Spotting counterintelligence threats in your group

A provocateur is someone who is in place to entice people in a group to take certain actions that would be detrimental to their cause, or otherwise beneficial to and outside and competing cause. In this case, the provocateurs were aiming for criminal actions. A probe is in place more as a means of collecting information and passing it to an outside handler. Also called a mole, these people can work their way into the higher levels of a large group and gain access to deeper information.

By |2020-01-09T06:00:21-05:00January 9, 2020|Grey Man, Intelligence|14 Comments

Building your ACE/Fusion Center

In order to coordinate and analyze the information coming in, you'll do yourself a favor to set up what is called an all-source collection element (ACE). You could also refer to it as your "fusion" center, seeing as you should be able to fuse together and analyze all of the intelligence you collect and compile it into useful products to drive your activities.

By |2019-11-26T06:00:59-05:00November 26, 2019|Grey Man, Intelligence|5 Comments

T.E. Lawrence, a master of guerrilla warfare.

Having read several substantial texts on Lawrence, one takes notice of a favorite tactic, that is the destruction of railroads used by the Ottomans to move troops from one stronghold to another. On at least several occasions, Lawrence himself used explosives to destroy rails and trains, allowing only a small band of Bedouin Arabs to outmatch larger numbers of soldiers who were simply trying to escape the destruction. This caused the Ottomans to commit larger amounts of resources to defending areas that otherwise had little strategic value. When the Ottomans moved soldiers to a location, Lawrence and his wild band of fighters would simply leave and attack the next vulnerable target.

By |2019-10-01T06:00:53-04:00October 1, 2019|Grey Man, History, Philosophy|7 Comments
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