ENCOURAGING ANGELS: Wargaming The American Apocalypse – First Acknowledge That There is an Emergency

First Installment – Stan Szymanski of www.encouragingangels.org discussing with Jack Lawson of www.civildefensemanual.com the first step of ‘Wargaming the Apocolypse’: Acknowledging that there is an emergency at hand.

Original article here.

We really need an expert in Civil Defense to answer some of the questions that this subject begs. I am confident that we would do well to ask Mr. Jack Lawson. Jack has served in the United States Air Force as a missile guidance and SAFO nuclear arming controls electronic technician and the Foreign Legion in Africa as a member of an airborne rapid deployment force in a guerilla war. He has written and published many essays and other books including The Slavers Wheel, And We Hide From The Devil, In Defense and of course Civil Defense Manual Volumes 1 and 2.

Jack, how do you define “Wargaming the American Apocalypse”? What is your vision of what this is?

“Wargaming the American Apocalypse” is a discussion of what will happen and how we can hopefully provide Americans with advice on what to do to survive that. There are numerous issues facing America that we intend to cover over the next months, any one of which can destroy this country. The invasion that has taken place over the last decade and especially in the last three years is the foremost threatening issue facing us.

Stan: I echo your sentiment completely and add this: The power structure behind the scenes that is orchestrating this breach of our borders and culture is the precipitating factor in the delivery of evil, poverty, inflation, mass disability and genocide of our citizens. And what has happened up until now is really just the opening act of the play. The screeching of the harpies of the mainstream media serve as the satanic overture of the Greek Tragedy that is unfolding in the United States of America. You have already described the contents of the Trojan Horse that have been delivered inside the gates and walls of America.

What do you believe is the most critical issue facing the future of America and Americans right now?

Jack: The most crucial issue is convincing Americans that there is a Catastrophic Event in the making right now. Most people either don’t believe anything bad will happen to them, they don’t want to think about it… or they just don’t care.

Americans can’t see this trouble in our future because Americans think what happens in the rest of the world… “can’t happen to Americans! It just doesn’t!” This is because United States has been geographically isolated from invasion, war, starvation and suffering for a couple of hundred years. So, most think… “It can’t happen here!”

We’ve been living in a “Disneyland Mentality of Illusionary World Countries” because almost ALL Americans know little of the reality of the world. I do. I’ve lived there, seen it, breathed the air, saw the blood and tears, had the soil in my hands, witnessed the starving and dead from starvation and war. Once you see and feel that madness, it never leaves you. It becomes what you know can be the reality of any place you live. No country, people or society is immune to that.

But the closest Americans get is to watching it on a television or computer screen, maybe reading about it in a magazine or seeing a distorted and fantasied view in a movie. Technology and these illegals have destroyed our geographical defense.

“It can’t happen to us” thought is just part of our mental process… so, most can’t even consider these issues here a possible reality.

A further problem is that most Americans can no longer separate fantasy from reality, even though a REAL disaster is going to occur and can happen at any time. The question is… can America survive it and what will this country be like afterwards?

Stan: Jack, I really think that your reaction to the stimulus of an invasion in the US is your response of WAR…My immediate thought is that when a man who has been to WAR as you have, is that I should very seriously consider your gut instinct as the appropriate mindset that Americans should see the present reality in.

I did a podcast regarding a prominent YouTube channel (Epic Economist) who produced a video entitled ‘15 Things You Should Do When The Enemy Invades America’. I was shocked that such a high-profile site would just openly state ‘when’ and not ‘if’ the enemy invades America…. Do you think that this type of sentiment is appropriate?


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Jack: This is not only appropriate; it should be mandatory news reporting and ALL Americans should be aware of this issue. It’s not “When the Enemy Invades America,” it’s “When they will attack from within America.” They’re already here. Just as surely as if a foreign government has troops in uniform stationed all over America… waiting for orders to attack.

Correspondent Michael Yon has reported over 100,000 military, police and intelligence Chinese have entered the United States over the last two years. He will not reveal his sources. I assume they are the remaining patriots of intelligence agencies who are extremely disturbed with what the current Obama/Biden administration is doing, who secretly give Yon information.

Most of these illegals Yon insinuates and I suspect are saboteurs. He says they will be attacking Americans. This is in addition to illegals from almost every terrorist country or terrorist group that hates America and Americans. And they’re INSIDE the United States. No one knows who these people are. No one is tracking these people. No one knows where or what they are up to or what their capabilities are.

If it sounds to your readers like we have our “Tin Foil Conspiracy Hats” on, well, we’re in with some impressive company. Ten high ranking former FBI and DHS Directors are so upset about what we discuss here that they’ve written a letter to Congress as a warning.

How could anyone believe differently when 10 high ranking former FBI and DHS directors wrote a letter to Congress expressing their concern?

Stan: Jack-I recently did a podcast about and posted a video brief by the Sheriff of Butler County, OH. (Richard K. Jones) who, along with the other sheriffs of our nation, were just briefed by FBI director Christopher Wray. Director Wray basically told the sheriffs that there are more red flags right now than before 9/11. Sheriff Jones described ‘red flags’ as people who are here in this country who are here to do harm to us. Wray also informed the sheriffs that it is not a matter of ‘if’ but a matter of ‘when’ it happens.

Sheriff Jones shared that there are 3,300 sheriffs across America and the current (P)resident of the United States will not meet with them. The head White House entity also refuses to meet with the Police Chiefs of our country. So, what does that tell you? Law Enforcement is being hamstrung by the politicians. Jones was told that the only thing that saved the parts of Israel that were attacked on Oct. 7 were the local police. The Sheriff said that all you will have is your local police and fire. Jones said that his county is embarking on a program to train civilians in self defense. He also said that the military who did not come to protect the Israeli citizens will not be coming to your rescue and neither will be the National Guard. If this is the case-then to whom does the defense of the country fall on? I think that the answer is obvious.

Jack-Can you give us one or two scenarios as to how an invasion of America might look/transpire?

I don’t have a crystal ball, but from my military experience, I think the attack will be multi-faceted, as most are. Our enemy is not Russia or anyone other than China and elements of our own government. They will direct and coordinate this attack with said American government traitors. This same scenario will play out in Australia and Canada. Think FARMLAND and food production. The Chinese have historically struggled to provide their population with sufficient food. American farmland solves their problem.

Other Non-Chinese groups inside America that hate us will join in this attack at the beginning. The Chinese will welcome their assistance in creating absolute chaos, but will eventually kill off these other Non-Chinese groups after the American Military, Law Enforcement and mass of American citizens are eliminated or subdued. Too much to go into or try to explain here, but I propose the following:

1. The Chinese will, from the inside… assault the U.S. infrastructure by physical and digital attack and cause 90% of Americans to die from starvation. That death rate would happen within less than 6 months with illegal elements helping. The majority of the infrastructure will be undamaged and the conqueror will take over, killing off the remaining Americans who are not necessary or will not submit to slavery… women and children included. America is great farmland to feed the Chinese hoard and they will keep few Americans alive. The ones they do, will be selected for their farming expertise and for their knowledge and ability to get and keep the infrastructure functioning. Women, men and children, other than those involved in the previous, will be domestic servants and sexual toys for the Chinese…and or:

2. The Chinese will, from the inside and outside…assault the infrastructure by physical and digital attack and then invade. Their forces will be brought in as a “Peace Keeping” forces by American government traitors. These “Peace Keeping” forces and American government traitors will arm their illegal military members already inside the country and land troops by air transport and container ship. They will conquer the entirety of America. They will kill off Americans who will not submit to slavery…again, women and children included. I find it interesting that an American governor, Newsome of California, flew to Beijing and met with the Chinese Premier for days. Americans would like to know what the purpose of that unusual trip and meeting was. Trade!? California, like most of America, produces little, if nothing, the Chinese would want or need.

My interactions with Chinese have proven to me that they are a very xenophobic group where ever they are in the world. They’re the “Original Capitalists,” believe it or not. This is why this hybrid of communism and capitalist enterprise has been installed in China. The experience and quiet desperation of the Chinese people (actually all people) is that they don’t like Communism. For as many Chinese that were killed over the last 75 years by “Chairman Mao” and others, the Chinese communists have been unable to eradicate free enterprise or God from their minds. That’s not from me, but comes from one of my highly educated Chinese friends, born and raised there.

Stan: Nothing says totalitarianism like a proposed digital, famine enhanced and of course, physical boot on the face…

Jack, how will an actual military invasion change the daily life of the average American?

Christianity and other religions will be forefront in most American’s minds. Wokeness will be gone. People will become realists and rid themselves of the constant focus and distraction from most of the technology that’s led us to this point of weakness.

People insisting their “woke” minority viewpoints be forced on the majority will probably end up being buried in freshly dug deep graves. Just disappearing. They will be put there by Americans who would never before lift a finger to harm anyone.

Anyone not clearly an American will most likely be a target for retribution. This will be a disaster. “Ethnic Cleansing” would be an expected next step. Anyone who doesn’t look like they belong will become a mark. Good people will die just because of their appearance. No one of, especially Oriental descent, will be unaffected. That means some of members of my family may very well die.

This will be a horror show like Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge Communists… where if you wore eyeglasses, whether you were an educated person or had the misfortune of being borne with bad eyesight, you were taken to the “killing Fields” outside of Phenom Penh, the capital city. There, a plastic bag was pulled over your head and you were suffocated to death, your body thrown into the swamp to join the others rotting there. The “killing fields” were a feast for the crocodile population, because they can only digest rotten flesh.

I sat on the upper floor veranda of one of Phenom Penh’s most exclusive hotels years ago, looking out over the Mekong River and wondering how in God’s Name the wonderfully polite and peaceful Cambodians could kill off one third of their population. 1,700,000 men, women and children down to months old. That’s a lot of plastic bags. Then I asked my exceptionally pleasant English-speaking waiter what Phenom Penh meant. He said it means, in Khmer (the Cambodian language), “The City of Four Faces.” Justly so… if that means people have different faces, the evil ones they show others only after the madness begins.

The old world will be gone.

Massive violence will have to take place before our society returns to having courtesy and respect between all people… but not until the passing of much suffering and killing to know why we need to be respectful and courteous to each other.

EVERY American will be armed and will become partisans and seasoned killers… hunting down those who are perceived as ‘the other’ or anyone trying to destroy America and killing them without judge or jury.

As bad as this sounds… the Chinese will fail in their attempt to conquer the United States. Russia may become the American partisan’s ally.

Jack, what is the first course of business that the American family should concern itself with in starting to face this reality?

Jack: Stockpile Food, Water and a means to protect yourself. Firearms and ammunition. Lots and lots of the previously mentioned items. Get to know your wild edibles in your area. Get to know your neighbors. Organize the defense of your neighborhood as I outline in the Civil Defense Manual at www.CivilDefenseManual.com

Stan: People really need to avail themselves of the incredible resource that Civil Defense Manual is. For those like me who do not have military or emergency management experience, there is nothing else that compares to the compilation of methods and resourcefulness on the subject of ‘Civil Defense’ as your Civil Defense Manual does.

People don’t know that there is no longer a ‘Department of Civil Defense’ for the United States.

If you, dear reader, one day get a text notice that multiple nuclear warheads are inbound to the US what kind of help should you expect from the gubbamint? It won’t be much. However, they may be kind enough to send you one more text to tell you to bend over and kiss your arse goodbye!

Jack, Steve Quayle is famous for saying, ‘There is no political solution to a spiritual problem’…The people who have the reins of power in our country appear to have no love of God. They have no confession of Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and do not abide in the Word of God. There are so many policies and practices that are wicked; and yet in most cases, these are the characters that the people, by the way they voted, asked for. There are most certainly segments of great people-like our military rank and file, our local police and first responders that are, at least by worldly standards, good people.

However, I believe that God is judging the actions of our nation that is in no way aligned with God’s will. Do you think that when it comes down to the individual level-is their time best spent trying to vote their way out of this? Or should they get right with God (by accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior in their life) and work on a lot of skills and preparations that would make them and their family more self-reliant?

Stan, I’ll be the first to say that I’m not a very good Christian… I’ll just say I’m still workin’ on it. But these “leaders” we have are devoid of and have no concept of God and Jesus Our Savior. These people LOATHE Christianity AND Christians. They go further into what I believe are Satanist beliefs and they are soulless. If people don’t think “End of Days” is here… they need to get out more often and look around.

The people didn’t vote these clowns in. I believe the fraudulent elections have been going on for decades (just not to the high degree they have recently)-cheating to get the person they wanted elected to the Presidency. Biden is being controlled by Obama and his crowd in Obama’s third term like a hand puppet.

Although imperfect and unjust at times, our founding Fathers’ vision of this country based on Christian principles has been far more beneficial to Americans and the country than the grandiose egos possessed by most political and corporate leaders. Grandiose egos that they are trying to institute as their cult of personality beliefs to solely represent the aggregate principles of a country. No one has outlasted Jesus and his principles nor had an unbroken following… not any general, politician, rock star, rich man, powerful man, Statesman. No one.

The money and power that these corrupt people have has hollowed out their souls and they display an astounding level of disconnection from reality. They’ve created a legend in their own minds of themselves and believe that they are in essence gods and can do anything they want. Voting and discussing the issues will not save you and your family like learning skills, stockpiling, training and organizing.

In closing Jack, can you opine on one way that the average person can share with their own family or neighbors that playtime is over and it is time to wake up?

Have them read this discussion between you and I. Like a seed, this information will alert their minds to what is going on. Their mind will then pick up and see these things that they would never have noticed before.

Stan: Even though that there is -plenty- of information to give people pause about the imminence of an ‘American apocalypse’, few take their head out of the trough of selfishness to see what is going on around them. In keeping their attention on all of the distractions and pleasantries that exist, they will not be prepared to defend and help their families let alone their community or nation.

Jack: Your Readers need to watch this Tucker 5-minute video. It says it all.

Stan: I think that Tuckers’ first sentence sums up our situation: ‘The story of history is the history of invasions’.

And that story is now being told in America…


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Stan Szymanski (or Encouraging Angels) is not a medical doctor. This is not medical advice. In all matters pertaining to the health and care of a human being consult a medical doctor. This is not legal, financial or personal advice. Consult appropriate professionals in those fields for that type of advice.

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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page: http://bit.ly/BrushbeaterStore


  1. Reader February 21, 2024 at 11:13

    Thank you for posting this Patriotman.

    • Patriotman February 21, 2024 at 11:23

      I am here but to serve, good sir.

  2. C71M February 21, 2024 at 17:11

    Yes, double Thanks for posting this and viable link to Tucker’s five minute video

    Just reinforces the obvious. The invasion is the replacement population.

    Damn this is nightmarish. How powerless the taxpayer population feels.

    Apparently the politicians/2020 coup group, are depleting the remaining funds as much as possible before USA collapses into apocalypse.

    Helicopters on roofs for swamp when the lights go out.

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