The One Who Dies with the Most Toys Doesn’t Necessarily Win…. Because They are Still Dead, By Crusoe

As the war drums once again beat across Europe and the Pacific and the noose of tyranny is being further tightened by the Leftists, it has created a perception that we all need to be manic prepping. More long term stored foods, more guns, more ammo, more gadgets, more, more, more. All these things are important, but it is the building of community and acquiring relevant training that is going to get you and your family through the hard times that are just around the corner.

It is too convenient for the survival community to lecture you on why you need to leave the cities and suburbia. For many this is not possible due to work requirements, family obligations or even financial reasons. You will have to survive in place and the only way to do this is to build a mutually supported group of like-minded individuals. All the gadgets in the world will not replace the bonds of friendships built through mutual preparations and shared experience. Survival novels glorify the lone survivalist or small group who are holed up in a retreat property fighting off the hordes trying to take their food. This is a quick way to find yourself dead.

As we were building our mutual assistance group (MAG), we took the time to put brain power to what it is we were preparing for and our purpose. Using Charley Hogwood’s book, The Survival Group Handbook, as a guide we carefully worked through the hard questions and added structure. In a disaster, invasion, or even communist revolution we decided our group was to be force enablers for our greater communities by working to acquire the expertise to be able to step in and help others. This is no small feat, but if our entire town/city falls apart then we are not going to last very long.

I would dare to say that a large portion of this readership is well past their prime infantry days and moving to contact is beyond your capabilities. This means you need to train to avoid those scenarios or if you find yourself in a combat situation you know how to disengage and move away. You are better served learning skills that will be needed if a collapse does happen. Our MAG is starting the process of inventorying existing skillsets and highlighting what would be most beneficial for our community. The task is daunting but, in the end, if nothing ever happens then we are still all the better for it.

Personally, I have built a 5-month training evolution that includes Partisan Life Saver, Scout Course, RTO/RTO Advanced/SIGINT and Dave Canterbury’s Basic Survival Class. Additionally, I enrolled into an undergraduate degree program in Intelligence Operations to also fill a much-needed hole. In our group we have an electrician, firearms instructor, car mechanic/machinist, construction contractor, IT guy, Paramedic and much more. The goal now is to expand those capabilities through CERT, blacksmithing, bee keeping, small scale farming, solar generation, etc… This will all take time, but they are skills needed to rebuild.

I challenge all of you to take a tactical pause and put pen to paper to establish short- and long-term goals. A physical and mental inventory will help to build focus and may ease that sense of panic. Get into your communities and build rapport, this is what are adversaries are doing and we have some catching up to do.

Crusoe is retired from the Air Force after 30-years of service as a flight crew member.  He spends most of his time thinking about the apocalypse and how to mitigate its effects.  When not immersed in academic pursuits, he is often on a trail hiking in the mountains of North Georgia or reading with a glass of Irish whiskey and a German Shepherd by his side.   Global travel enthusiast, history nerd, Appalachian Trail thru hiker, and recovering ultra-endurance athlete.  He can be reached at [email protected]

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About the Author: NC Scout

NC Scout is the nom de guerre of a former Infantry Scout and Sergeant in one of the Army’s best Reconnaissance Units. He has combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He teaches a series of courses focusing on small unit skills rarely if ever taught anywhere else in the prepping and survival field, including his RTO Course which focuses on small unit communications. In his free time he is an avid hunter, bushcrafter, writer, long range shooter, prepper, amateur radio operator and Libertarian activist. He can be contacted at [email protected] or via his blog at .


  1. Centurion_Cornelius December 3, 2021 at 04:48

    Could not agree more!

    Form that core group.

    Disregard the ‘zombies’ watching their iPads, tee-vees, porno. Pay them no mind–not even to criticize them. You will waste your time.

    Time is precious.

    Use TIME as your ally.

  2. Daniel December 3, 2021 at 06:57

    This man is speaking truth, like building a house or training your mind to shoot move and communicate you need that foundation built with solid basics, many will die will closet’s full of supplies because they never took the time to build a community around them , really enjoyed reading this and urge everyone who does to take this mans advice and start at the basics and get a local group of people started on the basics, a lot of people go straight for the gadgets, tactics and toys but the fact is your gonna be eating , drinking water, sleeping and taking a crap more than anything else and need a way to preserve food and keep you and your family warm while they do those things as well , so start thinking how your going to those normal everyday things going smoothly and add some security measures to that . Awesome read this guy really knows his stuff, wish I had a guy like this in my group.

    • Rik December 3, 2021 at 07:36

      Doing the deal. 👊🏼😎 “We are not alone”.

  3. GK December 3, 2021 at 07:30

    Most dangerous weapon in the world is a “Sharp Mind.”

  4. Rik December 3, 2021 at 07:32

    Getting out of our comfort zones & doing the things that truly keep our communities safe. Everyone should be training & working within a MAG! Great read. Semper Fidelis

    • boss21 December 3, 2021 at 12:04

      Good reality check. Since early 2020 I have met more neighbors and found out more about the AO than in the previous 20 years. Just finished a year round green house and wrapped up 2 bee hives for the winter. Another neighbor likewise.
      Got 5 neighbors to accept radios. The list of smalls adds up.
      All the best .

  5. Saber 7 December 3, 2021 at 09:11

    I started on this serious focused prep journey in 2008. Putting in place structures, mechanisms, hardware, covering all the classes of supply, you get the idea. Then I began to identify friends (?) whom I thought were aware of the approaching storm. Sadly none were awake or dedicated or in a position in life to take prepping seriously. I thought that by leading by example that my focused actions would influence them to begin the journey too. I was sadly disappointed. I think 2008 was too early still for them to change their comfortable life, their playtime, the way they thought and lived at the time.

    I left all that behind and those same individuals are now angry that I abandoned them, the same individuals that literally called me Chicken Little. Now I freelance advise, instruct, and build in exchange for room and board out west.

    You who are starting this now should be better positioned on the approaching wave of TEOTWAWKI. More have awaken, but not all. Good luck its hard work but well worth it.

    Saber 7
    Wondering the West

    • Crusoe December 3, 2021 at 10:45

      Developing a group of folks has definitely been a challenge but has been worth the effort and patience. I am finding that more and more folks are finally seeing the writing in the wall and are actively looking. Vetting because a whole new issue and worth of more thought.

  6. Don Shift December 3, 2021 at 10:29

    Just as an example, “good enough” and skills with that goes a long way. For instance, my group uses Baofeng radios and GMRS. A couple have Gucchi HTs, but not all of us. Know how to use what you do have well and in concert with your friends. Spread the goodies through your group just like you would skills/duties and it won’t be half as bad. Maybe the NV guy shoots long range targets at night while the good long range shot with the .300 Mememore rifle acts as a daytime marksman.

    • Crusoe December 3, 2021 at 10:42

      Absolutely. My thoughts exactly. I believe there needs to be an established baseline as an entry point but that is all based upon your defined requirements. In my opinion, we will spend more time doing other things than just tactical and it is important to develop those skills…the Gucci stuff can all come later as capability and requirements are updated

      • Don Shift December 3, 2021 at 13:31

        “Other things than just tactical.” Man, how true that is. If could tell you how much floor space in a cop shop is related to things like lettering guides and boring vehicle organization…

  7. Grumpster December 4, 2021 at 00:52

    Sage advice and kudos to your efforts. Progress seems slow in my hood, but I continue to press in and press on.

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