Klaus Schwab: COVID-19 – The Great Reset (PDF)

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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page: http://bit.ly/BrushbeaterStore


  1. Fred January 19, 2022 at 08:37

    For some reason the book is not displaying right on Firefox browser…words are being cut out of lines. A copy of this book can be downloaded from archive.org or the Zlibrary (search for it on the search engine of your choice, they change domains frequently).

  2. Rooster January 19, 2022 at 08:55

    “Global governance” at 3:30 should have been at midnight! This “agenda” along with the fact this Wuflu was designed and released intentionally to promote this agenda means someone needs shot in the face. Twice!

    I accessed/downloaded the PDF from the email and in Brave and it worked fine…..fyi


  3. Chef January 19, 2022 at 09:40

    Our number one weakness against Anal Schwab and Leonardo diCuckprio and their ilk is that people don’t know about it. These people are Bond level villains that thank God we are beginning to wake up too. Hats off to AJ, Tucker and others for shining a light on these bugs and a big thumbs up to American Partisan for identification of our real enemies…ie NOT Russians!

    • Centurion_Cornelius January 19, 2022 at 11:11

      Chef–ROGER THAT! Millions of Americans are blissfully unaware of WEF and Fuhrer Schwab, with his Gauleiters: Gates, Fauci, Wall Street, and most Demonrats + RINOs.

      Example: we’re snowed in here–got a few feet of snow. No big deal. A lot here work from home–all glued to screens. No heavy lifting.

      I’m out with the ATV/Plow, tractor, and shovel. Taking a rest, neighbors see me and stop by. I tell them: “Hell, it’s just snow–not like what’s going on in Tonga.”

      Enter: The Deer-in-the-headlights look and a puzzled: “What’s a Tonga?”


      Where do people get their news, info, straight dope these days? Askin’ for a friend.

    • No January 19, 2022 at 11:16

      I don’t think it is. When I’ve shown information like this to Normie Joe — even when its very polished and on the actual letterhead — all I get is “This sounds like a conspiracy theory.” reactions.

      There is a percentage of the population — depressingly large — who will follow the next Judas Goat right into the pen.

      My advice it to think carefully who warrants investing the energy and time for this kind of material. Unfortunately we don’t have much time to bring people along slowly anymore. It’s a triage situation now.

      • Patriotman January 19, 2022 at 11:24

        “Unfortunately we don’t have much time to bring people along slowly anymore. It’s a triage situation now.”

        I would absolutely agree with that sentiment. I still put the information into as many people’s hands as possible, but I focus my energy on only a few.

        By giving the information to everyone, though, I can at least feel like I tried. It makes me feel better.

  4. Franks, Peter Franks January 19, 2022 at 11:01

    The Schwab (SPECTRE) hiveborg SMART control grid matrix will proceed by any means necessary.
    Their will be ROI for all of those governments and apparatchiks comrade kommissar Schwab-SPECTRE purchased.
    You’ll own nothing and like it deplorable kulak untermenschen slime, get in the pod, eat the bugs.

  5. harm January 20, 2022 at 11:37

    I went ahead and read this thing. Of particular concern to these folks is populism, nationalism and individualism, which they note has been increasing. Of course if you desire a collectivist world government, these things are a very serious obstacle.

    The idea of the great reset is that the covid epidemic has been very disruptive and gave governments a good deal more power, which they belief provides and opportunity to push permanent changes on the world’s population. As the book lays out in great detail is that the epidemic has made people scared, weak, and isolated, which is a great boon if you wanted to push radical changes.

    There’s no big moment in the book where the authors lay out the blueprint for a neo-communist world government. However, the general thread is that they think they can fix all of the world’s problems if only they could exercise global control. Typical technocratic arrogance that you’d expect. The fatal flaw to all utopian systems is that they require people to act selflessly towards the common good, but that’s not how people are.

    The genius of the founders is that they understood that systems must fit around human nature. The folly of the utopians is that they try to fit people into a system that demands people act contrary to their nature. So as much as they can put a shiny gloss and talk about forging a “inclusive, equitable, and ecological” world, the project will always devolve into force and coercion in order to shoehorn humans into their predetermined mold. And unlike the Soviet Union’s failed attempts to create “new socialist men” from its populous using the technology of the 20th century, these neo-communists would have the full suite of 21st century technology to develop an omniscient totalitarian surveillance regime. We cannot let them have that sort of power. They must be opposed at all costs.

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