Jack Lawson Sends: Ensuring Your Survival by Following the Recommendations in the Civil Defense Manual

EDITORS NOTE: To see a preview of some of the information contained in this book, please check out the links at the end of the article. Jack Lawson has posted snippets of some chapters here at American Partisan, giving you the chance to preview the kind of knowledge contained in the book.

For the first time in one of our area oil distributor’s long business history… they have run out of diesel fuel and don’t know when they’re getting their next tanker load. EVERYTHING is dependent on trucks, which run on diesel fuel.

YOU MUST START storing Life Essential Items… food, water and medicine.


I WILL KEEP HARPING ON THIS. Most people are putting themselves and their family’s lives in jeopardy by spending their energies on BULLSHYTTE!!

Spending your energies and letting your thoughts be consumed by election returns, your disgust with the latest Women’s Beauty Contest won by a tranny man, what’s going on in the Ukraine, speculation on when China will invade Taiwan and other “current events” …and you will guarantee that your bloodline will disappear forever from humanity!!

 Get my book… or buy other authors’ books I recommend at the end of this essay.

YOU MUST START storing Life Essential Items… food, water and medicine.


A warning from Michael Yon

Michael Yon warns repeatedly about famine and starvation in America. https://michaelyon.com …he should know, he’s been on the field in almost every conflict on the face of this planet since getting out of the U.S. Army Special Forces in 1980. He’s seen the progression of issues and the collision of circumstances that has led from abundance and well-fed people in countries around the world… to food shortages, famine and starvation in those very same countries.


What, Who and Where you should be spending your energies on…

Understand that these outlandish and preposterous societal and political situations ARE WHAT Globalists have designed and Mainstream News Media wants you to believe are the crucial issues. They want you to spend your time and energy on them. Their purpose is typical of Psychological Operations such as I studied in British Special Forces Training… to distract you, absorb your time and energies… and to convince you that you’ve lost before the fight even begins. Read Sun Tzu… The Art of War.

50% of Americans want change!? THAT’S TOTAL BULLSHYTTE!

How about the reality… ONLY 15% of ‘Americans’ have this woke thought or want radical change!

Few Americans want what is going on. 73% of those who voted this last election were surveyed leaving the polls and expressed loathing and anger for what’s going on in the country under Democratic control… yet the Democrats win!?

Even people I talk to who are homosexual or “woke” think all this has gone to extremes and it makes them uncomfortable and is repulsing them. One of them said… “It’s pointing fingers at me and my boyfriend… we don’t want that!” They just want to live their lives in private and peacefully.

250 million or more Americans are battling to live from inflation wrecking their world, are distrustful and disgusted by the dictates of federal government and high-tech elitists. This is way more than what you are bombarded with by Left and Right News Sources as the number commonly referred to as “74,000,000 Americans” (supposedly the number of Americans who voted for Trump)

Regardless of what those numbers are… they don’t change your ability to survive if you’re not prepared.

Preparation is what will keep you and your family alive when Critical Life Supplies and Services, as I describe Life Essential Items in the Civil Defense Manual, are disrupted or non-existent and the BULLSHYTTE of the “news” is the last thing on your mind. An independent water source is actually NUMBER ONE… not the tap in your home from the City Water Service.

Make your priority learning about wild edibles, fishing and hunting and local food producers such as farmers and ranchers in your area before banking solely on gardening BUT buy and store calorie dense food FIRST.

After storing calorie dense Emergency Foods as, I recommend in the Civil Defense Manual, then next make your next priority learning about Wild Edibles in your area BEFORE counting on gardening to keep you and your family fed.

Get a book like I did