Nuland Exposes US As Funding 26 Biolabs In Ukraine

Before Russia and China destroy America The Lord Will Reveal The Sins Of The Leaders To The People And The Sins Of The People Before Their God-Nuland Exposes US As Funding 26 Biolabs In Ukraine

By Stan Szymanski

According to an article in yesterday’s Zero Hedge ‘Nuland Warns Russia May Seize Ukraine Biolabs, Could Stage False Flag Using Bioweapons’ …’On Tuesday morning, Bloomberg reported that China had accused the US military of operating “dangerous” biolabs in Ukraine’…

Meanwhile, a British source published via Twitter ‘RUSSIA PUBLISHES DOCUMENTS ALLEGING UKRAINE AND US WERE WORKING ON ANTHRAX AND PLAGUE IN BIOLABS’ …’BREAKING: Russia publishes documents which show Ukraine was working on biological weapons near russian borders — such as Anthrax and Plague & that the pentagon has instructed to destroy them — violating article 1 UN prohibition of biological weapons.  — These are US funded labs’…

So these allegations are out there and of course the mainstream media in the US are not making this the important story it should be.

So for all of the neocon (neokommie) news outlets-before you shout ‘conspiracy theory’!-let’s take a look at the news that you refuse to report on…

US Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland told Sen. Marco Rubio during a hearing that the labs do indeed exist.


Rubio stated…’If there’s a biological or chemical weapon incident or attack inside of Ukraine, is there any doubt in your mind that 100% it would be the Russians that would be behind it?’…

To which Nuland replied: “There is no doubt in my mind Senator, and it is classic Russian technique to blame on the other guy what they’re planning to do themselves.

Ladies and gentlemen, it is  Victoria Nuland and the US politicians who are guilty of (what is a Marxist technique) blaming the opposition (the Russians) of doing what they themselves are now, by Nulands own admission, are GUILTY of? The 26 labs were/are funded by the leadership of the United States of America and yet Nuland has the temerity to blame the Russians in advance for a biological event in the Ukraine when it is the United States who is responsible for the presence of the labs in the first place!

Author, filmmaker and news content aggregator Steve Quayle has repeatedly said to the effect-‘Before Russia and China destroy America The Lord will reveal The sins of the leaders to the people and the sins of the people before their God’ (for one support of this statement please see the testimony/dreams of Pastor Dimitru Duduman-#25). Victoria Nuland just got the ball rolling with her admission in a public forum that America’s funding of the 26 bio weapons labs in the Ukraine (that is diametrically opposed to the mainstream media narrative currently peddled-Russia all bad; Ukraine all good) is a  recognition of the blatant sins of our leaders before us, the American People. I am not an apologist for Russia or Putin but the people of America need to take their blinders off, confess their own sins and call on the mercy of God to forgive them their sins.

It is now obvious, plain and true that America had a role in provoking the conflict we see unfolding in Europe. And that role does not come without consequence for a holy God nor even a sovereign nation who wants to protect its citizens. America’s sins have so far brought us higher gas prices, higher general prices overall and a burgeoning lack of food in our supply chain.

Is military retaliation on the contiguous states of our union next?


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Stan Szymanski (or Encouraging Angels) is not a medical doctor. This is not medical advice. In all matters pertaining to the health and care of a human being consult a medical doctor. This is not legal, financial or personal advice. Consult appropriate professionals in those fields for that type of advice.

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