrap, various sizes,
– Non-Latex gloves, various sizes (Latex is a known allergen),
– Chux pads/polyabsorbent pads, disposable,
* Many individuals are allergic to Betadine, and Iodine, as well as Shellfish. Consult your
physician and/or pharmacist.
– Magnesium Citrate,
– Milk of Magnesium,
– Fleets Enemas,
– Pedia-Lyte, brand name,
– Electrolyte powder, packet form,
– Pepto Bismol, liquid or tablet form,
– Activated Charcoal, capsule form,
– Antacid tablets,
– Imodium**, or generic equivalent,
– Calmoseptine cream
– Oatmeal bath solution,
– Chux pads/polyabsorbent pads, disposable,
** Imodium is known to interact with certain cardiac medications. Consult your physician and/
or pharmacist.
– IDF bandages, small and large,
– Tourniquet,
– Quick Clot,
– Chest seals,
– Black Sharpie Marker,
– Scissors (not trauma shears),
– Space Blankets, heavy duty,
– Winter weight blankets (wool or synthetic; wool is a known allergen, however),
– CPR mouth shield,
– Blood Glucose Monitor, with lancets,
– Sharps container, small,
– BP cuff, automatic,
– thermometer, Temporal and/or Tympanic type,
– Pulseoximeter,
– Penlight,
– spare batteries (aa, aaa, 9volt, etc.)
– Germicidal wipes (NOT to be applied to human skin),
– Bleach,
– Notebook, small, spiral bound,
– Ball point pens, black,
– Acetaminophen, 325mg and 500mg, in tablet and/or caplet form, and in suppository form,
– Ibuprofen, 200mg,
– Benadryl, 25mg, capsule or tablet form,
– Children’s Aspirin, 81mg, enteric coated,
– Epsom Salts,
– Glucose tablets.
This list is presented with the purpose of not only informing the readership, but also for the
purpose of promoting discussion and feedback. You are invited to do so in the comments
section of this webpage.
Thank you for your time and attention. Be safe out there